I don't necessary want the marriage commitment just yet. I don't want him to marry me, I just wanted romance on Christmas...lol...I'm still doing the Rules, which is why he has not talked to me since then...lol

We have/had a committed relationship. Like I said, never thought deep into the marriage thing because I, we, are still young. What I want from this man is to simply give me my time without having fifty million other things to do regarding his family who has adopted him as the husband they don't have to do husband things, i.e, mow grass, fix this, loan them money, etc.

True. But given his time restraints with his job, our relationship has to come second to daughter and mama. This is something that I attempt to understand. Any other day I would not expect him to chose me over daughter or mama or father and would be totally cool with him getting to me late though he may be tired because he shows EFFORT. But on Christmas?? No, I don't deserve that. At this point, I am just tired of being the understanding and patient one. When is it going to be about ME??

That's cool... I'm not saying that you have to want marriage, but after three years, there should be some kind of standard as to what's expected from each person, etc...

Now, as for his relationship with his daughter, I can understand that. With the mama, is she an invalid and he's taking care of her? I know you gotta love your moms and all, but are her expectations for him unrealistic? Which gets to your point... when is it going to be about YOU? Everyone and everything is ahead of you... I can understand some of them, but the mama thing? And he's a grown man? He can't even split off some of the mama time to spend with you?

That's what I mean in general... if you've been together for this long, there should be some general ground rule in place about what's acceptable and what's not, because otherwise, there will always be a way that you'll end up on the back burner, and that's not cool.
i didn't read all of the responses....but i guess i should go back and read them...but i don't think he got you the gift card...and if he did, he got it after crimmus....u know u deserve betta, so as of the new year, i would cut him off like split ends.....
Are you sure that he is not married or seeing someone else? And that he spent Christmas with that person instead?

It just sounds a bit off that he finally called to see you at 11:58 p.m. He is out of town often for "work", dealing with a child who sounds local, dealing with his family and when he does have some free time on Christmas of all days - he is not with you? It sounds like he should have been at your doorstep as soon as he got off work with a nice gift....but instead he made you last on his list at 11:58 p.m. :-(

Every man that I know was with his GF on Christmas. My sister's man drove an hour to my mom's just to stay for 30 minutes (he had to go see his family & then his kids). Dang, even my niece's man got a ride (he's 19) so he could spend Christmas with her and he bought her some clothes after only a month of dating.
Are you sure that he is not married or seeing someone else? And that he spent Christmas with that person instead?

It just sounds a bit off that he finally called to see you at 11:58 p.m. He is out of town often for "work", dealing with a child who sounds local, dealing with his family and when he does have some free time on Christmas of all days - he is not with you? It sounds like he should have been at your doorstep as soon as he got off work with a nice gift....but instead he made you last on his list at 11:58 p.m. :-(

Every man that I know was with his GF on Christmas. My sister's man drove an hour to my mom's just to stay for 30 minutes (he had to go see his family & then his kids). Dang, even my niece's man got a ride (he's 19) so he could spend Christmas with her and he bought her some clothes after only a month of dating.

I agree with some of this, my fiance works nights also (NYPD) and he came home early and stayed up to open gifts and such with me and my kids. Then WE ALL went to visit his fam together. ()my baby was mad tired) He went upstairs at his moms house and slept while we were over there too LOL

He should have went to you first and then you both could have visited fam and such. Just don't seem right.

Also, you say you are not ready for that type of commitment however you are commiting yourself 100% and he is not meeting you half way. Don't be so quick to cater to him and his needs. Let that man cater to you. Some men have it too easy these days to act a fool. It's a 2 way street and if you don't set standards they will walk all over you.
Girl I couldn't do nothing but "Nod" my head in applause, you are absolutely right with everything that you said. Girl you are the bomb. I give you props. You are a strong female, and we all have been down that road with dudes like that and we give 110% but they don't realize our worth till we done left them.
I am sorry to be harsh, but not spending time on holidays with someone is a a pretty good indicator of the relationship getting sour, or that someone is more important than you.:/ Some of us have been there, and it doesn't feel good. On Christmas, and birthdays those are the days that you WANT to see the one you love. If there are not there, especially an SO or dh, I would be worried.
I didn't get anything for Christmas from dh, but we spent the holiday together, which meant alot to me.
Gift cards are very nice, but it is also an afterthought gift. You are not an afterthought!:)
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Actions speak louder than words. We make time for the things we want to do and we make excuses for everything else.

OP, I don't fall him though. Why are you playing wifey? Sounds like you're overinvested and now you're frustrated with the lack of reciprocity. Don't ever give more in a pre-marital relationship than you can stand to lose.

Sounds like you're being taken for granted. I would have a sit down with him and do a state of the relationship address to get an understanding. Perhaps he is too caught up to be aware of what you need. That's not an excuse but I think you should bring it to his attention. If he can't do better after that, then it may be time to reconsider your continued investment in him and the relationship.

ITA with the above and to add to it, from what you wrote, if you've been in a relationship with this man for 3 years, everything he did on Christmas day you and your child should have been included in. Even IMO Christmas with his child, after 3 years his child should know you so even that shouldn't have been a big deal. Visiting with his family and friends, why weren't you included in that after 3 years? Dump him.
OP only you really know what's going on in your relationship. You already knew what you had to do even before you started this thread.
Are you sure that he is not married or seeing someone else? And that he spent Christmas with that person instead?

It just sounds a bit off that he finally called to see you at 11:58 p.m. He is out of town often for "work", dealing with a child who sounds local, dealing with his family and when he does have some free time on Christmas of all days - he is not with you? It sounds like he should have been at your doorstep as soon as he got off work with a nice gift....but instead he made you last on his list at 11:58 p.m. :-(

Every man that I know was with his GF on Christmas. My sister's man drove an hour to my mom's just to stay for 30 minutes (he had to go see his family & then his kids). Dang, even my niece's man got a ride (he's 19) so he could spend Christmas with her and he bought her some clothes after only a month of dating.

I agree with this post.....Even my EX spent christmas with me, I was expecting a gift but thats another story. You should not have been by yourself on Christmas, expecially if you have a SO, and with that much time invested. You all need to talk seriously.
I haven't read through all the posts yet but I'm sure one of my sis have probably said this but I will say it again "Never make someone your priority when they make you an option"
I will agree that IMO the gift card thing wasn't THAT big of a deal. A lot of men are lazy, and at least he got you SOMETHING. :lol: BUT if you expected that the two of you were going to see each other on Christmas and that didn't happen, THAT is the problem. If you guys have been together for 3 years WHY weren't you invited to go with him to see his family?? Is there a reason why you weren't invited to spend the holiday with him AND his family??
OP only you really know what's going on in your relationship. You already knew what you had to do even before you started this thread.

Yes I knew. I just wanted to confirm what I already knew. I just needed someone else's opinion besides my mother's! I didn't know whether I was being too harsh or not since usually he's on his ****. Its just that lately (past few months) his family oriented responsibilites are starting to overshadow our relationship and Christmas took the cake for me.
I agree with this post.....Even my EX spent christmas with me, I was expecting a gift but thats another story. You should not have been by yourself on Christmas, expecially if you have a SO, and with that much time invested. You all need to talk seriously.

:nono: I don't want to talk to him. What can he say to fix this? Nothing! I went over some scenarios of what he could do or say and nothing made me feel better:lachen:.
Perhaps "he's just not that into you."

I think you should pull away for a while. Or simply move on.

This is totally understandable and I agree. Sometimes people grow apart. I honestly was falling out of love myself. So if he's not that into me, that's cool. Which is why I haven't attempted to contact him since that day. Not a text message or smoke signal. :nono:
I'm just wondering why he didn't invite to go with him as he made the rounds to see his family? Since you've been together so long, they should all know you and vice versa so why wasn't going together an option? I don't get that.
I'm just wondering why he didn't invite to go with him as he made the rounds to see his family? Since you've been together so long, they should all know you and vice versa so why wasn't going together an option? I don't get that.

Me either. Hence my frustration at that time. I'm good now. You ask God for a sign and you get it.
Happy New Year Weaveologist. A new broom sweeps clean. That's an old southern saying my mother would always make. Go get a new broom from the store and pretend you are sweeping out all the yuck stuff in your life out the back door. This helps me when I need to make changes in my life and invite the good things in. :)
Okay so I text SO Merry Christmas at about 1 o'clock in the morning because I knew he was up and working. He texted me back and said he got me a gift card because he couldn't think of anything to get me. That gave me a wierd feeling. He did ask me what I wanted and I told him that I wanted him to think of something so I'd be surprised. Honestly, in my head, I just wanted to see what he would think of, whether he would think of anything romantic or not, because lately, I have been questioning our relationship that has been very off and on. (The off times have been because of me bc lately I am just really unhappy)

So yeah, he gets me a gift card. For how much and to where I never found out because come the next day I am sitting around and waiting to for us to hook up and I notice its about 2pm. Now I realized that morning that he probably didn't get off of work until 4-5 that morning, had to get some sleep, and then when he did get up he had to see his kid and his mom. I understood all that. So when he did call he told me that he'd call me in a few hours and see what I was doing. That was about 4pm. Sooo time is going by and its going on eight o'clock. At this point my Christmas day is winding down and I'm ready for a drink. I've done my family thing, my son is with his dad, and I am getting invitations to go places. So he calls and says that he had two more spots to hit and then would let me know if we could hook up. . . . . . . . . . Now the nice person in me knew that he would be tired by now because its obvious he didn't get much sleep after getting off work. But the heiffer in me that's been cooking dinner, sleeping with him, helping him here and there, listening to him vent, and being a back bone for the past three years was highly mf'ing irritated. My thing is this: Granted you have a little time to do alot of things BUT at some point you should have realized that time was a ticking and that if he had more family to visit then he should have taken me on one of those road trips just to kill two birds with one stone. Never the less I simply told him don't worry about hooking up with me because in the back of my mind I am thinking "Ni$$a you got me a gift card for Christmas".... So after pondering over this for about twenty minutes I texted him and said, "If you have more important places to go, then don't worry about me because by the time I see you you'll be tired and Christmas will be over." So he texts me back saying "Its not like that. I'm just touching down with fam"...So I texted him back saying "I'm not saying its like anything. I just didn't expect to have to be penciled in. I expected more than that"... And I did! I have been a very patient and understanding woman for the past year. I deserved praises and gifts of gold and/or Indian hair for Christmas. Even if he gave me a gift card, had he alloted time well spent doing something romantic, I would have been happy.

So anyway, here comes 11:58 on the dot and he calls. At this point I am so irriated that I don't even answer. Then he texts me the next day at about 2pm asking me where am I. I ask Y? He texts back "I wanted to bring you your gift but never mind" I reply, "That's fine with me because Christmas is over anyway". So to make sure he doesn't think that I am being simple-minded and freaking out simply because he didn't/couldn't see me on Christmas I let him know how I feel. My issue is this: All year I am the one having his back. I am the one being patient while he runs all over the city for his mama, plays with the kid, then sleeps, goes to work for days at at time (he works for the railroad), and then comes back just to do it all over again. I am the one that's cool with by the time he sees me he's so damn tired that he's falling asleep on me. I am the one that gets called FIRST when he needs something because, despite the facts that he bends over backwards for his family, I am the only reliable mf'er he knows. I am the one that gives him no drama (so he says) and makes his so happy (so he says). Now here comes his opportunity to say thank you and I appreciate you and this mfer gets me a gift card and can't even give it to until the day after Christmas??????????

Woo-the f'ck- saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Ooooo I was hot!! :wallbash: I haven't talked to thim since because I am simply hurt by this. Though he probably was trying his best, I feel like you make time for what you want to do and he should have made it a priorty to spend time with me on Christmas and he should have put more thought into getting me something besides a gift card. Period.

So am I wrong? Am I being simple minded about this?

Baby, I hate to tell you this, but this ain't ya man. Just leave it alone. You deserve much better!
People make time for who or what is important to them. And there is NO way around that.

I understand that he didn't know what to get you but why not ask? Granted it wouldn't have been a surprise on your part but a gift card? WTH? Plus why doesn't he know you well enough to be able to figure out what you like? Hell, he could have asked one of the girls working at the mall for a good gift idea.

Sorry sweetie. It's the beginning of 2009 and the world is still yours. Drop this zero!
Ok just got to the sentence about you deserving gold and indian hair! LOL
Great advice and dialogue ladies. Happy New Year Weaveologist. I'm sure 2009 will bring some brand spanking new great things and people in your life. Keep your head up.
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