Wife tells mistress "your ss# & personal info "

Well gosh... and I was complaining about my life the other day.

Just goes to show... however bad you have it, someone will always have it worse
That is the oldest line in the book. I am unhappy and I am going to divorce my wife when the time is right. If he was so unhappy then why didn't he get the divorce. I can't believe there are women out there falling for this line. Makes me cringe....
OMG... I was ready to post a dancing padlock for a minute there! The thing is, I'm sure there ARE sideho3s on LHCF but they dare not speak the truth. And what's more, they probably jump in threads like this to :bat: the other woman... the whole time thinking that their situation with Keyshawn is just so much deeper than anyone could ever know :rolleyes: and his wife is an evil b1tch from the depths of Hades :blah: but he's trapped because he doesn't want to hurt his kids... :lachen:

because thanks wasn't enough. :clapping:
...My personal comment

Now I just do not understand why a woman who plays the role of a mistress feels hurt when the man does her wrong.

A mistress.. Is just that! A chick on the side and I honestly feel she/he needs to know their role. If the man is not committing to the person he calls his wife and married what in he** makes u think he'll do it to you...
Exactly. Whatever makes people expect honesty from a dishonest person is beyond me. BTW, I don't think some folks got down far enough to realize that you are not talking about your life. :look:
moral of the story: Leave other women's husbands alone, so no one's "hurt" has to turn into "pain." :lachen:

Seriously, this isn't a good look for women. One man has turned two women upside down. What's WRONG with this picture??
I am good at looking at the point of view of the other women and somewhere along the line:

- Their desire for companionship outweighed their desire for a monogamous man (take what I can get syndrome)
- Their desire for love was fulfilled by a man that gave them sexual intimacy and kind words (where they translated sexually intimacy and kind words as love)
- They foolishly hate the wife because she has something they want...a husband and their current boyfriend
- They believe that sex is love and love does a marriage make....NO
- They believe the man because....what else do they have to believe in?
- They equate pain to love and love to pain
- They believe that the way to get a man/husband is to make him happy (when that's only a percentage of the equation
- They do not consider vows, that's irrelevant obviously from the beginning
- They do not consider that this man choose to marry his wife and because of that she has more strings to him then the other women doesn't even know about
- They do not consider that the distrust his wife has for him will "suddenly" transfer to her if she actually gets him to leave
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I can't believe this is serious. I just can't....I'm going to just laugh because I just KNOW this aint for real :lol:

It's true and I've read story upon story at another forum (specifically for The Other Woman) exactly like it time and time again!

But I have to say that this letter from a Betrayed Spouse had me :rofl::rofl::rofl::

You freaking cowardly ho-humping seeker of gratification!
Oh, and you're stupid too. A stupid person writes their OW a love email entitled "Why You Are Different From (name deleted)", sends it, and then prints it and leaves the printed copy on the desk in our home office. RIGHT ON THE FRICKEN DESK!
Of course I'm different from your Twatbiscuit...I have standards! I don't **** married men that I'm not married to!
Of course I'm a "control freak." Anyone who knows you knows you need someone to kick you in the *** ALL THE TIME. You have no motivation! Who else says "I'll probably think about maybe doing it Tuesday?" Seriously???
Wait, I forgot. You are highly motivated when it comes to planning your next drink or your next trip down Viagra Lane with Wonder Hips.
Do you really think I give a sh!t that you are in lurve with her because you two "can have a good time without doing anything special?" We used to do that too, remember? It was called our "Lazy Saturdays” and “Family Sundays.” You bastard.
Do you really think I give a sh!t that she's special to you because you two have "better conversations" than you and I did? Hooray for you, Spike. That's because you're conversing with someone with the same low IQ who doesn't challenge your intellect, stupid ***!
Where you need to shut the **** up is when you tell her she's a better mother than I am.
When I married your sorry ***, I took your daughters as my own. I gave them a protective big brother. I helped raise them. I showed them a picture into their future of what a smart, confident woman could be. I fed them. I bathed them. I clothed them. I let them cry in my arms. I protected them. I wiped up snot and sh!t and puke. Sometimes all on the same day.
I did their hair for them, made their Halloween costumes every year and attended all of their events throughout their lives. Sure, I was a ***** when I would not allow them to wear a dress that looked like nothing more than a slip to the Homecoming Dance, or because I wouldn't let boys call after 10 p.m. That's what a good mother does! She drives the bus!
I helped pay for cheerleading camp, tennis lessons, swim team fees, braces, car insurance and put them through college without them owing a dime on student loans.
How f*cking dare you even try to compare me to someone who brings her 10 year old son to the hotel where she's meeting you so he can swim while you two **** each other's brains out. Or someone who puts this same child’s picture on her MySpace page with him wearing a "Hooter's" t-shirt? A good mother does not allow her teenaged daughter to be the peacemaker when you two adulterers fight.
You certainly cannot tell what a good parent looks like by looking in the mirror, but don’t you f*cking ever – DON’T YOU F*CKING EVER – tell that stupid, low life, ridden-hard-and-put-away-wet (I used this term to describe one of CoCo's pics on here - I'm sorry now) whore that she’s a better mother than I am.
At least I can look our children in the face with dignity. You will never be able to do that ever again.
Name Deleted
Not cool ...I didnt breathe reading this until I got to the end..:lachen:
Im like does she Not know where she posted this at

I was ready to call you all sorts of whores:look:
It's true and I've read story upon story at another forum (specifically for The Other Woman) exactly like it time and time again!

But I have to say that this letter from a Betrayed Spouse had me :rofl::rofl::rofl::

You freaking cowardly ho-humping seeker of gratification!
Oh, and you're stupid too. A stupid person writes their OW a love email entitled "Why You Are Different From (name deleted)", sends it, and then prints it and leaves the printed copy on the desk in our home office. RIGHT ON THE FRICKEN DESK!
Of course I'm different from your Twatbiscuit...I have standards! I don't **** married men that I'm not married to!
Of course I'm a "control freak." Anyone who knows you knows you need someone to kick you in the *** ALL THE TIME. You have no motivation! Who else says "I'll probably think about maybe doing it Tuesday?" Seriously???
Wait, I forgot. You are highly motivated when it comes to planning your next drink or your next trip down Viagra Lane with Wonder Hips.
Do you really think I give a sh!t that you are in lurve with her because you two "can have a good time without doing anything special?" We used to do that too, remember? It was called our "Lazy Saturdays” and “Family Sundays.” You bastard.
Do you really think I give a sh!t that she's special to you because you two have "better conversations" than you and I did? Hooray for you, Spike. That's because you're conversing with someone with the same low IQ who doesn't challenge your intellect, stupid ***!
Where you need to shut the **** up is when you tell her she's a better mother than I am.
When I married your sorry ***, I took your daughters as my own. I gave them a protective big brother. I helped raise them. I showed them a picture into their future of what a smart, confident woman could be. I fed them. I bathed them. I clothed them. I let them cry in my arms. I protected them. I wiped up snot and sh!t and puke. Sometimes all on the same day.
I did their hair for them, made their Halloween costumes every year and attended all of their events throughout their lives. Sure, I was a ***** when I would not allow them to wear a dress that looked like nothing more than a slip to the Homecoming Dance, or because I wouldn't let boys call after 10 p.m. That's what a good mother does! She drives the bus!
I helped pay for cheerleading camp, tennis lessons, swim team fees, braces, car insurance and put them through college without them owing a dime on student loans.
How f*cking dare you even try to compare me to someone who brings her 10 year old son to the hotel where she's meeting you so he can swim while you two **** each other's brains out. Or someone who puts this same child’s picture on her MySpace page with him wearing a "Hooter's" t-shirt? A good mother does not allow her teenaged daughter to be the peacemaker when you two adulterers fight.
You certainly cannot tell what a good parent looks like by looking in the mirror, but don’t you f*cking ever – DON’T YOU F*CKING EVER – tell that stupid, low life, ridden-hard-and-put-away-wet (I used this term to describe one of CoCo's pics on here - I'm sorry now) whore that she’s a better mother than I am.
At least I can look our children in the face with dignity. You will never be able to do that ever again.
Name Deleted
:scratchch:dighole::bricks: :boxing: :catfight: :buttkick: :hide: :killlurk: :giggle:
plzgrow, I thought you were talking about yourself for a second there. But that story is just straight up crazy and sad. :nono:
OP could you PLEASE edit your thread and at the top say THIS IS A STORY I AM POSTING IT IS NOT ME.

As for the story....see my response in my siggy.

Do I dare ask what is a "twatbiscuit"? :nono: