...I think I'm still a virgin??

what if you have been "known" from yourself? With your own hands? Are you still a virgin?

I think that depends on your religious status. Some people feel like virginity is only true virginity if you haven't touched yourself and/or someone else hasn't in any sexual way...

Some people feel like virginity is defined by the dictionary which is a person who has never had sexual intercourse, so only certain types of activities can be done while still being considered a virgin, like masturbation, oral sex, or anal sex.

I don't know, but if we go by the religious point of view, then that means I lost my virginity when I was 6.... I grew up in a bad setting, so I saw a lot of things. I didn't know what I was doing until I got older because I was just copying things I saw.
the worst reaction in the world is when a man really does on in and hits your cervix... lord have mercy was that the most painful thing about losing my virginity... I was all achy after that sorta like cramps. Not to scare you.... but it took me a moment to realize what that sensation was. Your cervix should only be touched by your gyno... :look:

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I think that depends on your religious status. Some people feel like virginity is only true virginity if you haven't touched yourself and/or someone else hasn't in any sexual way...

Some people feel like virginity is defined by the dictionary which is a person who has never had sexual intercourse, so only certain types of activities can be done while still being considered a virgin, like masturbation, oral sex, or anal sex.

I don't know, but if we go by the religious point of view, then that means I lost my virginity when I was 6.... I grew up in a bad setting, so I saw a lot of things. I didn't know what I was doing until I got older because I was just copying things I saw.

What do you all mean by this.. the bible says nothing about the technicalities of virginity.

You are not a virgin; neither physically and certainly not spiritually. Not trying to be mean I just need for you to keep it real with yourself 'cause God surely knows [and saw the deed(s)].

Having said that, you don't have to wallow.

You are not a virgin; neither physically and certainly not spiritually. Not trying to be mean I just need for you to keep it real with yourself 'cause God surely knows [and saw the deed(s)].

Having said that, you don't have to wallow.

WOW. Part of me is laughing at the hilarity of this thread,:lachen:and part of me is now scared sh!tless to ever have sex:hide:. Between vaginismus and the painful horror stories I'm considering remaining a virgin for the rest of my life lol. JK, but to the OP sorry you're first experience was like this. My question to you is do you feel you're still a virgin? All that matters is how you feel.
Between vaginismus and the painful horror stories I'm considering remaining a virgin for the rest of my life lol. JK, but to the OP sorry you're first experience was like this. My question to you is do you feel you're still a virgin? All that matters is how you feel.

well... i'm not sure home girl who was barely tapped but ended up pregnant (in previous post) could still tell folk she "felt" like a virgin in her heart :lachen: just 'cause you got a shack and not a mansion doesn't mean you can say you don't have a roof your head.

as for the thread... i wish i had never heard of vaginismus this week.:nono:
I don't know if the :perplexed is because he didn't make it or if the :perplexed is because he didn't make it and still took your v card.

:lachen::lachen:sorry but 4 some reason I just found this funny

well... i'm not sure home girl who was barely tapped but ended up pregnant (in previous post) could still tell folk she "felt" like a virgin in her heart :lachen: just 'cause you got a shack and not a mansion doesn't mean you can say you don't have a roof your head.

as for the thread... i wish i had never heard of vaginismus this week.:nono:

and this one too :lachen:

back on topic now....I had the same thing happen to me twice and I considered it some sort of penetration... but not actual "sex" but I was not a virgin in my eyes...just "something" I guess
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The OP is probably gonna have sex again next week or something once she gets over this initial awkwardness.. this whole thread is probably a moot point *shrugs*
This thread is just....:yawn:

So the OP tried to do it but guess what...the attmpt FAILED.

I vote that you are still a v for now. Don't wory about some of the comments in this thread a lot of females are just salty that you were a virgin in the first place.

I think you are still good for now but to you and the rest of the virgins on the board. You can always be like the rest- the rest can never be like you so be wise with your decision.

I vote that you are still a v for now. Don't wory about some of the comments in this thread a lot of females are just salty that you were a virgin in the first place.

I think you are still good for now but to you and the rest of the virgins on the board. You can always be like the rest- the rest can never be like you so be wise with your decision.


You're a virgin until you say you're not :yep:

We can all be virgins again guys as long as we believe it in our minds :yep:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I don't believe that most women want to be virgins again in all honesty, they just wish they could take some dudes off the list or do a swap :laugh:
OP, you're still technically a virgin, and it isn't for anyone else to tell you otherwise. Be happy and wait if you aren't comfortable.
You're a virgin until you say you're not :yep:

We can all be virgins again guys as long as we believe it in our minds :yep:

you are a genius my dear! you mean even if Montana Fishburne can think herself a spotless virgin she can undo the damage of her de-flowered maidenhood?

my cup doth runneth over for all ye flowers unfurled. believe, i pray thee, and the flower shall return unplucked and unfurled as in the days of the innocence of thy pure youth. :fairy:
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Um I said in this thread as a general statement. Where did I imply it was your post?

OH sorry I got confused b/c you quoted my post when you said there was misinformation.

My friend said her painful loss of virginity almost experience was like there was a wall he getting past... im guessing some sorta of muscle spasm that made her clinch up.
Wow still shocked at the misinformation by some in this thread. You are referring to Vaginismus.
This thread is just....:yawn:

So the OP tried to do it but guess what...the attmpt FAILED.

I vote that you are still a v for now. Don't wory about some of the comments in this thread a lot of females are just salty that you were a virgin in the first place.

I think you are still good for now but to you and the rest of the virgins on the board. You can always be like the rest- the rest can never be like you so be wise with your decision.


I knew somewhere in this thread, this type of post was going to go down.
does it matter? are you planning to try again?

my ex poked me and it hurt and i usually just said i never had sex, i stopped using the term virgin after i started having sexual relations because i didn't think it really fit. but i did refer to sex w/ my SO as "losing my virginity" so idk. my friend's current bf at the time was so small it didnt break her hymen & she didn't consider herself a virgin.

there seems to be a lot of gray in virginity. especially re: the hymen, does the same go for men? what qualifies as losing their v? going all the way in? & it's not always "inclusive" (what's losing your v when you are not heterosexual?)

idk how far it went in (which i guess determines it). is there a reason why you want to know what others consider it? do you consider yourself a virgin?