Interracial relationships

Very true. Yeah, its super serious. He's the only the area. And thats a 45 minute drive in a different state. They sell the meat from the farm. If it doesnt sell, he doesnt get paid. And my birthday is next weekend soo... :grin:

But aren't you assuming the butcher would stop doing business with your bf? Has he given any indication that he would do this?
Guys! He took me out for birthday this past weekend. It was awesome. Best birthday ever! Its clear he really likes me. But im not sure if theres a future with this. I enjoy him. But I dont have that craving to rush things with him or try to mentally plan our future. Is that bad? Or is it maturity? Idk. Im taking it one day at a time

What are you not sure about? Have you guys ever discussed what it is you want out of relationships? I.E. he tells you he's looking for a long-term relationship that leads to marriage and you tell him either the same or that you are just dating right now with no goals?
CurlyMoo we are gonna have that conversation this weekend.
Im not sure if I want to get too involved because he's moving about 3 hours away soon.
This is my first time dating honestly. I dont have goals just yet
I am really feeling this guy. What a great feeling. We are openly affectuonate all the time. But I dont feel any pressure to make things official, nor does he pressure me. Although he has made comments that hint at him having thought about us being together for much longer than we have discussed. I keep saying im gonna have "the talk" but i forget. Ill try to do it this weekend

how is it with Persians? i thought they were strict about who they date as well

i notice the Italians have an affinity for me.maybe because of my Height

One of my friends is Persian, and then another is Hispanic but her SO is Persian and both my Persian gf and my other friend's Persian SO say they refuse to date someone of their own ethnic group.:look: I thought the BC was bad, they take it to a whole new level.
One of my friends is Persian, and then another is Hispanic but her SO is Persian and both my Persian gf and my other friend's Persian SO say they refuse to date someone of their own ethnic group.:look: I thought the BC was bad, they take it to a whole new level.

I dated one for a minute and I would never by any means date another one.:nono:
My boyfriend is Asian and we've been together for almost two years. Recently he brought up marriage and said he would love to marry me. I'll wait and see if I get a ring and a date in the near future.
My boyfriend is Asian and we've been together for almost two years. Recently he brought up marriage and said he would love to marry me. I'll wait and see if I get a ring and a date in the near future.

Awww Ive always wanted to date an Asian. I had a huge crush on one years ago.
@dannie Would you mind going into details? I just started dating a persian man and I am not sure what to expect.... So far, so good

Well the one I dealt with for 7+ years was a crazy narc, but that has nothing to with his I find them to be sweet talkers and manipulators, i.e they are very good at telling you what they think you want to hear. I've gone out with maybe 3-4 of them.

I know its long, but I found this on topix a while ago which I though was very true

"I have extensive experience with Iranian men and I can tell you that Iranians in general are the Kings of manipulation and feeding people BS. No, not all Iranian guys are like this but a huge amount are and the woman are no different. Manipulation and sweet talking people is how they learned to survive in their country, and has become an cultural norm that is almost expected. Many Iranian men tend to venture outside of their community for causal sexual relations, because it is easier to get away with it, unlike in the nosy Iranian community that gossips and is always prying for personal information about their community. The sad part is that many Iranian men are raised to believe that all other woman besides Iranian sleep around or don't make good wives, many mother's tell their son's this, but again not all. Some Iranians are great, but if they are raised within their Persian community or are Iran born and raised they are usually not worth the time and I would ignore their advances and tell them that they make you feel uncomfortable, but don't take it, or they will continue because they are arrogant and opportunistic. "

I just went on a 2 dates with one last month. On the 2nd and last date this dude grabs my hand at dinner and looks me dead in the eyes "my love, you are so beautiful, I would never, ever do anything to hurt you. Do you believe that my love". I'm like :rolleyes:...see here you go I just met you fool. But then later on he was trying to get me drunk and was like "we're a far way from home, would you like me to get you a hotel room?" :nono:

They also have a tendency to be clanish which I dont like.
dannie Thank you for going into detail! He is third generation American and doesn't seem to be to in tune with his Persian culture. Not sure if that makes a difference. I will most definitely tread with caution.
I have not but I wouldn't be opposed to it...Well dating another minority with dark skin bc that's whatI'm attractedto but...I'm currently dating a black man from a different culture and im hoping he's the last man I ever date.
Surprised to find out I popped up in some LHCF TEA thread. Didn't know I was so interesting! :lol: Hi! You know who you are.... :look:
Anyone dating Asian. Specifically with long Black silky hair that touches his waist and flows in the wind when it's kissed by the summer breeze.
I'm going through a divorce right now and I have always been in relationships with Black men...married one and had been so for 24 years. Now that I'm much older I think that I will broaden my horizons and be open to all races. Kind of nervous to step out there again, but I will date when the time is right.
Race doesn't make much a difference in men, primarily how they are raced. Pay attention to a mans relationship with his mother. It will save you trouble in the long run.
Anyone dating Asian. Specifically with long Black silky hair that touches his waist and flows in the wind when it's kissed by the summer breeze.

CurlyMoo I have to say Asian men have really been taking good care of themselves lately. They are taking care of their hair and their bodies, etc. Ive noticed many in interracial relationships now as well.
Anyone dating Asian. Specifically with long Black silky hair that touches his waist and flows in the wind when it's kissed by the summer breeze.

OMG, this description has me dying! :lachen: I love how specific it is!

My current "friend" is not Black. I also dated other races of men in high school before meeting my ex-husband.
OMG, this description has me dying! :lachen: I love how specific it is!

My current "friend" is not Black. I also dated other races of men in high school before meeting my ex-husband.

My eyes have seen the GLORY!!!! :lol:
I followed that man out of the building and back in. Lawd. :lick::nono:
Race doesn't make much a difference in men, primarily how they are raced. Pay attention to a mans relationship with his mother. It will save you trouble in the long run.

My husband's mom didn't raise him. Cps took him and his siblings when he was 3 and they were raised in Honduras with their father. She is a recovering drug addict/ex prostitute, but he loves her dearly. She has spent the last few years trying to make up for lost time. Im not really sure how this affects our relationship, but I think it adds to his insecurities :(
Been in a few
Not in one now

My experiences have been good some not so good. The experiences I had have shown me that I have a type. Rich, tall and European lol.

My thoughts are do what works for you and dont worry about what others think. There are IR couples making it work in places that had apartheid abolished less than 25 years ago. You can do it too
Been in a few
Not in one now

My experiences have been good some not so good. The experiences I had have shown me that I have a type. Rich, tall and European lol.

My thoughts are do what works for you and dont worry about what others think. There are IR couples making it work in places that had apartheid abolished less than 25 years ago. You can do it too

You and I have the same type.
But I don't think that I will end up with this type.