Spinny: Why is IR dating so common on LHCF??

The ultimate irony is that the men in these IRRs probably rarely think of it as an upgrade. :look:

I remember once upon a time in some thread on LHCF it was implied that the BM who are with BW don't really want them :look: That they secretly think being with a WW is an upgrade.

So a similar assumption can be made for BW/BM relationships :giggle:

Of course...I don't agree with either of these assumptions.
For someone who posted earlier about having a choice and shutting up about it, WHY are you still commenting?:ohwell: bye

See there's this thing that happended and it cost me $6.50.

But I guess reality is a byotch...huh!!

Because its a sad reality that people tend to overlook.
So the bolded isn't an example of dogging black men? :perplexed

Not really

You seem to take people's personal experiences to heart. If it didnt work for them, fine. It worked for you, Congrats. Not sure why most of you are bothered.

They're not telling you NOT to date black men, they're giiving reasons for why they went the only side,m MANY have even stated if they would find a black man with all the qualities they want, they would jump on him in a heart beat but some figured instead of waiting they'll go elsewhere, so what's the problem again?
I haven't read all four pages of this thread so if I'm being redundant, ignore me. lol.

Is IR dating REALLY that common on this site? I don't think it is. I just think people tend to 'notice' the people dating IR more than they notice the people who aren't dating IR. But I think, in general, most of the women here are with or prefer black men. (That poll in the other thread shows that).

And in regards to the reasons women on this forum seem to date IR, well, I agree with some of the points already mentioned. However, in my case, it was just, well, random. All my previous bf's have been black. But I'm attracted to any race (except Asian:look:) so if a guy is attractive to me and he's attracted to me then that's that. Lol. IDGAF what race he is.
In terms of the bolded, if that makes you feel better then okay. :lol: I'm not the type to believe that there are only a handful of good black men, or that black men only want us for the wrong reasons. I also don't believe it takes rocket science to make it work with a good black man. I always swear I must have been raised in an alternate universe because I have NEVER come to that conclusion! Do I know trifling black men? Yes. But I also know trifling white men, asian men, hispanic men, etc. I do think it's a cop out for a black woman to say that she dates out of her race because the quality of our black men are so poor. :nono: Makes me wonder where people are looking or living...

Ummm people have flat out said that they have given up on black men, in this thread and others. We are not making this up. :nono: A preference is one thing and I can respect a preference. But I can't respect a black woman dogging black men and saying that dating out of our race gives her better chances of finding a good man or a marriage minded/family man, etc. This is what people are saying.

So the bolded isn't an example of dogging black men? :perplexed

Do you really think so? You think outgrowing someone (or something) is an insult? Please explain how. I outgrew Santa Claus. I outgrew the Baby Sitters Club books. I outgrew believing in religion/a supernatural power. I outgrew a lot of friends too. How does that dog any of those things? You'd have been better off bolding where I said "ya trifling." Because taking issue with this particular thing tips ya hand and shows ya cards imo.
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Just read this thread. The irony is I tend to see conservative white males go after black women over liberals. It's odd as hell. The liberals claim to be down with the "swirl" but in realty they dont..kinda like John Mayer

Of course Im going by stuff Ive personally noticed

This has definitely been true in my world.. especially in Christian circles. Most of white men I know who have married black women are conservatives and/or Christians. Most of the white men who have seriously attempted to court me (as opposed to casual interest) have been similar..
^That's why I always roll my eyes when I see liberals ones talking about lets all together, all about the swirl, blah bloody blah, yet they NEVER go out their comfort zone cept for many Asian women.
John Mayer's lil' rant wasnt a surprise to me whatsoever. Bet Timberlake is the same. While Im not one of those desperate for such men to take notice of black women, it's like just sharrap already.ant no one give a damn about your views, just sing and move on.

the conservative ones always go hard but after a while I cant stand it, the political arguments and ish, it's lke why the hell am I with you again? nah, cant deal.
Not really

You seem to take people's personal experiences to heart. If it didnt work for them, fine. It worked for you, Congrats. Not sure why most of you are bothered.

They're not telling you NOT to date black men, they're giiving reasons for why they went the only side,m MANY have even stated if they would find a black man with all the qualities they want, they would jump on him in a heart beat but some figured instead of waiting they'll go elsewhere, so what's the problem again?

I don't think many are saying that. There may be a few that feel that way, but the majority appear to be bashing black men. That's my issue.
Do you really think so? You think outgrowing someone (or something) is an insult? Please explain how. I outgrew Santa Claus. I outgrew the Baby Sitters Club books. I outgrew believing in religion/a supernatural power. I outgrew a lot of friends too. How does that dog any of those things? You'd have been better off bolding where I said "ya trifling." Because taking issue with this particular thing tips ya hand and shows ya cards imo.

If you say so. #shrugs. It doesn't make sense to me. How you can outgrow a whole race of men. :perplexed A certain type of men? Sure. A certain class of men? Okay. But the whole race. Nope. That's just my opinion.
I don't think many are saying that. There may be a few that feel that way, but the majority appear to be bashing black men. That's my issue.

:yep: which is exactly the same complaint of BW that BM do when they justify dating out; which is my issue.

Someone said upthread that they date whom they are attracted to which I am 100% with BUT to bash others of your own race :nono:
If you say so. #shrugs. It doesn't make sense to me. How you can outgrow a whole race of men. :perplexed A certain type of men? Sure. A certain class of men? Okay. But the whole race. Nope. That's just my opinion.

For one thing, are you conveniently overlooking the fact that I've said, multiple times, in this thread and outside it, that I would (and in fact do) still date black men? Or are you just choosing not to believe it?

For another, honey if I can outgrow Jesus I can outgrow black men.
:yep: which is exactly the same complaint of BW that BM do when they justify dating out; which is my issue.

Someone said upthread that they date whom they are attracted to which I am 100% with BUT to bash others of your own race :nono:

:yep: The double standards are comical. It's not acceptable from either side. I have side eyed many a black man who have made the same argument. :nono: If you want to date out of your race then do you. But don't sit here and bash black people and make that your reasoning for making that decision.
For one thing, are you conveniently overlooking the fact that I've said, multiple times, in this thread and outside it, that I would (and in fact do) still date black men? Or are you just choosing not to believe it?

For another, honey if I can outgrow Jesus I can outgrow black men.

I may have overlooked it. But to clarify I wasn't just "picking" on you.
For one thing, are you conveniently overlooking the fact that I've said, multiple times, in this thread and outside it, that I would (and in fact do) still date black men?

I saw it. You repeated it many times.

Alot of projecting in this thread to be honest.
I saw it. You repeated it many times.

Alot of projecting in this thread to be honest.

Thank you. I don't think it's a secret that for me personally, I'm not interested in the thought of marriage right now. In my life dating means going out a couple times, seeing if you have fun, maybe you want to see each other again, maybe not. A man doesn't have to be a specific race for that. If you respect me and come at me correctly, we can do that. (That does NOT include yelling at me on the street.)

But I think it's would be, for me, a flat out lie to act like when I AM ready to think about marriage, I'm going to target my search at black men. In a proper relationship, being with a black man is absolutely no different from being with any other man. But I'm not going to pretend like I believe finding a black man who a.) meets my qualifications b.) wants to get married in the same timeline that I do and c.) is compatible and right for me and we are in love is going to be a cakewalk. I do believe that too many obstacles stand in the way of that for it to be a viable option FOR ME. I believe it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. I think the odds are long, I think it's too much work, and I think it's more difficult than the search for a husband has to be. Period. If I happened to find that needle - excellent. But in the meantime, I will explore other options available to me. It really is that simple, and I don't see how it's any different from the other single (but older) bw on this forum who are still saying that's what they want from a black man, only they aren't pursuing the idea of marrying a non-black man. It is literally the exact same thing only they choose to wait and I don't.

While I think it's distasteful to paint what in my mind is something relatively simple into something nefarious and hurtful, I understand the motivation. I won't lie and pretend like I think everything is hunky dory in the black community, I'm sorry, I just won't. And I understand that if someone is saying "well, it's something I outgrew" and you feel it is not something you "outgrew" the reaction is to to be defensive. I understand it's easier to say "well you hate black men, black men don't want you, you think black men are scum." That doesn't make it true. I have been, I think, consistent in this view through the entire thread and I do think it has been purposefully misconstrued by some.
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What some of you seem to be missing is the simple fact that there's something to be said for being turned off by something. Me personally, I have never been dogged by ANY man, ba-lee dat... But the way black men behave in general and their attitudes toward women, it turns me off. It turns me off so much that I'm eccch yuck on the whole lot of them. And it isn't just black men - I'm this close to being turned off by Hispanic men as well to the point where I wouldn't consider dating them as something I'm seriously interested in either.

It's like this: say I like a special type of fish. But every time I go to buy this fish, it's rotten. Or on the off chance I do manage to find some fresh fish, when I try to cook it it turns out poorly. It has to be cooked just right or it tastes like crap. This is way too finicky a meal to prepare and is it really worth it in the end? Do I keep chasing the idea of making this same meal to my satisfaction or do I say, omg, I'm sick of this damn fish, I'll have pizza instead. Maybe some would keep attempting to get it right, but I'm gonna go for pizza. Maybe one day I'll try my hand again at this delicate meal. But in general it's too much work, and I can't be bothered.

So, I'm a little lost on the concept of black men being poor partners translating into "black men don't want you." Every day I step out of my house several black men "want me." It's what they want me for or what they want to do with me (mutually exclusive concepts) that's the problem. Like I told ol' girl in that "I'm a jumpoff because guys with girlfriends keep approaching me" thread - I refuse to take responsibility for YOU being trifling. You're trifling all on your own and I did nothing to cause or encourage that. This whole "you date interracially bc black men don't want you" is so laughable to me. I'm willing to bet half the black men that the women on this forum are with - hell, let's go ahead and call it 2/3rds - I wouldn't look at twice :lol: and yeah, I said it :lol:

You would look three times at the new guy I am dating, Boo!!!:rolleyes: lol
I don't think many are saying that. There may be a few that feel that way, but the majority appear to be bashing black men. That's my issue.

But what does it really matter? Those who are sharing their experiences about not wanting black men aren't hurting anyone. They aren't checking for a whole race, their own race, of men and i bet the ones (black men) who are worth a damn ain't checking for them either. And really, all that air puffing about preferences for nbm is whatever because most of the posters posting about it are still single (not married) anyway by their own admission. Guess that nbm preference is working, eh? So....yeah. Whatever.
But what does it really matter? Those who are sharing their experiences about not wanting black men aren't hurting anyone. They aren't checking for a whole race, their own race, of men and i bet the ones (black men) who are worth a damn ain't checking for them either. And really, all that air puffing about preferences for nbm is whatever because most of the posters posting about it are still single (not married) anyway by their own admission. Guess that nbm preference is working, eh? So....yeah. Whatever.

:lachen: Truth. But I mean, really none of the stuff we talk/debate about on LHCF matters. :lol: It's just something we do. But I do see your point. I just always have to speak up when I don't agree with something.
You would look three times at the new guy I am dating, Boo!!!:rolleyes: lol


As for the reason for the prevalence of IR dating on this site, I just think it boils down to attraction and what you want out of life, I guess. Because whenever there's a thread about men posted, some of the WM and AM that people swoon and :lick: over, I'm looking like "really? :look:" Like, it would never even occur to me to ever be attracted to them and I don't mean it in a shady way. So when you can find attraction in a wider variety of random people, I guess that helps. I think when some people suggest that people who prefer not to date interracially aren't openminded because we don't think we can, they may be missing the point that we don't really want to.

Also, for me it's not just a looks thing. As for my point about "what you want out of life," I don't really know how to articulate my thoughts on this but I'll make a parallel to the thread about the woman who was single and childless (I think it was called "The Truth About Single Women" or something). Posters were saying that she could have had a child if she had pursued more alternative options like in vitro and adoption. Well, for her, children probably come as a package and it wouldn't have occurred to her to do all that because it's not the same package. For me, when I picture married life, I picture a BM that I can relate to. Someone that I can have meaningful conversations with (not to say that meaningful convos can't be had with anyone, but follow me camera :look:), and who understands my background and certain things. Someone who is strong (again, not to say that other men aren't strong, but in the way that I mean). I won't say that I couldn't ever have that with a nonblack man, BUT there's a certain package that I want for myself and unless there was something spectacular about a WM or my feelings for him then that type of marriage would be settling for me and I don't see that as a sad thing. But for some people, marriage is the end game, so I can understand but I can't relate to why they would go for someone outside of their personal ideal (and I understand that everyone who dates IR is not going outside of the ideal; for some people that is the ideal, or their ideal doesn't involve race). For me, I would be sadder with someone that I looked at everyday and had to explain things to or that didn't give me what I wanted. When I've gone on dates with WM--and I don't want to generalize, this is just my experience, but it's always my experience; and I grew up as the only black kid in the class for years, so it's not like I've only been around 2 white guys--they're either trying to talk about things that they think I'm interested in (one guy was like "I like hip hop, but I don't like rap." what? What the hell you talkin about?) or just random stuff that he's interested in like Seinfeld type discussions about altitude or the first moon landing or some randomness like that. No, I'm not doing that. I can't and I won't.:look:

And I like to be pursued, so I haven't completely cut off WM just because they're white, when and if pursued I may give them some play, but they basically have to be on point--and that's never really happened.:drunk: I, of course, have no problem with other people dating IR--because it's not my problem to have, but when I see women on this forum or IRL who are the main ones trying to enlighten people to the wonders of IR dating get dogged or played by a nonblack man--or to not be so dramatic--put up with behavior from a nonblack man that they wouldn't from a black man,
all while acting like they've found the golden ticket then I'm just like :look: :look:

To bring it back to the original question, though, my answer to why there are so many IR relationships here is that most of the women don't feel the same way I do, and that's cool.
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I don't see what the problem is... if a person dates interracially and finds they like the experience, what's the problem? Dating experiences will differ based on a number of different things. Race/ ethnicity/culture won't define your experience, but they will certainly contribute. If you deny this, I think you need more exposure. Certain cultures expect, demand, encourage certain behaviors and others don't. While I don't think anyone culture is "better" than the other, I don't think a person liking, appreciating, or feeling more comfortable in one over the other is wrong in anyway.

Yes, men are men, but there are a lot of different things that go into making that man a man, and a lot of them have to do with how/where they grew up and what circles they travel in.

Personally, I have never dated a non black men, but I have a lot of non-black male friends, and I KNOW that dating them would be a different experience (not better, not worse, but DIFFERENT) than what I'm used to. It would different than what I am personally looking for, so I generally don't date out. That's not me saying black dudes are better, that's just me saying that non-black dudes aren't for me right now. The next person might recognize that same difference and appreciate it, desire it, whatever. That's their prerogative.

I think its similar to a lot of the flack that some black men get when they choose to date out. Him dating a white women does not mean he hates black women or hates himself, or even that he is undesirable to black women. Maybe he just likes white chicks. Maybe he just likes blond hair? Who knows?

I think we need to stop taking some of this stuff so personally. Some of you are married to good black dudes... that's great. The fact that some people have found that they prefer to date non black men doesn't make your good black man any less great :lol:
Why is the sentiment in these threads always the same? BW "end up" with WM. Or have to give a "reason" for why they are with a WM.

These discussions always seem to neglect the BW who are not checking for BM and never have been.
I actually don't think IR dating on LHCF is all that common, at least not more common than what I see where I live, and I'm from California, IR dating pretty widespread. IMO most women here prefer BM and there's nothing wrong with it. Just like there's nothing wrong with BW who aren't into BM.:yep: Everyone has their preference. I don't get what the fuss is about.
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