When will the "hate" of youtube hair gurus stop? SMH

As long as you have knuckle dragging self haters with nothing constructive to do you will have internet bullying. It's never justified but always there anyway. And most YTbers catch it, not just the gurus.
I have seen A LOT of comments on her videos before of ppl calling her a man and they were dead serious too. I know that just has to be down right hurtful.


What is the point of "Google Alert"?? I mean you are basically giving the person a gun to shoot you, You are playing Russian Roulette with your feelings:nono:. Is Google Alert for more then just finding out when someone searches your name? If not then she is a fool for that one.

I also think it is pointless to disable the comments, ppl can still message her and ppl will still talk about her on other websites..just like we are doing now(but not in a negative way!!). I really do feel bad for her, but there is always going to be that one Negative Nancy who keeps nipping at you BUT you just have to ignore her and move on, you cant stop enjoying life just because someone has an opinion about you.
I don't care for her but I just unsubscribed and K.I.M. Others need to do the same if they don't like her.
OT: I've seen hate occur right within lhcf....ppl can be just flat out mean whether it's here, yt or anywhere else. Majority of us will say that we don't care but like it was previously mentioned, we all have feelings and at some point that mess starts to eat away at you and can either get you down, make you mad or just flat out frustrate you. Ppl in general need to learn how to treat others. Just because they are miserable doesn't mean they should spread that misery to others through mean words and hateful ways. Get a life.

Yep, this site can be one of the worst. We've had many a "hater" video posted about comments made by LHCF members (many having been here a few weeks and suddenly needing to cuss out and school others on the LHCF "way"... like there's any such thing.:rolleyes:

The thing that pisses me off is that the people who take great exception to certain gurus or videos have the option to click the red X on the top-right hand of the screen and stop their misery, instead of spoiling it for the rest of us who appreciate the efforts and mettle of people who decide to take time out of their day to teach us something.
I love Leobody! She's got gorgeous hair and she seems like a cool girl. Shame things got so bad she decided to disable her comments.
Also, whats the fun of making YouTube video's if you can't get any feedback at all? :ohwell:

It really doesn't sound like fun. :( I hope the next step isn't her deleting or ceasing to do videos.

ok - I lied - one more thing..
I know I am shy, thin skinned, and critical of myself. I've had folks ask me to do video tutorials on my buns/updos and I know I can't do it. I worry too much about what others think of me. I shouldn't feel this way but I do. You'll never see me do a video because of this.

Yeah, there's a few things I wanted to make videos of after helping a lot of people, but there's no way. I know they're just words and mostly trolling, it doesn't mean I'll feel that way.
ok - I lied - one more thing..
I know I am shy, thin skinned, and critical of myself. I've had folks ask me to do video tutorials on my buns/updos and I know I can't do it. I worry too much about what others think of me. I shouldn't feel this way but I do. You'll never see me do a video because of this.

You and me both.....:yep:
I think this all boils down to some people clearly not liking the fact that black women can and do have natural long hair and she is a black woman putting that message out there to other black women. Nothing but pure jealously!
I've never seen this youtuber before or heard of her channel until today and at first glance, yeah, she did look a little manly. Then I heard her voice and became even more skeptical. But I will say this... Yes, she has very hard and very dark features, yeah, she does have a deep voice for a woman, yeah... I can definitely understand all the controversy b/c of those things...

i dont know her and clicking on op's link was my first time seeing a video from this youtuber but to be honest the second i heard her voice i was like :scratchch ...um...alrighty then...but her hair is definitely stunning.

What? When I first saw her I never thought she was a man. What man is that delicate-boned? She has a beautiful, feminine shape. If you heard her on the telephone, she simply sounds like a deeper-voiced woman. I don't get the confusion. She carries herself VERY feminine. I think people are just reaching and stretching to call her a man just to be mean. That's pure hateration.

What is the point of "Google Alert"?? I mean you are basically giving the person a gun to shoot you, You are playing Russian Roulette with your feelings:nono:. Is Google Alert for more then just finding out when someone searches your name? If not then she is a fool for that one.

I think Google Alert is more of a good marketing tool and it helps to see trends of where and how something is being talked about. A good businessperson would be smart to utilize it, and she may have been thinking towards those lines. Showing where her name is mentioned helps her find new blogs, maybe even partners, and also which videos or information people like the most. I doubt she expected to just hear bad gossip from people.
I like Leobody and watch her videos on occasion. I don't like how she feeds into the "hate" though. I would address it once and then ignore it. She addresses it every so often in her vids, which I think is just feeding the monster.
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I consider myself fashionable and have a unique style, but she is on whole another level. She is like a movie character. :lol:

And her vintage hate video...the 3rd hat, the pill box one with the long veil, just-->:drool: and the last one--big fuchsia sunhat-->:drool:

I just can't understand why people always let negativity out weight the positive. I have heard so many good things said about LeobodyC5 all over the net. Why is she letting the jacka$$es win? Why do they get to be in control and alter the way she runs things?

And the whole, Google alerts everytime her name is mentioned...again, why?
Why does she need to know who is talking about her at every hour? Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Some of these "gurus" really need to get out of the kitchen if they can't take the heat. You can't control people over the internet. I wish I could stop people from posting racist comments under just about every youtube video involving black people. But I can't. so I just K.I.M.

all of this!
I really like Leobody. REALLY. She's not snotty, arrogant, rude or negative. One of the things that attracted me to her channel (AND KEPT ME THERE) wasn't the hair but the persona. She's a beautiful soul. :yep:

Normally I'm kinda reluctant to label people haters but come on. Yes it's YT and yes you're putting your vids out there but do people have to be so nasty? Just what I've experienced on this very board makes me very reluctant to make vids. People just keep getting more and more ridiculous. No filter. No respect. :nono:
I like Leobody and watch her videos on occasion. I don't like how she feeds into the "hate" though. I would address it once and then ignore it. She addresses it every so often in her vids, which I think is just feeding the monster.

Yep I agree. She's been feeding trolls for a hot minute and she needs to stop. If I were a troll I'd be cracking up and saying "gotcha"
Some people have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives. She needs to be careful or delete her channel, some people will take it to another level and try to find out her personal info and (God forbid) harass her IRL.

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I saw Leobody's video last night as well :nono: I love her philantropy work and of course watching her hair videos, so it's sad to hear that all the negativity forced her to disable comments and rating on her videos. Unfortunately YT has become an outlet for many cowardice people to spew their hate, jealousy and disdain for others.

If I truly wanted to show my videos, I'd start my own website/ blog where I could place videos online without having to worry about negative comments or rating systems to piss me off. Now if she's getting money for placing vids on YT, then it pays to be thick skinned and ignore the negativity...interating with subscribers and enabling rating would be beneficial in that circumstance.
I like her but I don't understand why she is getting so worked up. I get plenty of negative comments. I just block the person and that is the end of that. When they are blocked they can't send you a message or post comments. Sometimes if they are really nasty I send them a little message and then block them. :lol: There are like 30 people on my block list.
If you can't stand the internet kitchen, then kindly exit stage left.

People talk about EVERYTHING & EVERYONE!!!!!

Putting yourself out to the masses comes with the territory of having critics, fans, stans and haters. Be it doing tv, radio, or blogging.
Leobody isn't walking around in her granny panties or crying over Kimmaytube's beef. I don't think she's talking about how her momma got that good hair either. I think Bonnetgirl is entertaining but she's 2 fries short of a happy meal.

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Excuses, excuses....
It's disheartening that some posts are basically defending grown people acting like fools. Everything a person thinks doesn't have to be said. And if you're so bothered by her vids, unsubscribe. Whether they make .01 or 1,000 per video doesn't give anyone the right to be disrespectful....period.

The ones who need to develop thicker skin are the cowards who throw insults and attacks. The things you hate about others are the things you actually hate about yourself.

If these critcizers, haters, attackers, etc. were secure in themselves and the life they have, they could appreciate another youtuber and what they bring to the table. You don't need nor have the time to cut someone else down if you are handling your own business.
after all the talk about beautiful hair I went to find Leobody on youtube and I saw that it was a balding white man and I was like "ummm why are these people up in arms about this person getting called a man b/c he clearly is a man" Then I realized that ya'll were talking about leobodyc5 lol. Carry on
I would just get off of youtube rather than deal with all this drama and putting all this energy into trying to stop people from being evil. People can worry themselves to death thinking about what this and that person is saying about them on this hairboard and that hairboard. I am sure she has dealt with this type of jealousy and hatred all of her life. At what point do you just let folks keep bumping their gums and it not phase you? Maybe some people never reach that point but I would just laugh at all these idiots following behind me talking trash cause I am going to continue to do me.
Also, whats the fun of making YouTube video's if you can't get any feedback at all? :ohwell:

questioning her gender and racial makeup doesn't count as feedback. i'm starting to think maybe that was outweighing other comments people made. she has a hair and health channel, so the feedback should be on the things she discusses and her personality. ♥
I like her but I don't understand why she is getting so worked up. I get plenty of negative comments. I just block the person and that is the end of that. When they are blocked they can't send you a message or post comments. Sometimes if they are really nasty I send them a little message and then block them. :lol: There are like 30 people on my block list.

A girl after my own heart!!!!
Who has time to make negative comments and harass people? People with no lives. And what ticks me off is its always people hiding behind the computer that wanna pop fly. They wouldn't be talkin that mess in real life.

I'm subscribed to soo many people on youtube cause I appreciate what they do but if I'm not interested in a topic then I don't watch it. Its that simple.

I'm sorry that Leobody and others are going through this sort of targeting from jealous folks but I would just block'em and keep doin my thang.
If these critcizers, haters, attackers, etc. were secure in themselves and the life they have, they could appreciate another youtuber and what they bring to the table. You don't need nor have the time to cut someone else down if you are handling your own business.

:clap: :clap: :clap: YES INDEED!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
I still am not sure how people think that is a man.

I don't get it either. Maybe not all of her "haters" are jealous, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were. Not only is she classy, pretty, fit, and long/thick/healthy-haired, but ummm... The house is nice. She just seems to live a nice life.
I really like Leobody. REALLY. She's not snotty, arrogant, rude or negative. One of the things that attracted me to her channel (AND KEPT ME THERE) wasn't the hair but the persona. She's a beautiful soul. :yep:

Normally I'm kinda reluctant to label people haters but come on. Yes it's YT and yes you're putting your vids out there but do people have to be so nasty?

Yep, I totally agree.
She is one of the realest people on youtube. I swear some people are so hateful I have to wonder what is the purpose seriously. If they don't like the youtuber and their channel don't watch its really that simple. They say for every one person who likes you there are aobut 10 who don't. She looked so sad in that vid.
My thing is this...Famous people usually choose that life to live so they have to deal with the hardships that come with it. So even if you're only youtube famous you need to be prepared to deal with the good and bad. Not trying to excuse anyone's bad behavior or rude and hurtful comments but lets get real. Not everyone in the world is nice and friendly people. And thats just reality.