Inversion Challenge November 2013-November 2014

I fell off again. Had a headache for 2 nights straight and then tonight it is taking me forever to finish washing my hair.
Day 5 was done yesterday with no oil.

Yall know I'm dedicated to this. I was two shades to the wind yesterday but I still inverted:lol:
These are my results. I don't know what's going on with my new growth/texlaxed roots. The struggle is real.

shortdub78 I think you'll see your results over the next few weeks. From what I've read (I Think) the hair continues to grow at a rapid speed even after you're finished inverting.

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I'm completely screwing this challenge up. I keep spontaneously cutting my hair so I can't measure my progress properly. I'm still going to invert monthly but I won't LC until after I BC.

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My scalp is tingly and itchy this morning, I hope that's my hair growth speeding up!!

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I had a dream that I gained several inches! Of course when I woke up...well y'all know how this story ends.

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I had a dream that I gained several inches! Of course when I woke up...well y'all know how this story ends. Sent from my SM-N900V using LHCF

I had a dream I was HL just last week... Lawdt. Even though it was luscious... It was too much lol. Even in my dream!
Is there going to be a new thread for 2015? I've been lurking for the past few months but I've think I've had some success with my inversions. This year I plan to keep better track of my growth over all.