help! just got dumped via text message

Always wanting clarity and closure is a huge problem but um some things you just have to let them be. :ohwell:

Why give this man any type of energy??? :perplexed The first time he threw you out, the crack of your ass should have been the last time he ever laid eyes on you.

The moment someone disrespects you to the level of, "get out", throwing shoes, slamming NO :nono: I wish I might try to explain anything to anyone who acts so juvenile.

Take this as a learning experience and never repeat it.
Always wanting clarity and closure is a huge problem but um some things you just have to let them be. :ohwell:

Why give this man any type of energy??? :perplexed The first time he threw you out, the crack of your ass should have been the last time he ever laid eyes on you.

The moment someone disrespects you to the level of, "get out", throwing shoes, slamming NO :nono: I wish I might try to explain anything to anyone who acts so juvenile.

Take this as a learning experience and never repeat it.

Damn right to the bolded. We always want closure on breakups and such but in some cases you just gotta let that ish go.......This case is def an example. Just learn from it and dont allow yourself to be put in this kind of situation again. God will get him back for all he has done for you soon enough. Forget "dumping him in his face" because the way he treated you is worse then anything you could have done to him.
Note for the future: Once the shoe throwing and door slamming occurs, having a discussion in-person is pretty much not necessary. At that point, you just go your separate ways and do your relationship post mortem on your own.

What she said :yep:.
i guess this is kind of misleading. let me clarify; it's less a matter of me being mad at the fact that he beat me to the punch...

yes i've been wanting things to end with him... and i'm not surprised that things are over...

but i just don't get why he didn't have it in him to tell me this in person. what kind of cowardly person can't say this type of thing to the person's face??? the whole reason why i wanted to date him in the first place was because i thought he a was mature, responsible, intellectual individual. i didn't think he'd be the kind of person who'd cut me loose over the phone.

and also maybe i'm just mad at myself for not realizing how much of a jerk he really was the whole time we were together.

Wild guess here: The same type of man who would let a door and some shoes hit you in the face.

It ain't Rocket Science.
Hon, you got all the closure you needed when that shoe smacked up upside your head.

Seriously, do you really want to hear from him again? If so, I don't get it. :nono:

Let this go, he's a punk ass b***h, and so not worth your time. Feel lucky that he broke up with you in a least he wasn't telling you while he was smacking you in the face.
i guess this is kind of misleading. let me clarify; it's less a matter of me being mad at the fact that he beat me to the punch...

yes i've been wanting things to end with him... and i'm not surprised that things are over...

but i just don't get why he didn't have it in him to tell me this in person. what kind of cowardly person can't say this type of thing to the person's face??? the whole reason why i wanted to date him in the and also maybe i'm just mad at myself for not realizing how much of a jerk he really was the whole time we were together.

You're missing the point, hun.

IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW HE DID IT! He needed to go and he's gone.

I'm really not understanding why you're harping on that given everything else that took place.

He proved that he's not the person you thought he was, so chalk it up to experience and stop spending precious time and brain power wondering why when he already proved that he's a punk ***.
ok well technically i broke up with him first... but not in exact words. i let him know that i wasn't happy with how things were, and i felt that he wasn't emotionally available to me. we'd been dating since march of last year, but i've wanted to break things off with him for the past 2 months or so.

well here's the situation:

so he set up a "dinner date" to try and make things better. he cooked for me (which was totally sweet even though he can't cook)... then had the nerve to expect that i'd give him a little... you know what... because he went out of his way to boil up some noodles and pour sauce over it (he called it "ghetto bachelor chicken alfredo").

long story short, i didn't feel like it, he got mad at me saying "i didn't fulfill my part of the bargain", kicked me out of his house only to ask me to come back a few minutes later so he could kick me out again, threw a pair of shoes at me, and slammed a door in my face. literally. both the pair of shoes AND the door hit my face. i'm considering legal action against him.

well after church this morning, i decided to stop by his job (because he wasn't answering my calls) and hand him a note, explaining that i can't help if i'm not always in the mood, and that although i was very grateful for the invite + the dinner, i don't OWE him anything (especially not THAT), because he was the one that offered to cook for me in the first place.

twenty minutes later he "dumped" me via text message... me and SO have been having problems lately, but i never thought he'd do something like dump me in a text message containing less than 10 words (his exact words: "let's just be friends for a while")...

i really can't understand why he'd just throw almost a year's worth of relationship down the drain. maybe this is his way of saving money, because valentine's day is coming up, and my birthday = four days later...

i'm so completely lost right now... not because we're no longer together, because as i mentioned earlier, i've been wanting to end things with him for a while now... but because he wasn't man enough to do it in person... 24 hours ago he was saying he cared about me, now he won't return my calls AND he felt like he had to dump me over the phone? :perplexed

has anyone else been through something like this? how did you deal with it?

:confused: i can't believe you are seriously lamenting the end of your relationship. i honestly mean no offence. but dude slammed the door in your face, demanded sex in exchange for some "ghetto" meal, threw shoes at you, got angry when you said no to his demand...there are so many bright red flags flying high and all this happended before he dumped you.

if i were you, i wouldn't be upset about him having "thrown" away your 1 year relationship, i wouldn't be blowing up his phone or upset he dumped me via text. this is because i would have dumped him when he decided it was reasonable to get angry because i didn't feel like having sex and then subsequently kicked me out of his apt. like some worthless piece of trash. you give him more power than he deserves.

i say you should be feeling blessed at having this douchebag out of your life once and for all. quit with the calling and wanting this guy back. he is so not worth shyt.
:confused: i can't believe you are seriously lamenting the end of your relationship. i honestly mean no offence. but dude slammed the door in your face, demanded sex in exchange for some "ghetto" meal, threw shoes at you, got angry when you said no to his demand...there are so many bright red flags flying high and all this happended before he dumped you.

if i were you, i wouldn't be upset about him having "thrown" away your 1 year relationship, i wouldn't be blowing up his phone or upset he dumped me via text. this is because i would have dumped him when he decided it was reasonable to get angry because i didn't feel like having sex and then subsequently kicked me out of his apt. like some worthless piece of trash. you give him more power than he deserves.

i say you should be feeling blessed at having this douchebag out of your life once and for all. quit with the calling and wanting this guy back. he is so not worth shyt.


I mean, I'm reading these posts and it's like, is homegirl just MISSING THE POINT entirely? Who the fcuk cares how he broke up with you?


Seriously, pay attention to the big picture here...
Sorry this this happened to you OP. What a coward! You are better off without him. You deserve someone who will not treat you the way he did. Remember YOUR worth.
Delete his number, don't answer his calls or text. File a police report that was assault. Don't entertain the idea that anything can be salvaged, move on...