Interracial online dating question-


Here're my thoughts on "fetishes."

1. First off, to anyone who said above that Asian women don't worry about WM's fetishes....hooo, children, please get yourself some close Asian girlfriends or read about 30 years' worth of Asian-American sociological commentary. It is one of the number-one issues discussed in (second, third, fourth generation) Asian-American circles. In fact, they literally wrote the book on fetishes. The European Male Gaze traveled East before it went South; scholars have dissected the Euro fetishization of Arab, Persian, and South Asian women as far back as pre-Medieval times. :yep: And the 20th century sexual exploitation of East Asian women/sexuality has taken the trend far beyond what is acceptable to many East Asian observers.

2. Fetishes, as I understand them, originated in the concept of an inanimate object that is so central to the fetishist's sexuality that they literally cannot become aroused or climax (or have a hard time doing either) without their pet fetish object nearby. Since then, people have started colloquially extending this term "fetish" to humans, as well, but if you retain the core concept of sexual arousal, it helps us understand human fetishes.

To me, a human ethnicity-fetish (or body size-fetish, etc) is distinguished from a mere preference in that:

-- a Preference is what you prefer or favor, and maybe even have exclusively dated or had sex with, but it can be overcome by "an exception" or someone who just takes your fancy for any number of reasons (e.g. like an African-ancestry woman having long straightened hair that mimics that of the European women one has a "preference" for). Even if the preference never IS overcome, it can be.Theoretically.

-- a Fetish is what you require in order to become mentally stimulated, sexually aroused and/or satiated. If you have an East Asian festish, for e.g., you constantly date or have sex with East Asians because it is the only way that you can find satisfactory mental stimulation and release. Everything else is like 3-day old leftover Thanksgiving turkey to you. Hence, the excessive, laboratory-like regard that luckiestdestiny mentioned above.

For an East Asian fetish, straight black hair, fair or lightly tanned skin, and epicanthic eye folds literally become the crux of one's sexual consciousness because without those external signifiers of the human object, the fantasy-fuel of your sexuality will never kick you into full gear.

Although in a preference, a person (especially women) can be and often are objectified for their gender or ethnicity, it is not in the same "fuel"-like sense of a fetish. With a fetish, you literally are an "object" to be used to achieve mental or physical satisfaction.

ETA: and don't underestimate the "mental" part of the satisfaction equation. The Euro-American man I knew with an Arab and South Asian fetish derived tremendous MENTAL satisfaction from being with women he perceived as Other, exotic, subservient, prized-as-objects, etc. He actually stated, without shame, "I can't be with another type of woman. My mind/body can't get with it." :blush:

I think of fetishes almost as disabilities for this reason.

However, please note that in the sexual sub-cultures/undergrounds of the West, fetishes are often praised and fostered as healthy forms of sexual expression.:yep:
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-- a Preference is what you prefer or favor, and maybe even have exclusively dated or had sex with, but it can be overcome by "an exception" or someone who just takes your fancy for any number of reasons (e.g. like an African-ancestry woman having long straightened hair that mimics that of the European women one has a "preference" for). Even if the preference never IS overcome, it can be.Theoretically.

Who else knows you're willing to overcome the preference than the person with it? I mean we ourselves can believe we can overcome our perferences but what of those ftom the outside, they could easily see it as being a fetish. Unless of course said person goes around saying "oh I dont only need to date so and so"..can you grasp the gibberish Im spewing :rofl:
I know this one guy I dated (blonde hair blue eyes) kept saying how he hated blondes especially and white women because they were so...normal. But black skin, now that's another thing. And I'm not one to listen to someone trash someone else just to build me up. He seemed like he was so fixated on me, and kept talking about my skin. Now I do have nice skin, but he was more on the color, and how it was sooo different from white women. And he'd keep on it and on it and on and on........:perplexed.

Isn't this the creepiest thing? The first and only time this happened to me (that I'm aware of) was when I was abroad. I was in a bar with a male friend. I went to go get a beer and this older Irish gentleman approached me. He said "YOu look lovely." In a 3 minute talking spree, he started telling me how he didn't like white women, he showed me cellphone pictures of his ex-wife who was obviously African, their children, asked if I had a boyfriend, and bought me a drink. Yeah I took it. :look: I don't understand how anyone couldn't be freaked out a little. My mind spazzed out when he said he didn't like white women. You're Irish?????

So anyway--how do we know when we're being treated just like women (who lots of men merely want for sex) or being pursued for sex because we're black women? I don't know . . .

Exactly. There lies the question. Anytime people say "oh he must have a fetish", I always wonder in what sense/how does wanting a black woman for sex any different than wanting any woman for

This right hurr. I was just thinking the other, this is how effed up we are in regards to race in this country. We as black women have to worry that a man is just interested in us for sex. What man isn't interested in sex? Ya know? Every race of women has to deal with this but then we are obligated to add race to this analysis.


Here're my thoughts on "fetishes."

1. First off, to anyone who said above that Asian women don't worry about WM's fetishes....hooo, children, please get yourself some close Asian girlfriends

Yeah, my Asian girlfriend complained that she didn't like "rice eaters." Ironically, though, she only dated blonde, blue-eyed white boys and said that Asian men were ugly, including her dad. This was the girl who broke all my pre-existing notions (some might call them stereotypes:rolleyes:) about Asian women. She was hella good at math though. :look:
Isn't this the creepiest thing? The first and only time this happened to me (that I'm aware of) was when I was abroad. I was in a bar with a male friend. I went to go get a beer and this older Irish gentleman approached me. He said "YOu look lovely." In a 3 minute talking spree, he started telling me how he didn't like white women, he showed me cellphone pictures of his ex-wife who was obviously African, their children, asked if I had a boyfriend, and bought me a drink. Yeah I took it. :look: I don't understand how anyone couldn't be freaked out a little. My mind spazzed out when he said he didn't like white women. You're Irish?????

At first I was gonna ask where you met this guy but then I actually reread your post over again. Because I had a similar situation happen to me.

This white guy (country-looking Larry the Cable Guy type) who took the bus with me. We both go to the same school. He would pull out pictures of his 15 biracial children who look nothing like him :lachen:and then ask me, "Do you date white men?":blush: Who still asks this type of question?!:spinning:. So when I told him i had a bf he understood and as soon as I boarded the bus he says, "Have a nice day." and then in a low voice (as if he's keeping a secret) in my ear he said, "I like dating black women."

This guy then goes to hit on every black woman that goes to my school. My friend was tellin me about this country looking dude hitting on her in the computer room (he did the same exact thing to me that he did to her). Before she finished talking I knew who she was talking about and told her.

We were on our way home on the bus he kicks game TO THE SAME WOMEN on the bus, too! :lachen:. He doesnt know how bad he sound, for real.

Creeped me out, man.
It's so ironic how the liberal types are usually NOT the ones in interacial relationships or claim to be all for the swiel but wouldnt be caught dead in one themselves.


White Liberals are the biggest racist including Black liberals!
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Isn't this the creepiest thing? The first and only time this happened to me (that I'm aware of) was when I was abroad. I was in a bar with a male friend. I went to go get a beer and this older Irish gentleman approached me. He said "YOu look lovely." In a 3 minute talking spree, he started telling me how he didn't like white women, he showed me cellphone pictures of his ex-wife who was obviously African, their children, asked if I had a boyfriend, and bought me a drink. Yeah I took it. :look: I don't understand how anyone couldn't be freaked out a little. My mind spazzed out when he said he didn't like white women. You're Irish?????


A lot of White men don't want White woman. White men are the biggest interracial daters. In fact, White men are highly sought after by both Asian and Hispanic women and have a high number of relationships with those women. White men receive less flack for interracial dating then any other men of other races, so they feel free to do so. Except when it comes to Black women, society is less tolerant of that pairing but it's on the rise for sure. And I think that has a lot more to do with the changing attitudes of Black women toward interracial dating, youth and divorce.
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I just posted about my situation here:

I met DH and talked to him on line only for months before even talking on the phone to him. Neither of us were on FB at the time but I did discover not only had he never dated a woman of color he only had one black friend/coworker.

Neither of us went looking for the other. We were just opened to someone that would become a soul mate. I had only ever dated one WT guy before DH. We sometimes joke around that had we met in person anyother way that we would NEVER have gotten together. We just connected on a deeper level than skin color.
Some people just like what they like. Robin Thicke was talking about his relationship with Paula Patton and said that he was always attracted to black women. She had their relationship on the dl for a minute when they started dating 'cause she didn't want her friends to know she was dating a white boy. I don't know his reasons but I don't knock him for it. Like someone else said if he doesn't care about a relationship and just wants sex then he's a dog like any other dude. The fetish stuff doesn't even factor if he's low class and doesn't care about getting to know me.
Some of the guys are cool and all, but I can't get past their conservative views:lol:. I'm sure others can, but I can't hang. I tried taking the 'don't discuss politics' approach, but that didn't work. My ex was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, country boy who loved Bush and black women :lol:. I think a black woman who is more conservative in her lifestyle would be a great fit for them, but I'm to much of a free spirit.

The liberal white boys around here tend to stick to their own, or Asian women. Reminds me of Justin Timberlake. Really makes you think. When I first started college, I was shocked at the type of WM/BW couples I came across. The guys were usually the WASPy, private high school wrestling team types. They were never my type.

:yep: I know this isn't true in everyone's case but I couldn't beat those types off with a stick if I wanted to!

Anywho, I say give him a chance, you'll know if it feels right! Have fun!