When will the "hate" of youtube hair gurus stop? SMH

I feel bad for her. She's very brave to post on youtube. That place is a haven for trolls of all kinds, haters, racists, just plain mean people. I won't be putting up a youtube just for that reason.
I like her..She has given me a lot of good hair/product advice in pm's..I understand that YouTube its open to the public..But a lot of those comments are just unnecessary,rude & just PLAIN ignorant........Millie Jackson said it all in the comeback video..Tell them Leo...lol

*I hope she over looks the fools,trolls etc...Some people think if they insult someone it makes them a bigger person..(Untrue) get some self esteem & grow up...

My Mom was big Millie Jackson fan back in the day..lol

Happy Hair Growing!
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Unfortunately there are a lot of mean-spirited hateful people out there that like to post ignorant comments for shock value (at the most basic level). If I ever made a youtube video (and I won't:nono:) I wouldn't bother giving people the option to comment, let them keep it to themselves.
i unno. not being able to make comments makes me wonder if subbing makes sense. i guess it doesn't really matter anyways.
That's crazy. I subscribed to her long before I even found LHCF and I found her to be very down-to-earth and helpful. But I guess it comes with the territory of being very popular and well-liked on youtube. There always have to be the people that just have to be ignorant.
yesterday when i saw this post was the 1st time i ever heard or saw her, but her hair is gorgeous...i think disabling comments is a bit extreme when she could just block the negative people instead of punishing all her loyal suscribers...i rarely comment on vids, but i know a lot of ppl do so thats cutting off all access...only her friends can send her messages, but now she's not accepting any friend requests, so basically the only people that can contact her are the people who are her friends on YT, and i didnt even know you could friend ppl...now i dont see her subscriber base expanding much farther than what she already has (she might even lose subscribers) because of the disconnect.
It is because faceless cowards can be bold and say horrible things to people. I love Leobody's channel and hair.
She has lovely hair, it is sad that she has to explain herself :nono:.

So much negativity on YT especially when you have long hair!

Dont think i will be making a video anytime soon!
Oh no, poor leobody.
i found out about her through you girls here at lhcf.
i like her vibe and love her hair!!!
sucks that she's getting attacked.
she seems so positive.
from what I gather, these "haters" seem like people who are making very serious threats against her over the internet. I browsed her channel and it seems like this is beyond a bunch of jealous women hating on beautiful woman with long hair/a put-together life.

if that's the case, then by all means, protect yourself first. SMH it's a shame that that's what it has to come to. but no one should feel unsafe when all they are trying to do is help people.
It comes with the territory.
I am nowhere near a YT celeb and I got my licks too.

I was just thinking how lucky I am to not be YT popular so I don't have to deal with attacks, just a lil passive aggression sometimes lol.

Sorry you're getting your "licks" too SF
Does anyone know what she does for a living?

She said she's an at home wife who used to run a full fledged personal training center back in Atlanta, GA. They now live in the Hollywood Hills and her husband works in the entertainment/media industry for a very popular network which is how she interacts with celebrities. She also assists him with his profession at times. That's what I just got from one of her vids.

ETA: She was a model in her earlier years.
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I cringe everytime I see those words "guru" "youtube celeb". I think anyone can pick up a camera and make a video and post it on youtube, depending on if people like it or not does not make you a celebrity. But, then again that's my opinion. And yes, I believe that sometimes people tend to forget that the person in front of that camera has feelings too.. I'm guessing that's what it is, because sometimes the comments get out of hand. I don't know what anyone would say about that lady you mentioned. She has such beautiful hair, even I wanna know what she does just so I can add it on to my routines. It's FREE advice. Why attack someone who is sharing their life style with you? If you don't like it, don't watch, simple.

I remember my first youtube channel as lov3sponge, everynow and again I'd get stupid hate comments but, overall ppl are overwhelmingly supportive and that's what caused me to even bother coming back. The hate is gonna be there no matter what..not everyone is gonna like you... but, if you can move past that and share your passion with ppl then it all becomes worth something.
I just watched this.. its quite sad. She even had to put pictures of her great great grandmothers (who she looks like) just to dispel the myths that she is a man..
I really love her hair!!! yeah i give kudos to those on youtube. they can be brutal just for no darn reason. some miserable person who has to find something.
What? When I first saw her I never thought she was a man. What man is that delicate-boned? She has a beautiful, feminine shape. If you heard her on the telephone, she simply sounds like a deeper-voiced woman. I don't get the confusion. She carries herself VERY feminine. I think people are just reaching and stretching to call her a man just to be mean. That's pure hateration.
:rolleyes: maybe some people ARE hater-ating on her but i certainly am not amongst them. can we please use that stupid a.z.z word when its appropriate?her hair is beautiful, there's no question. her voice is strangely deep to me. TO ME. everyone is entitled to their opinion. and where did i call her a man in my post??
I've never heard from her her until today, but the vid made me sad!!

She seemed generally hurt...you could hear it in her voice.

Wow! People can be so cruel!! She's right about what people think about women.
All women aren't short and curvy...some of us are bigger than men (lol)..but that doesn't make you any less of a woman.

I empathize with her, because I'm also tall about 5'10 and have long arms, legs, fingers, feet, and toes! Growing up it took me awhile to feel confident within myself...and I'm sure getting so much negativity can be a blow.

I wish her nothing but love and happiness!
This is my new plan for 2011.....block & delete the idiots. I am not going to respond, although I do understand why some youtubers do feel the need to make response videos just to get it off their chest.

I like her but I don't understand why she is getting so worked up. I get plenty of negative comments. I just block the person and that is the end of that. When they are blocked they can't send you a message or post comments. Sometimes if they are really nasty I send them a little message and then block them. :lol: There are like 30 people on my block list.