I was just dumped...

No not really. But sort of.

I met this guy online 3 weeks ago. I met him on a Friday. That Saturday he took me out to lunch, dinner and a movie. The next day, Sunday, he asked if he could see me again, but I wasn't feeling well, so I declined. The next week I was off work sick for 4 days. He whined everyday b/c I was sick and couldn't see him. He begged me to let him see me teh following weekend but I stayed in bed sick. During this time he told me that he really wanted to be with me, that he really cared about me and wanted to do so much for me and take care of me...:ohwell:, yet we had only known each other for less than 2 weeks.

He invited me to go out of town with him the next weekend, I declined. I also told him upon our first meeting that I was celibate. His response was, "Oh, you're just confused. You've been hurt and just need somebody to love you. I really do enjoy sex, but we don't have to make love everytime we're together." I thought, "Oh, ok..whatever." And I even told him that wasn't the reason and I gave him my reason.

I went out with him again this past Sunday (2nd date). On this date, he said that he wanted us to date exclusively, he knew that he had found what he was looking for and he was ready to settle down. He told me not to answer, just think about it.

I talked to him yesterday and told him I felt like he was pressuring me. I also explained that we only knew each for 2 weeks and I didn't feel comfortable making that kind of commitment. He once again told me to think about it a little longer. He also told me that I didn't realize what I was giving up b/c he is a very "good man"

Well, he calls me at work today. He tells me how he is so attracted to me and how I really turn him on. I then say, "I understand that, but do you realize if you are in a relationship with me, there will be NO sex, at all." He was quiet for a few moments. Then he said, "Oh, we can be friends." What happened to how you really wanted to be with me and I'm the perfect woman for you. :lachen: Anyway, I'm just glad he's gone.

If anyone is looking for a "good man", I'll be happy to pass his number along to you.
Well, I guess that was a deal breaker for him. At least you both found out you were on a different page early on. He was a fast mover, though, huh? When I was dating I considered that a big red flag. You probably would have discovered something off about him shortly anyway. Good riddance.
:lachen:...wow....why are guys online extra extra forward. everything has to happen 'now and right now!'...which online service did u use?
Yes. I thought something wasn't right. Men just don't usually move that fast. My exhusband did and I fell for it that time. I'm much smarter now.

Now that I think about it, I think maybe that was his "game" He didn't really want Patrice, he just wanted him "some" Patrice. :lachen:
girl are u talking about ------- LOL

that sounds so so much like the last guy i met online. He put up some ish about how he wanted to make sure that the investment that he was putting in was worth it...

so im like dang thats very rude and i didnt like the way that sounded. We went out on our 1st date and his birthday was that weekend--we went out i believe on a Thursday he wanted me to come and be around his family and friends that weekend for his birthday...at first i was like yes then i was like no im not ready for that....

they are really forward and persistent online and i dont like that...

they are rushing because they want to get you to bed...

i dont like that part where he told you that you are confused about being celibate WTH...

Girl, i wouldve cursed his *** out in so many ways...especially after he kept being persistent about being with you when you were sick...dang you sick.

I think my online guy did that too one time too and he wanted to punish me by not talking to me or what he called ''falling back'' i told his *** to fall back then i dont give a rats ***....

Girl dont even worry about it...he got dumped...you move on and keep doing your thing...

believe me i did that man i was dating online didnt last for a good 1 1/2 months i was too thru with his behind by the time the holidays came around...
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girl are u talking about ------- LOL

that sounds so so much like the last guy i met online. He put up some ish about how he wanted to make sure that the investment that he was putting in was worth it...

so im like dang thats very rude and i didnt like the way that sounded. We went out on our 1st date and his birthday was that weekend--we went out i believe on a Thursday he wanted me to come and be around his family and friends that weekend for his birthday...at first i was like yes then i was like no im not ready for that....

they are really forward and persistent online and i dont like that...

they are rushing because they want to get you to bed...

i dont like that part where he told you that you are confused about being celibate WTH...

Girl, i wouldve cursed his *** out in so many ways...especially after he kept being persistent about being with you when you were sick...dang you sick.

I think my online guy did that too one time too and he wanted to punish me by not talking to me or what he called ''falling back'' i told his *** to fall back then i dont give a rats ***....

That is too funny. I forgot to add, he wanted me to meet his son afer 1 week. I was like, "Um, no thanks". That threw me off because I don't let annyyybbboody meet my daughter unless we have been together for at least a few months.
That is too funny. I forgot to add, he wanted me to meet his son afer 1 week. I was like, "Um, no thanks". That threw me off because I don't let annyyybbboody meet my daughter unless we have been together for at least a few months.

Yes he was being too perisitent...thats really a turn off ....just be on the watch out for those...

Moving too dang on fast for know reason at all...

that was funny how you told him that the relationship wouldnt involve any sex and then he turned around said that yall could be friends haha. So as you can see it shows where he was going from the jump. And a 'good man' i dont know why they be thinking that they are all Denzel or so smooth and suave to make women drop undies. Yea right.
Yes he was being too perisitent...thats really a turn off ....just be on the watch out for those...

Moving too dang on fast for know reason at all...

that was funny how you told him that the relationship wouldnt involve any sex and then he turned around said that yall could be friends haha. So as you can see it shows where he was going from the jump. And a 'good man' i dont know why they be thinking that they are all Denzel or so smooth and suave to make women drop undies. Yea right.

Yeah, the first time we talked, he mentioned something about I didn't know the status of the man I was talking to. How he's exceptional and some other mess I don't remember. He's ok, but he's not all that.
I think it was unreasonable for you to be celibate! I mean, he was a good man!

How could she determine he is a good man after three weeks? He may seem to be. So there's a criteria for celibacy? I would think, you're either celibate or you're not.
Ok, ya'll, why is that so funny? :lachen:

I hate to say it but he might be "Christian" and not practicing! :lachen:
I have heard that some complete idiots will troll the religious websites looking for a "good woman" and because its fervently believe by some men that "the most freakiest women are religious and churchgoing (NOT MY OPINION AT ALL...well....although I won't speak of my churchgoing friends :look: They are freaks:ohwell:)"- I hate to say but online you can never be 100% sure what you're getting... The saddest part? In person you can never be 100% sure what you're getting....:wallbash: yikes. Well at least you acted more than stellar in this situation even though he was an a** .....lolllll
My understanding is that guys who want too much too fast are usually some form of abusive and possessive, and this is how it starts. AVOID.
My understanding is that guys who want too much too fast are usually some form of abusive and possessive, and this is how it starts. AVOID.

Thank you!!

Mrs_No_More - You weren't dumped - you just dodged a bullet. I think its funny how men tell women that they are a good man. BF PLEASE, I'll decide that for myself!
Thank you!!

Mrs_No_More - You weren't dumped - you just dodged a bullet. I think its funny how men tell women that they are a good man. BF PLEASE, I'll decide that for myself!

Couldn't have said it any better....:grin:
Some men are predators in every way and, figuring they'll capitalize off what they THINK some women want, they'll rook someone into a relationship and finally begin to really show how controlling their behavior will be...:nono:

I do think you dodged a bullet too.....And if he had to tell you he was a good man, then you can kinda figure there he was a little :spinning:...WHO THE HELL TELLS SOMEONE THAT ANYWAY? lollll wouldn't his actions speak for themselves?
He just called me. He said that he can't be in a sexless relationship w/me b/c I turn him on so much and he has needs. Whatever.... He also said that he really cares for me and if I change my mind about being celibate to let him know.

Now I have never touched this man or allowed him to touch me. He has often spoken about us spending private time together, but I always refused. To be honest, I really wasn't interested in him. If I was really interested I would be on here asking for ya'll to pray for me to remain celibate. :grin:
He just called me. He said that he can't be in a sexless relationship w/me b/c I turn him on so much and he has needs. Whatever.... He also said that he really cares for me and if I change my mind about being celibate to let him know.

Now I have never touched this man or allowed him to touch me. He has often spoken about us spending private time together, but I always refused. To be honest, I really wasn't interested in him. If I was really interested I would be on here asking for ya'll to pray for me to remain celibate. :grin:

What an idiot :wallbash:
Then if he was "turned on" so much he wouldn't mind waiting because it would be even more worth it for the both of you when it did happen and not to mention more special.

lol..... (in response to the bolded) and he obviously wasn't such a good catch if he didn't TURN YOU ON as much as he claimed you did....:lachen:Ewww <shudders at the thought of a non-sexy man trying to con his way into your bed> Thank goodness he got you out of that mess......AND QUICK!:yep:
He just called me. He said that he can't be in a sexless relationship w/me b/c I turn him on so much and he has needs. Whatever.... He also said that he really cares for me and if I change my mind about being celibate to let him know.

Now I have never touched this man or allowed him to touch me. He has often spoken about us spending private time together, but I always refused. To be honest, I really wasn't interested in him. If I was really interested I would be on here asking for ya'll to pray for me to remain celibate. :grin:

Girl please you told that idiott that from the jump WTH he was thinking..

boy i tell u where do these lame men come from with this mess...what book is he reading from..so we know this he has no game and is not a player thats one thing for sure...LOL

he couldve kept that mess to himself..
Girl, you were not dumped you were DELIVERED. Had you hung in there you would have been duped.

You are a naturally sexy woman. I've warned you about this. :grin: Tone it down. Stop being so....womanly.

It's these Bama men. They are aggressive. And, I might add, he's not too much different from many of the Christian men I've encountered down here. I wouldn't be surprised if he were married. I've never seen closet polygamy like I've witnessed down here.

It's an Old Testament town I guess.:yep:
