Interracial Relationships: What happened when you brought him home?


Well-Known Member
The title of this thread is exactly what I want to know. What happened when you brought home your SO of another race? Did your family quickly accept him? Did it take them a while to get used to it? Were they not accepting of it at all? Did you prep them before so they knew what was coming?

What happened?

I'm currently dating a yt guy. Not really thinking about relationship stuff at this point because it's early, but I'm curious to know about other people's experiences about him meeting the family.
Every family and environment is different. I went to school with mostly white ppl so I've always dated white guys due to my surroundings. They're everywhere!! So my parents have grown used to seeing me with white guys. At first, I think my mom was disappointed... But she's accepted that I'm looking at guys for what we have in common more so than racial background.
I dated a white guy nearly a decade ago. I was so ashamed to introduce him to my family due to his skincolor and the fact that I wasn't sure where we were headed that I waited till the last minute to do so. When I did my family was pretty cool about it.
Nothing happened. My immediate family is very liberal. I've dated interracially all my life so it wasn't a shock when I introduced a serious beau to my family.
No 1 curred except my Grandma. She wouldn't make eye contact and was pretty rude to my ex:look:

Meanwhile she loves my Auntie's partner because he's Italian and they don't see it as white. Yeah, I don't understand either:lol:

I'm guessing my current SO may get a pass because he's half chinese lol.
I'm lucky that I have never had to even think about this. They're welcoming and embrace him assuming that he's a good guy.
My SO is non-black. It was not a big deal, when I brought him home. My family likes him, because he's smart, he's a good guy and he treats me well. I had told them his race beforehand though -- so they wouldn't be surprised. :lol:
Nothing happened. They were very happy to meet him. And they still really like him :)

I didn't prep them before hand. There was no mention of his race. I just let him show up in all his whiteness lol
I guess I'm lucky because my mom had met my SO years ago when we were just friends (he was in a relationship with one of my friends at the time) and really liked him. I remember her would tell me, "I wish you would have met him before your friend did!" Of course at the time I just rolled my eyes at her...

So when we started dating this past December she was finally like, "YES LAWD FINALLY!" I guess mothers do know something haha.

Knowing the difficulties my friends have encountered when they introduced their SO of a different race to their family, I'm really lucky!
Nothing happened.
I dated the rainbow my entire dating life so they were use to it. Basically, I love him so my family loves him.
My ex only met my immediate family and maternal grandparents, but nothing happened. They didn't care what his race was, but they knew he was white from the beginning so it wasn't a surprise or anything.

I have a great aunt who's one of those close-minded natural/afrocentric nazis and she wasn't a fan. She isn't negative about my cousin's white fiance, though, so perhaps she's had a change of heart.
My mom has her reservations, but she told me she doesn't care as long as he is a good person who treats me well. I'm not scared of bringing a white guy home.
Nothing. My mother and stepfather loved him pretty much from the moment he introduced himself lol.