I Wouldn't Have Believe This Story Had It Not Happened To Me!


Well-Known Member
So I have THE craziest story. Get your popcorn, wine, and assorted snacks because this one is a doozie! :drunk:

So a few weeks ago, I matched with this guy on OK Cupid. I look at his profile: he's 25, getting his Masters, just got out of the Air Force, and most importantly, he's FINE! :infatuated:His profile says he's new to my hometown. I don't usually send first messages but decide to send a cute one. I say, "Welcome to Baton Rouge! Let me know if you ever need a tour guide ;)". I never received a response :sad: Last week, I actually decided to delete my profile, not because of him, but because the quality of men on that app is just poor.

Last Thursday, I get on twitter and see a male friend of my tweet, "hey, y'all follow 'abc123'. He's doing great things." That's not his actual profile name :lol: I click on the profile, and y'all...it's HIM!! The guy who never answered me! This man is like, a twitter celeb! He had about 25K followers. He's a local BLM ally (he's white). I tweet my friend what happened and he gets the guy to follow me. I slide in his DM's and say "hey, I messaged you on OKC!" He replies back pretty quickly, "I'm so sorry! I actually deleted the app last week. I thought doing that would delete my profile, I didn't know you had messaged me!" I accept his answer and we message back and forth. He asks for my number, I give it to him, and we begin to text each other. At this point, I'm like :kiss3:

We had some great convos. We talked about our upbringing, school, interests, hobbies. He asked me on a date and we were going to meet up after mid-terms next week. Everything was going amazing, then he suddenly stopped texting me last night, and I thought something might be up but he told me he had a project in one of his classes due this week, so I figured he was busy with that.

Tonight, I had dinner with two friends, and we're talking about boys. I tell them about Mr. Air Force, and they say, "oooh, can we see a picture?" I then pull up his Twitter and see that I'm blocked! o_O I think "maybe that was a mistake". So I go to his IG and see that I'm blocked there too! Now, I'm really confused because I have no idea what went wrong!! I text him and the iMessage doesn't go through, which means he blocked me there as well!! I was so confused! I knew I had to move on, but I really wanted to know what happened.

I thought that maybe he'd tweeted something, so I log out of my twitter and look at his page. Since the last time we talked (around 7 PM on Monday) his page was full of RT regarding police brutality. The only thing he tweeted was something like "if you have a boyfriend, don't DM me" but I knew that had nothing to do with me since I do not have a boyfriend. :look: I figured he must have been talking about someone else. :lol: So I look at my Twitter to see if maybe I had tweeted something that could have offended him.......then it hit me!

Y'all, what "holiday" was yesterday on social media? National Boyfriend Day! As a joke, I posted a picture of Michael B. Jordan on my instagram and wrote #NationalBoyfriendDay and shared it to my twitter. I posted the pic around 9 PM...he'd posted his tweet around 9:30 PM. HE THOUGHT I HAD A BOYFRIEND AND MY BOYFRIEND WAS MICHAEL B JORDAN!!:abducted: Like, if I was dating Michael Bae Jordan, you think I'd be in your DM's? :angeldevil:

I tell my guy friend and he's laughing hysterically. I'm laughing too because I cannot believe this is a true story, but it is. :lol:
I had to get in the last word :lol: I messaged him on snapchat and this was his response.

This is another reason why I can't be with a clear....
Anyway, he's clear, he don't know or wouldn't know our man crushes and yes, that is a regular degular pic.
What did the message you send him on SC say? I hate emoticons because what you mean may not be how I'm interpreting the emoticon. But I interpret that pic as "argh, I just did something I shouldn't have done." Did he say anything else after that?
Also, I like the fact that he just ghosted you when he THOUGHT you had a man.

IDK...maybe I'm way off but besides the fact that he was upset to block you without any explanation would be the only orange flag to me. Then again, he don't owe you nothing after a date anyway.With all the women he probably has sweating him, he ain't need no time wasted...
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@BGT Honestly speaking I think you're in the wrong here. He didn't get the joke but you should expect that. He's being extra sensitive by blocking you but I get him being in his feelings. If I was really into a guy and the same thing happened I'd be upset too.

I get that. Which is I chose a (who I thought was) a major celebrity :lol: How can you be into BLM and not know the actor who played Oscar Grant?
@BGT Honestly speaking I think you're in the wrong here. He didn't get the joke but you should expect that. He's being extra sensitive by blocking you but I get him being in his feelings. If I was really into a guy and the same thing happened I'd be upset too.

Lol I agree. I must be really sensitive to because if someone I was into posted a pic of Rhianna talking about her being his perfect girl, I would be mad. Like, I look nothing like her geez..

OP, maybe he was mad your man crush is a black dude lol
Obviously I wasn't trying to salvage things. :lol:

I didn't screenshot his entire response because he mentioned "all these screenshots lol". Snapchat lets people know if they screenshot your stuff. But he says something like "I thought I had been lied to so I didn't feel the need to confront someone I thought had deceived me. I'm just gonna move on. I have a lot going on with my life."

So I replied "obviously" then blocked him on snapchat.
I guess you told him!
Well, I hope you all can get passed this silliness but yes, he's a bit sensitive lol
Nothing wrong with that either IMO.

ETA- Just saw your last post. That's so unfortunate how this turned out my gosh.
But based on his response, he clearly is busy or has lots of options so. Too many options is not a good thing IMO. But this speaks to how impatient folks are on this online dating and meeting people thing. Like there is NO room for error or miscommunication or learning someone.
People press NEXT mad quick LOL I guess it can be good and bad at the same time...
OP, I think you were in the wrong in this scenario. And if you messaged him just to get the last word, that may explain why you've been single since 2013, no shade. Your follow up message was petty and unnecessary. Michael B Jordan is a relatively new actor and not well known, shoot many black people don't know who he is. And just because this white dude is an ally in the BLM movement, doesn't mean he follows pop culture.
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