Natural Hair and Interracial Relationships

My SO is black and he loves my natural hair. We have been best friends since I was 16 so he has seen me with relaxed hair and natural hair and always states he loves my natural hair better. Im not a 3 anything but a kinky curly 4 and he loves playing in it.

Actually, him and and friends love natural women. They would and have dated women who are relaxed, but WILL NOT DATE WOMEN WHO WEAR WIGS OR WEAVES. None of them will. They think natural hair is more versatile and unique. Some of them have encourgaed their GF's to go natural. Alot of BM I know feel this way. I understand the purpose of this post.....but I cant relate too much because I have experienced sooo much of the opposite.

It may be that we are from NYC where diversity ( in regards to appearance) is more accepted. And that BW who live in areas where the upbringing is less accepting of us being natural may run into this issue....(Just a thought...not a rule)
I'm pissed. I typed a whole long response and I timed out when I tried to submit:

Bottom line -

1. Other than two men, I've never had any man of any race/color that I've dated be so involved with my hair.

2. Guy before current SO was black. Made one comment when my hair was airdrying that "WE need to do something about THIS. He only liked bone straight relaxed hair. I never again let him see me without it straightened. (A$$!):wallbash:

3. Current long-time SO is white. He hates the fact I relax and even flat iron - encouraged me to at least relax less. I now do it only two times a year. I keep thinking about transitioning and am stretching longer and longer til there's not going to be a point in doing it. He loves the texture, the braidouts and wash and go's. During my damaged crown recover time, I wore wigs. I purchased straight - he asked for wavy. :yep:

REAL bottom line - its my hair, its my business! I'm happier now and it is less "pressure" I don't feel that I need to have it bone straight to feel comfortable. It's so much easier not fussing with it all the time.
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