When will the "hate" of youtube hair gurus stop? SMH

When you put yourself out there people will judge and criticize you. It comes with the territory.
1) I think the hate is wrong. If people don't like her, they should do something more productive with their time than use it to bring somebody else down.

2) I've never seen this youtuber before or heard of her channel until today and at first glance, yeah, she did look a little manly. Then I heard her voice and became even more skeptical. But I will say this... Yes, she has very hard and very dark features, yeah, she does have a deep voice for a woman, yeah... I can definitely understand all the controversy b/c of those things, but I think if you watch her videos, see that she's just genuinely trying to share good hair advice, and she's not tryin' to rip people off with magic potions and schemes, then you should just refer back to #1.
I really hope she doesn't do a Chiselle Couture and completely poof. Youtubers IMHO should never have to explain themselves to their subscribers it's an unnecessary opening for extra criticism. I agree that if you put yourself out there like that you should be fully prepared for any and all backlask, it's sad people go all extra with this saying she's a man and don't do this and don't do that.
Somewhere in time people stopped teaching their children that if they didn't have something nice to say then they shouldn't say anything at all!

No offense, but if people truly lived by this, the whole Entertainment Forum would collapse.
I can't even understand why people are saying she is a man AND that she is not black???? She looks like a BLACK WOMAN to me. I just don't get it.

I guess a woman can't be tall and skinny and a black person can't have long hair. Uugghh!!!!:perplexed
the big time youtube gurus make a lot of money from endorsements.. like when you see someone giving a review of some type of product, they may be getting endorsed to do that so their opinions are biased. they get promoted if they sign up for it and get accepted. i dont know what the requirement is but its like a few thousand views on every one of your videos and if your consistant about it. gurus get A LOT of hate.. its just something that comes with the job. i think addressing it is pointless.
Thanks Celiabug...., I totally agree with the bold.

the big time youtube gurus make a lot of money from endorsements.. like when you see someone giving a review of some type of product, they may be getting endorsed to do that so their opinions are biased. they get promoted if they sign up for it and get accepted. i dont know what the requirement is but its like a few thousand views on every one of your videos and if your consistant about it. gurus get A LOT of hate.. its just something that comes with the job. i think addressing it is pointless.
This is really sad, It looks like her feeling were really hurt especially towards the end of the video when she was explaining her gender and physical appearance. I like her style and how she carries herself.
Heaven forbid that you make a video or something of the sort to help someone, but there are MANY MANY MANY people out there that are a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

There are folks that make it their mission to wake up everyday and go be nasty to folks on the internet, and it goes outside of hair boards. I saw a board where they were dropping n-bombs and were soooo damn racist it was disgusting.

I've gotten more hate mail and nasty comments than I can count. But at the end of the day, I have a life outside of hair world and a lot to live for so what the hell do I care about some miserable folks that are trying to bring me down?

I really think some of them either want to be the person or sleep with them or something cause they go HARD. I've even seen it on this hair forum, folks going maddddd hard insulting people. But it is what it is.

It's not going to stop. Just like stupidity and racism and bigotry won't end. So you have to learn how to deal accordingly.
I really wish I could raid her closet. Her fashion videos are just too much for my little heart to handle. She has my dream style .:sigh:.
Theresa, I am a tomboy to the heart who could not care less about fashion, and after just randomingly clicking on one of her hat videos in her fashion video set I wanted to make a resolution to be a little more fashionable than flip flops and baseball caps. Ultimately, plain ole lazy boyish me is winning out, but she is inspiration for me to copycat to save mental energy and sport instant "unique" style!

I hope LeobodyC5 has her Google alert settings to where she sees these posts to realize how many untold people not only appreciate her but admire her - her spirit, poise, and intellect. And most of all, I pray the gift of celeb-thick skin for her! As Michael said, "Just leave me aloooone...."
i dont know her and clicking on op's link was my first time seeing a video from this youtuber but to be honest the second i heard her voice i was like :scratchch ...um...alrighty then...but her hair is definitely stunning.
OT: I've seen hate occur right within lhcf....ppl can be just flat out mean whether it's here, yt or anywhere else. Majority of us will say that we don't care but like it was previously mentioned, we all have feelings and at some point that mess starts to eat away at you and can either get you down, make you mad or just flat out frustrate you. Ppl in general need to learn how to treat others. Just because they are miserable doesn't mean they should spread that misery to others through mean words and hateful ways. Get a life.
Theresa, I am a tomboy to the heart who could not care less about fashion, and after just randomingly clicking on one of her hat videos in her fashion video set I wanted to make a resolution to be a little more fashionable than flip flops and baseball caps. Ultimately, plain ole lazy boyish me is winning out, but she is inspiration for me to copycat to save mental energy and sport instant "unique" style!

I consider myself fashionable and have a unique style, but she is on whole another level. She is like a movie character. :lol:

And her vintage hate video...the 3rd hat, the pill box one with the long veil, just-->:drool: and the last one--big fuchsia sunhat-->:drool:

I hope LeobodyC5 has her Google alert settings to where she sees these posts to realize how many untold people not only appreciate her but admire her - her spirit, poise, and intellect. And most of all, I pray the gift of celeb-thick skin for her! As Michael said, "Just leave me aloooone...."
I just can't understand why people always let negativity out weight the positive. I have heard so many good things said about LeobodyC5 all over the net. Why is she letting the jacka$$es win? Why do they get to be in control and alter the way she runs things?

And the whole, Google alerts everytime her name is mentioned...again, why?
Why does she need to know who is talking about her at every hour? Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Some of these "gurus" really need to get out of the kitchen if they can't take the heat. You can't control people over the internet. I wish I could stop people from posting racist comments under just about every youtube video involving black people. But I can't. so I just K.I.M.
Geez, she just has really strong features, awesome hair and an amazing life to boot. Leobody is fabulous, I love her vids!
I'm devastated...I just subscribed to her yesterday, only to discover that she disabled her comments today. I wrote her this long message, that I tried to send a few times yesterday, but was unsuccessful. I can understand why she would disable her comments, but apart of me wishes she would not entertain the haters so much. She shouldn't have to explain her gender and or features to anyone....I mean, seriously, things like this we have let go, if we truly want to inspire and encourage those who we seek to reach. I don't get it! She is the isssH, IMO. It just goes to show, maybe we as women really don't aim to inspire/ and encourage others as much as we should, because maybe if she would have received nearly as much or more praise than she did negativity, she may not have disabled her comments. Maybe, I don't know!
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I'm a subscriber.

Basically, it is internet bullying caused by jealousy, envy, hatred, prejudice, etc. The internet has allowed people to be able to express their true feelings without their identities being exposed.

That's just some straight up cowardly nonsense. If you are a woman or a man you should just be able to speak your mind. To hide your identity while talking smack just makes them a punk. In the real world none of them would have anything to say. I don't even know if it's their true feelings or people just getting off on being mean...thinking it's funny to try and hurt people. Hopefully the You Tubers will develop thicker skins and ignore the haters.
Leobody rulz! That being said, I can't figure out why she and people are surprised by buttholes?? Like someone said earlier, "haters gonna hate".

I've seen buttholes in action my entire life, they've been around since the dawn of man. And their parents are buttholes and their parents' parents are buttholes. If you wanna avoid interacting with buttholes, stay inside your house, but sometimes buttholes come to your house sooo.....good luck with that. LOL
Where was all this "nobody should say cruel things about people on YouTube" when people made fun of Bonnet Girl? :rolleyes:
ok - I lied - one more thing..
I know I am shy, thin skinned, and critical of myself. I've had folks ask me to do video tutorials on my buns/updos and I know I can't do it. I worry too much about what others think of me. I shouldn't feel this way but I do. You'll never see me do a video because of this.
Where was all this "nobody should say cruel things about people on YouTube" when people made fun of Bonnet Girl? :rolleyes:

Leobody isn't walking around in her granny panties or crying over Kimmaytube's beef. I don't think she's talking about how her momma got that good hair either. I think Bonnetgirl is entertaining but she's 2 fries short of a happy meal.

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