Interracial relationships

This thread could get really interesting... Yes, I have dated white dudes and no I don't prefer white dudes by any means. I prefer black men but all I ever seem to get approached by are blonds. Y'all can have them lol. They ain't all that but you'd never know it by reading this forum.

There's no need to make this thread messy. There's nothing wrong with hearing about our experiences in IRR. It's not like we're bashing black men. :perplexed:

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There's no need to make this thread messy. There's nothing wrong with hearing about our experiences in IRR. It's not like we're bashing black men. :perplexed: Sent from my iPad mini mini.

look i date interracially more than i date intra-racially and honestly, this thread is a little gross. you can date outside of your race without championing men like their race is what makes them special.
^^wait what? You responded on the first page about your IR relationships yet this thread is "gross?"

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^^wait what? You responded on the first page about your IR relationships yet this thread is "gross?" Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

yes. reread what i just said and double check the definition of "inconsistent." you think i dont know that i date interracially?
I don't like to label or brand my relationship as an IR. Yes, that's how other people will see and label it, but I dont really give a flying *** what other people do.

He's him. I'm me. And we're just two people who are in love and trying to make this thing work :heart2:

I want to focus on getting to know him, myself, and us as a couple, deeper and deeper each day... so I don't care to put much focus on just the surface, our skin.
There's no need to make this thread messy. There's nothing wrong with hearing about our experiences in IRR. It's not like we're bashing black men. :perplexed:

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There is nothing wrong with your sharing your experiences. You are sharing with other women who have this dating experience in common. Don't give into the distracting conversations, it will only make the thread less enjoyable for you.
Ive had some good times and some bad times with my man. At the end of the day race really isnt that important. However I face obstacles that people in same race relationships dont understand. For example: when we first got together my (white) mother in law told him to go find a white woman. She herself is married to a black man. Shes a hypocrite and it caused us to split up for a while. Eventually she let her guard down, fell in love with me and told me everything. She sees how much I care about her son and she is now grateful to have me in her family.

I love a good black man, but unfortunately most of the good ones are/were taken. Now if things dont work out and a beautiful chocolate man sweeps me off my feet id be totally ok with that. :lol:
Championing other races? I didn't get that impression. Just an outlet for ppl who are in the same situations. Just because one person doesn't see something, doesn't mean that their friends, family, coworkers, and apparently randoms on the street, see it the same way. I see color. As does he. And we embrace it. Neither of us are pretending that we aren't different. And neither are the randoms on the street. We're both prepared for any drama that may arise. I come from a VERY diverse family full of IR and they have all dealt with push back in their lives in some way or another. Its part of the territory
Yes. His mother is Persian, his father is mainly white from Maine. His parents didn't just accept me, they smothered me. His mother was born Baha'i and his father converted when he met her. A strong tenet of the Baha'i faith is unity in diversity so no surprises I have never had problems with his family.

Being a religious minority, he gets being a minority and he has come a long way in understanding what it means to be a black person navigating and finding your place in the world. He is truly an amazing human being.
I've also only been in interracial relationships. That's the only kind of relationship I could be in since I'm interracial myself. My preference has always been for white men though I did date an Indian for a long time. We were on the track for marriage but I ended it bc it didn't feel 100% right. Current SO is white and I feel that we were made for each other!

Do I feel like people stare when I'm out with a white man? Sure. Does it bother me? Nah!

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There's no need to make this thread messy. There's nothing wrong with hearing about our experiences in IRR. It's not like we're bashing black men. :perplexed:

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Me, the messy one? :lol: I'm just keeping it G.

Your post is interesting because by your own logic, wouldn't it also make sense for you to date a black guy?

Anyway...I have no dogs in this fight. I simply stated my experience and opinion and had no interest in praising IRs. Black men will always be my first choice but I'm probably a hypocrite because another blond/blue wants to take me out this weekend and also meet his church friends. :drunk:
Me, the messy one? :lol: I'm just keeping it G. Your post is interesting because by your own logic, wouldn't it also make sense for you to date a black guy? Anyway...I have no dogs in this fight. I simply stated my experience and would opinion and had no interest in praising IRs. Black men will always be my first choice but I'm probably a hypocrite because another blond/blue wants to take me out this weekend and also meet his church friends. :drunk:

Of course it would make sense. If I had met a black guy that I was interested in maybe that's what would have happened but I didn't.

And, yes, you were being messy. You're purposely trolling and creating strife in a thread where there was none.

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Dating 2 white guys. The main one admitted last night that he was really proud of himself for hearing Beyonce's Drunk In Love and recognizing it because I played it for him.

We spend a lot of time together. He's clearly smitten, which is something I love. Not sure if its a "white guy" cultural thing or just that ive dated less expressive black guys in the past. No qualms about introducing me to his family and his lifestyle (he's a farmer in a 99.9% white country area). He's never been uncomfortable being affectionate towards me in front of others. I appreciate that.

Last night he was cuddling me and I asked if my hair (im natural, collarbone length when straight, had it styled in big loose curls) was poking him in the eye. He responded with "I dont mind. I love everything about your hair" and buries his face in it. I melted lol
:lol: I think I know what you mean lol. My last ex (white guy) was the same way too! He was just so smitten, attentive and affectionate, and I wasn't used to alllllladat lol! :lachen: It was NICE though! :grin:

Idk if it's strictly a "white guy" thing, or just the fact that we're just "fabulous ladies" lol (just kidding lol :giggle:), but I figure that every guy is different. You can't really lump ALL guys into one category lol. :yep:

Oh. And this is my first interracial relationship. I enjoy it. I've alwaus been attracted to men in general, so no real preference on my part. However ive noticed something odd. Since ive started dating him, im getting more attention from other white guys. Not while he and I are together (since we're too busy being wrapped up in each other usually) but just while out alone. Maybe im sending out a white guy radar lol could be that there were guys checking you out all along, but you didn't really notice or pay attention to them. But now that you're dating one, you're more "aware" of their presence. :yep: It's like say when you buy a red car, then it seems like you're seeing a Red car every two seconds on the road. Those red cars were ALWAYS there! :lol:

This thread could get really interesting...

Yes, I have dated white dudes and no I don't prefer white dudes by any means. I prefer black men but all I ever seem to get approached by are blonds. Y'all can have them lol.

They ain't all that but you'd never know it by reading this forum.

Annnnnd here we go.... :perplexed

It never fails..... :ohwell:

I thought this thread was supposed to be light-hearted and FUN... :lol:
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My husband is white (irish) and we've been together forever. None of our marital issues (division of labor, finances, time) are race-related.
I've dated a couple of white men. Actually my first "dating" experience was with this Italian American dude.. I was 19, he was bueno. I briefly dated this Croatian guy a couple years ago. He was really attractive, respectful, and into me, but my preference for African and West Indian men took over. He was a really nice guy though...
Most women on this forum are married to and date Black just as an fyi...Start a Black love thread and you will get plenty of participants if you dont like this one
:lol: I think I know what you mean lol. My last ex (white guy) was the same way too! He was just so smitten, attentive and affectionate, and I wasn't used to alllllladat lol! :lachen: It was NICE though! :grin:

Idk if it's strictly a "white guy" thing, or just the fact that we're just "fabulous ladies" lol (just kidding lol :giggle:), but I figure that every guy is different. You can't really lump ALL guys into one category lol. :yep: could be that there were guys checking you out all along, but you didn't really notice or pay attention to them. But now that you're dating one, you're more "aware" of their presence. :yep: It's like say when you buy a red car, then it seems like you're seeing a Red car every two seconds on the road. Those red cars were ALWAYS there! :lol:

Annnnnd here we go.... :perplexed

It never fails..... :ohwell:

I thought this thread was supposed to be light-hearted and FUN... :lol:

Well the guys are actually speaking to me tho lol. Not just looking anymore. Either way, its nice to be noticed
Yes. My boyfriend is Dominican. No difference really except in his hair texture and skin complexion. He is from Harlem.
My interracial experience was just like my other relationships w men. Dreadful.

Congrats to the ladies who have found love despite race.
My interracial experience was just like my other relationships w men. Dreadful.


Awww Vev, I hope you find some love this year. Quick, fast and in a hurry.
My ex husband was Mexican-American. I was terrified to meet his parents, because I thought they would have a problem with us dating. Turns out they were the sweetest people in the world. Our parents even went to high school together (small world). We did have a lot of cultural differences. For example he expected me to do 100% of the domestic duties even though I worked 2 jobs. He worked part time. His family was very wealthy and supported him/us financially and that made him lazy. One of the many reasons hes an ex. He also had a drinking problem that he blamed on being mexican. Wtf?!

I had a similar experience with an ex who was Turkish. We were never married, but we were engaged. I was willing to compromise on our lifestyle a little out of respect for his culture and religion (Islam). The problems arose because wanted me to make him look good in the community by behaving the way a conservative Muslim wife would. But he himself didn't even follow the rules of his own faith. He drank, fornicated before marriage, etc. You don't get to pick and choose what parts of your own religion to follow, but then tell your (agnostic with no plans on converting) wife that she must be loyal to your religion.
Soooo...we had to deal with a bit of racism last week. Here goes.

He's a farmer. I went with him to the butcher. He said if anyone he knows had the potential to be racist it should be the butcher. They had also been actively trying to gethim to date their daughter. I intentionally stayed in the truck while he worked. They saw me but he and I said we wouldn't break the news to them so as not to deal with drama (his business falls squarely on the butchers. If the relationship fails, he's up the creek). We head home. He goes back to pick up the meat and the butcher says"yall do things a little differently, dont you". SO asks for clarification. Butcher says he saw a black girl in the front seat of the truck. SO tells him I was a customer. Butcher says "oh. Good. I was worried about you" Whaaaaaatttt?! That comment made me wish I had gone in and introduced myself grrrr