Sick of Being a Virgin...and High Standards?

Greetings. I know I don't post a ton but I lurk around these forums a ton. So I think there might be some pretty wise and experienced people around that could offer some kind of opinion.

I'm 19, single,still a virgin, and in college at the moment. The fact that I'm a virgin is just plain ridiculous to some of my friends. There's so much talk about people having sex and getting theirs that, quite frankly, getting sick of being a virgin. In fact, we went a out few days ago and I met a man (a few actually) that obviously wanted to just sleep with me, and the sad part is that I was actually kind of tempted and considered the idea. I even went so far as to really "make out"/Fool around with one of them and allowed a lot more touching that I really feel I should have. So I don't feel very classy nor do I feel proud of myself. :nono:

I have set some standards (which I've been told are too high) that I would like the guys I date to somewhat live up to. Yet there are times when I'm out that I drop them for the sake of what I guess is attention/affection/whatever and I end up feeling a little cheap. I suppose my question would am I supposed to keep myself from dropping my bar simply for the sake of not being alone or simple affection? and is there such a thing as too high standards or being too old to be a virgin?

Please know that your feelings are normal. You know it's in your best interest spiritually, economically and socially to be a virgin so roll with that. There is nothing at all wrong with NOT allowing a guy to use your body as a masturbatory tool. There is EVERYTHING wrong with allowing someone to give you diseases that you will have to live with the rest of your life, with some ending your life, young. Worse? The psychological repercussions.

Instead, try and cultivate a friendship/romance with someone of like mind. There are men out there who, if not virgin, are chaste. When you feel lonely, volunteer your time to helping someone. When you feel horny, go and exercise yourself until you get that orgasmic relief. When your friends or others brag about having wonton sex, remind yourself how lucky you are that you are free and happy. Often, the facade of nonchalance people put up who have multiple sexual encounters outside of partnership is false (for those climbing from bed to bed). Their behavior screams "I need love and attention."

What you don't want to do is to compromise your morals and values for something that will ultimately leave you feeling ever more lonely if you feel it is wrong. Men who have sex with women and are not committed to them through a marriage relationship are using them - likewise, women. There is nothing lonelier than that lifestyle.

Please note: I based my response upon the assumption you wish to remain virgin is due to either cultural or religious upbringing which is usually based upon some set moral standard. I am not judging others who engage in premarital nor extramarital sex. No flaming please.
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Mayn if I could buy your virginity from you I would. If you unsure about if you want to have sex then dont do it. Wait until you found someone you care about and even so when having sex comes everything else. I waited until I found the person I was in love with and though things didnt work out Im glad it was with him. I still wish I had waited a little longer though.