Spinny: Why is IR dating so common on LHCF??

But what does it really matter? Those who are sharing their experiences about not wanting black men aren't hurting anyone. They aren't checking for a whole race, their own race, of men and i bet the ones (black men) who are worth a damn ain't checking for them either. And really, all that air puffing about preferences for nbm is whatever because most of the posters posting about it are still single (not married) anyway by their own admission. Guess that nbm preference is working, eh? So....yeah. Whatever.

The tone @ the bolded sounds so vindictive, I don't know if you meant it that way but what's the point in you seeming to gloat about posters being single and not married? Just because some may prefer nbm over black men does not automatically mean they will find the right nbm in the blink of an eye.

I don't understand the point you were trying to make because it just seems your post was intended to hurt those who expressed views that are contradictory to wanting black men

Is being single a crime? Is it something for single women to be depressed about or never mention for fear of their words being used against them on this forum?

I'm really trying to figure out why you made that last comment, it is a though you're implying even nbm don't want these women because they're still single. WOW:perplexed
^^^yea I really didn't understand the 'theyre single and obviously want to be married yesterday so apparently no one wants them ' sentiment either :lol:
This is something I am curious about.
Why is IR dating so common on LHCF??
You read in articles that black women are the least likely to partake in it...but on here it seems fairly common...

Honest opinions, please :).

Because we are fly, educated and interesting. Men from all walks of life pursue us.

Eventually it is only natural that a worthy man would break through and some of us are open minded enough to overlook his race.

And majority of the women on this board are still unwed so yeah...what's up with that?!?!?

On another note Gin&Tonic, I like that drink and I love that first sentence. :yep:
Because we are fly, educated and interesting. Men from all walks of life pursue us.

Eventually it is only natural that a worthy man would break through and some of us are open minded enough to overlook his race.

The tone @ the bolded sounds so vindictive, I don't know if you meant it that way but what's the point in you seeming to gloat about posters being single and not married? Just because some may prefer nbm over black men does not automatically mean they will find the right nbm in the blink of an eye.

I don't understand the point you were trying to make because it just seems your post was intended to hurt those who expressed views that are contradictory to wanting black men

Is being single a crime? Is it something for single women to be depressed about or never mention for fear of their words being used against them on this forum?

I'm really trying to figure out why you made that last comment, it is a though you're implying even nbm don't want these women because they're still single. WOW:perplexed

Etherealsmile The tone was pretty flat and basic. I responded to gabulldog specifically to pull back from a thread that appears to be for validation of preferences. The "you're bashing black men" approach seemed misplaced amongst posters sharing experiences.

Vindictive? Please. Against who or what? :lol: I don't care about y'all like that. The truth of the matter is there's no point in a woman who is already with a black man going back and forth with other women about bashing black men they don't even want (and vice versa).

Anddd I don't know what nmb want because I don't care. I just know whatever tactics going on , despite the exclusion of black men, aren't working with nbm and it ain't the men. So let folks bash them since they need to get it together for the ones they claim they want as second choice. *Le shrug* that was the second reason I gave gabulldog. Hopefully I've answered your questions. Have a good day.

Eta: well damn. I spelled her name wrong :lol: it's dawg not dog. Sorry, girl.
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the conservative ones always go hard but after a while I cant stand it, the political arguments and ish, it's lke why the hell am I with you again? nah, cant deal.
This is so true the last two white dudes I dated were uber conservative. We could never work because of our different political views.