Inversion Challenge Jan-Dec 2014

YellowMellow, welcome back and congratulations on the new baby. Did you have a boy or a girl? The key to success with the inversion method is consistency, but don't overdo it. Some people have inverted for more than 7 days per month and don't see as much growth. But for those who have followed the actual method, they seem to be the ones who gain the inch on the 8th day.

A little boy :) he's now 6 weeks old. I'm so excited I missed a day already im really tempted to start over :/ ugh. I've also noticed those who workout don y see that inch! Which stinks because I plan on transitioning back to running once I get the ok from the doctor. Question ladies If you miss one day can you make up for it? Or is it best to start fresh?


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YellowMellow id just pick up from where you left off (make the missing day up) and try to make the additional days consecutive.

Beautiful baby!
:wave: Hi ladies

Just wondering; how many of you are massaging whilst inverted, and how do you avoid tangling? I tried this last night but ended up getting my hair quite knotted up...
A little boy :) he's now 6 weeks old. I'm so excited I missed a day already im really tempted to start over :/ ugh. I've also noticed those who workout don y see that inch! Which stinks because I plan on transitioning back to running once I get the ok from the doctor. Question ladies If you miss one day can you make up for it? Or is it best to start fresh?

Such a cutie! I workout and have yet to see a full inch from inverting but I do notice a boost in my growth rate for a few weeks after inverting.
Completed day 3. I applied the same leave in then oils. this time I steamed while I was upright doing my massage then I inverted.
I started 3/1, this is Inversion day 6. I got lazy with posting but not lazy inverting. I don't know why this 4 min, for 7 days is such a challenge for me but it is.