IR Couple (BW/ WM) videos on Youtube


New Member
During the course of watching my make up vids on youtube recently, I came across the phenomenom of IR vids on youtube. So anyway after some investigation I notice that all the vids I have seen to date are of US couples (I am yet to see say a European IR couple on youtube so please correct me if I am wrong).

I was also horrified to see the pure hate that these couples are subjected to. Anyway it got me to thinking and I came up with these questions/ points of discussion;

1. Why is being in an IR such a hot potato in the US? I am not saying it is chocolate in Europe, however it seems to me that its a HUGE deal in the US. I am talking about Black woman/ White man relationships btw.
2. Why do there appear to be so many dissaprovers?
3. Why are these women putting vids of themselves and their family on youtube on such a public forum. I only ask becuase I personally would be hesitant for reasons of privacy and also for career reasons. Most importantly I would hate to put my children in any danger?

Any thoughts you have on this ladies would be great....
I noticed this too. I think we still has a race problem and IR continues to be exotic or taboo over here. Whereas it's not that big of a deal overseas. ,mainly Europe, Canada and South America. They just do it. Besides the fact that Youtube is an American company or at least that's how it started it has a high number of American usuers. Americans are prolly big users of the internet moreso than other countries like we are with tv watching.

My initial impression with the BW/WM videos is that there is/was a huge anti-BW sentiment from BM on YT. I think Black women and WM in IR decided to debunk the accusation that no man of other races are attracted to or will date or marry BW. I think it's nice to see but it does border on obsession for me personally, I'm one to believe you should just do it and enjoy life. I have also seen AW/WM where AW will give you all the reasons they prefer WM over AM. One of the complaints that AM have against AW/WM is that when AW get with WM they talk bad about AM. Sounds familiar? And they tend to be American as well.
I don't really understand why they would put themselves out there for display. Just be. If you are in a ir relationship just live your life. YOu don't need to make yt video like your relationship is only for show. I think it is weird. I have no idea why people have such a problem with this,people are people. I don't know were these people are from but it is not such a big deal around my way. You do get glances that is about it.