Inversion Challenge Jan-Dec 2014

I'll hop on board. I just got a hair cut in February, to fix the shape of my hair as it grows out. I have a chin length bob, blown out. Started inversion this week, I am on day 4. Lets see what happens at the end of the year.
This is from 1 March- 11 March. I have been super busy (I just bought a house!) So I haven't had the time to really do a length check. This is a few days over 7 days but I see a difference


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Thinking about doing this with my shampoo massager. I wonder if this works just as well. It feels so good and is soooo stimulating because it vibrates.
@Gr8ness83, that is some terrific progress. Don't get discouraged if some months you experience thickness rather than length.

I realized that Ive gained a lot of thickness over the last year more than length. I have gotten some pretty great length but I think my hair wanted to thicken up before growing out. I can appreciate that. I can't wait to see where Ill be at next year! I have my hair in crochet braids now, I will leave them in for another 4 weeks or so then Ill take them out, do a protein treatment, DC and do another PS.
I tried this last year for two months and saw no results. I'm going to give this another try. I really want to reach bsl before the end of this year. I've been stuck at apl forever and a day :ohwell: I'll start tomorrow.
I am going to start doing this on April 1st. I am going to do the first 7 days of each month. I haven't been taking care of my hair and it's really not growing all that much. My goal is the still get the six average inches by the end of December. If I get more than that, I will do a happy dance!
Day 1 completed. I will post a starting picture tomorrow. I really need to invert early in the day when I am full of energy. At the end of the day, I am tired and don't feel like inverting or posting my progress.


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Day 7 completed. Massaged with JBCO. I am so impressed with myself that I completed 7 days in a row for 2 months straight. If I keep this up, it just might become a habit. :lachen:
As promised, here are the side-by-side pictures of this month's inversion. The first picture is from last Sunday, March 22, 2015 and the second picture is from today, March 29, 2015.

I experienced some growth this month (not an inch), but my excessive shedding is under control. I'm not sure if it was massaging with JBCO all week (which also thickened up my hair) or the black seed/black tea combo I sprayed on my hair after washing and conditioning that helped to stop the shedding immediately.

I also took a picture of the shirt I am wearing to give a proper perspective of the lines.


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    Perspective from Shirt IMG_2321.jpg
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pelohello and sheanu, thanks for the encouragement. I was more concerned with stopping the massive shedding than with length this last time around. In April, I expect to see at least 1 inch, perhaps more.