I'll be here Tuesday night waiting @BGT Come through!
Omg he's a fool. Lol. I'm sorryHe sent another message about feeling lied and deceived then I decided to just block him on SC. Ain't nobody got time for dat
Me too .OP, I can't wait for your update now
I'm putting Tuesday in my calendar.
It would be hilarious if, a year from now, you're starting a thread announcing your engagement to Mr. Emoji. Hey, it would be a great story to tell your kids.
I've heard love stories with worse beginnings.
He sounds weird.
I truly would be ashamed to even announce it here.
I won't be there Tuesday because I will be taking an exam at that time!! But I will be there the following Tuesday for sure. I was trying to figure out how to act when I see him. I think I'll go the unbothered route because my "I didn't even see you standing right next to me" game is strong.
I'm not going to be cold or rude to him (which would show him that he got to me), but I'm also not going to go out of my way to speak and clear the air. I'll be cordial, and if he decides to talk to me about things, then I'll talk. Otherwise, I'm gonna act like I'm meeting him for the first time...which I would be.
So, slight update. A few days ago, I joined a MLK Day of Service Planning Committee. I got an email today with info for the next meeting. Guess who's also on the committee? So we will be meeting on Tuesday and also working together for the next 3 months.
OP, are sure you didn't join this because he was involved? This just seems WAY too coincidental to me. If he does decide to want to talk about it, you should probably say no and just move on with your life, because he is not interested in you.
I would say you definitely was the pursuer. Once he blocked you, that should have been the end. IMO the chase came when you still found a way to contact him after it was obvious he was no longer interested.
- initiated contact with him on okc
- then had a friend get the guy to follow her on twitter
- then sends another message lol.
- He blocks you on every avenue yet you still managed to contact him.
Geez, y'all are taking all of the fun out of this thread.
Ignore them! This thread is very entertaining and still fun. Keep posting.
Yes it is fun...but she shouldn't keep posting because that would mean she's still talking to him.
Can't relate. I'm pretty in real life and online.