Inversion Challenge Jan-Dec 2014

:lurking: Not that many members reporting on it working or not.
1) For those that have gained length or thickness is it with the use of oils or not?
2)For those whom have gained positive results how long have you been inverting (months, years)?
3) When using the oil to invert are you just adding oil daily to scalp, every other day, or washing out next day?

Asking because I'd like to challenge 7/1
I can't give the inversion method total credit for additional growth, because I take hair vitamins, exercise and eat lots of protein. I just do it because it doesn't cost anything and I need all the help I can get. My growth rate used to be below average 1/4 inch per month, but now I get almost 1/2 inch per month.
:lurking: Not that many members reporting on it working or not.
1) For those that have gained length or thickness is it with the use of oils or not?
2)For those whom have gained positive results how long have you been inverting (months, years)?
3) When using the oil to invert are you just adding oil daily to scalp, every other day, or washing out next day?

Asking because I'd like to challenge 7/1

Inversion has worked successfully for me with and without oils. The key is consistency, of which I have not been lately. Since the site changes were made earlier this year, I have not been on as frequently, plus I have been busy with life.

1) I have gained both thickness and length. In January of this year, I cut 5 inches off of my ends. I can honestly say I have gained 3-4 of those inches back already.
2) I started inverting in September or October of 2013, but I wasn't consistent. Then in November of 2013 I cut 4 or 5 inches off my ends. I did a long term transition from heat damaged natural to natural. January of this year, marked my final cut. (There are pictures of my progress somewhere in these Inversion Challenge Threads. I'm not sure how to find them anymore.)
3) Adding oil totally depends on my hairstyle. If I am in braids or twists, I only add oil at the beginning of the challenge and I do not do scalp massages. If my hair is loose like in a braid out, twist out or bun, I usually add either olive oil or Jamaican black castor oil to my scalp every other day along with the scalp massages. The JBCO thickens up my hair, but I only apply it to my scalp and I wash it out at the end of the challenge week.

@Leo24Rule, the best way to see if it works for you is to take pictures to document your progress. After a period of time, you will see your hair changing, whether thickness or length or both, but pictures will help you keep a positive perspective.

I haven't done a consistent inversion for the last two months, because I haven't thought about it. I will try to remember to start a new one on Sunday.
Had my first session last night w/o oil. Playing music helps as I should be close to if not done by the time a song ends.
Completed my first go at this w/o oil and I have to say I am quite impressed. I experienced .5 - 1" of growth. I did miss one evening session but picked it up first thing in the morning. What I hadn't counted on was uneven growth. As much as I tried to massage my entire head w/the same pressure, this is something I will need to focus on going forward. I may also have concentrated on some areas more than others w/o realizing it.

I plan to do this monthly so will post challenge criteria and before/after pics then. Next time I will be using oil intermittently for added scalp stimulation.

I havent inverted in months. I plan on starting tonight. Hopefully this will help the front of my hair to catch up with the back of my hair.
Day 4.
No oils just inverted for 4 minutes.

Trying to make 7 consecutive days.