I Know I Am Not Tripping.

I think it may be the girlfriend or some other woman he is fooling around with trying to investigate or stir up trouble. He isn’t trying to get to the bottom of things because he already has his suspicions. If it was his live in girl I think he may be more inclined to say that’s a possibility but if he’s cheating he needs everything to be swept under the rug and to act indignant. Or it may be the GF who suspects he’s cheating but doesn’t know exactly with whom, but she knows something is off. Men who work odd hours also use that as a cover to cheat as well. For all you know he was not at work but with some other woman. Anyway, if I were you I would leave it alone. Too much energy and effort. If your friend is cheating it sounds like he’s about to get caught anyway:).

I would have asked him about it as well though. I’m sure you were quite shocked to get that text from him. People are crazy.

The girlfriend may have sent it as well out of jealousy and wanting to be a wife instead of a live in GF. Or he may have sent it. Bottom line is I think he is acting very shady for a friend. He really should be concerned about such a text coming from his phone. And he should be concerned about you as well instead of getting an attitude.

Anyway I’m glad that things are ok with you two for now. I predict more drama though.
I think it may be the girlfriend or some other woman he is fooling around with trying to investigate or stir up trouble. He isn’t trying to get to the bottom of things because he already has his suspicions

You could be right about it being him or her. Upon checking...the text was actually sent at 3am. Anyway...The party went well and there was no difference of behavior from either party. So I guess, I'll just chalk it up to their energy, not mine.
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You could be right about it being him or her. Upon checking...the text was actually sent at 3am. Anyway...The party went well and there was no difference of behavior from either party. So I guess, I'll just chalk it up to their energy, not mine.

Yep definitely their energy, not yours. You are an innocent bystander.
Yep definitely their energy, not yours. You are an innocent bystander.

Yeah... I do feel something is off now that I know what time it actually was sent. I'm just glad I keep my phone off at night. Explaining a text at 8am is a hell of a lot easier to explain...than one at 3am. I wish them nothing but peace in their household.
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I just had a friend on Facebook post that she was at an event and she kept getting a call from her cousin. Then on Facebook she was getting messages from her cousin. The messages were vuglar so she knew they weren't from him. So, she contacted the man's wife on Facebook and he confirmed that he never sent the messages and didn't call her. He didn't even know her.

I immediately thought of your situation. Your friend and his girlfriend might be telling the truth.

Shoot, I keep getting "unknown" calls that ring once and the company is able to go straight to voicemail. Then when I check my call log, an actual number is there. People can do all kinds of things.
I just had a friend on Facebook post that she was at an event and she kept getting a call from her cousin. Then on Facebook she was getting messages from her cousin. The messages were vuglar so she knew they weren't from him. So, she contacted the man's wife on Facebook and he confirmed that he never sent the messages and didn't call her. He didn't even know her.

I immediately thought of your situation. Your friend and his girlfriend might be telling the truth.

Shoot, I keep getting "unknown" calls that ring once and the company is able to go straight to voicemail. Then when I check my call log, an actual number is there. People can do all kinds of things.

Wow...that is crazy! I just decided to just chill on it and just be aware. I do find it odd that it was sent at a time when he has those work hours. The last we spoke he was working, so idk but we still cool. I just will be careful how my relationship appears to his gf if it appears of anything at all.
I just had a friend on Facebook post that she was at an event and she kept getting a call from her cousin. Then on Facebook she was getting messages from her cousin. The messages were vuglar so she knew they weren't from him. So, she contacted the man's wife on Facebook and he confirmed that he never sent the messages and didn't call her. He didn't even know her.

I immediately thought of your situation. Your friend and his girlfriend might be telling the truth.

Shoot, I keep getting "unknown" calls that ring once and the company is able to go straight to voicemail. Then when I check my call log, an actual number is there. People can do all kinds of things.

Wait...the man wife was supposed to be the cousins wife? The cousin didn't know his cousin...I got confused.
A few months ago, my mom said she received a text from me, stating that I was in the hospital. She calls me and asked “what hospital was I in”, I was so confused. I see her later on that day and sure enough there was a message in her phone from me but I never sent a text.

What the what!!!! That is scary indeed and whoever is behind that needs their a kicked. You don't play cruel jokes on people like that! So...it's safe to say, that whoever is behind this type of practice, would have to know both contacts huh?
A guy I dated called me out of the blue a few months ago stating he was calling me back because he missed my call since it was at 3am and he was asleep. It was strange indeed and DH assumed the guy was trying to find a way to start communication with me. I didn't think so because the guy never seemed "crazy". I myself was asleep and snuggled up with DH at the time he said I called.
Then a few weeks later I kept getting calls from people saying they are calling me back because I just called them earlier. One lady called and said I had just called her 5 minutes ago. But I hadn't touched my phone and didn't know these people. My phone company confirmed my number and a few other similar numbers had been compromised and I could get a new number if I wanted. So anything is possible.
I just had a friend on Facebook post that she was at an event and she kept getting a call from her cousin. Then on Facebook she was getting messages from her cousin. The messages were vuglar so she knew they weren't from him. So, she contacted the man's wife on Facebook and he confirmed that he never sent the messages and didn't call her. He didn't even know her.

I immediately thought of your situation. Your friend and his girlfriend might be telling the truth.

Shoot, I keep getting "unknown" calls that ring once and the company is able to go straight to voicemail. Then when I check my call log, an actual number is there. People can do all kinds of things.
I’m also confused. I thought you were saying your friend contacted her cousin’s wife but then you said he doesn’t even know her. If she contacted someone else, who was that and why did she think it was him?
These hackers are getting real good. I got an email from my email address telling me I know your passwords, which they listed &. Claimed to know other things. Password was correct..not current ones but correct nonetheless..
Godaddy said it was ghost email.. they masked it was my address but on his end he could see it was something else...

We all at risk fir some foolishness...

I hope all goes smooths moving forward for you.
My brother says that whoever sent it, I can rest assured it was intentional. He said our friend knows my phone is always off and at 3am would be off. Whoever it was probably doesn't know that and was looking for a response. He thinks it was the gf who probably assumes like most people my phone stays on. He said he never thought he liked me growing up or even now. He said brothers know when one of their friends like their little sister because they have did or said something. He believes it was a fishing expedition and he's glad I never responded. He also said she also could have had access to the phone or an app to do so.
He said I "offended him greatly and made him feel uncomfortable."

This right here, is how I KNOW he sent it.

If he didn't send, he didn't send it. Cool. The conversation should have just naturally moved on like "Is Doug coming to the housewarming?". But for him to go out of his way to show you no text messages left his phone and then to flip it, trying to make you seem like you're the one that is 'off' or crazy for RECEIVING the text messages FROM his number.

Yeah, ok. :rofl::rofl:

I don't know what he's trying to pull.
Agreed. He overreacted big time. You didn’t just offend him. You GREATLY offended him. Then without any prodding from you (I assume) he shows you “proof” he didn’t send it. AND then he acts all offended you’d even accuse him of such a thing and walks off in a huff. When people go above and beyond to prove their innocence by showing too emotion (hoping you’ll back down) and giving you unasked for proof, they’re guilty most of the time.

OP, when you asked him if he sent you the message, what was his exact answer verbatim? If he answered you straight up with: “no it wasn’t me”. Usually innocent. But if he said something along the lines of: “what?! How could you even think I’d do something like that? Wanna see my phone? There’s no text sent from MY phone! You’re crazy!!” Then he’s lying. Notice in the second answer he never comes out out and flat out says no. Good luck OP.
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What I don't understand is, IF he didn't send it, why isn't he trying to urgently get to the bottom of who did? You don't just let something like this slide if you are 100% innocent and respectful of your platonic opposite-sex friends.

He's lying.
So my friend called me and he still maintains he did not send it.That in all the years he has never stepped to me in that manner. We are family and always have been and that he has never looked at me other than a sister. He said he was surprised that I didn't believe him, because he has never lied to me in all our years. He wouldn't disrespect my marriage and he hoped that was not conveyed to hubby. He was more upset, because he said I should know that of him. I told him he could have had liquid courage, he replied. "At...work?'. :lachen:He understands why I was adamant it was him, because the text was in my phone, but once I saw it was not in his I kept accusing him. Even though he kept telling me he didn't know where it came from. He can't explain it and says it is very strange. I guess it would be hard to defend yourself against a scenario as this. The evidence makes you less convincing as well.

I didn't want to accuse his girlfriend of anything so, I told him he needs to secure his phone from his invisible twin. He paused, then we cracked some jokes and he asked me what time we were coming to the party. All is good...but I'm wondering if it was the gf , how will she act tomorrow. Whatever the case, I won't give it any energy.
Me thinks He doth protest too much...
Agreed. He overreacted big time. You didn’t just offend him. You GREATLY offended him. Then without any prodding from you (I assume) he shows you “proof” he didn’t send it. AND then he acts all offended you’d even accuse him of such a thing and walks off in a huff. When people go above and beyond to prove their innocence by showing too emotion (hoping you’ll back down) and giving you unasked for proof, they’re guilty most of the time.

OP, when you asked him if he sent you the message, what was his exact answer verbatim? If he answered you straight up with: “no it wasn’t me”. Usually innocent. But if he said something along the lines of: “what?! How could you even think I’d do something like that? Wanna see my phone? There’s no text sent from MY phone! You’re crazy!!” Then he’s lying. Notice in the second answer he never comes out out and flat out says no. Good luck OP.

He first said he didn't know what I was talking about and that he never texted. Then I showed it and he said he didn't know where it came from because he never text me and that it was strange. So I showed him the details and he still said he never did. I went on about him sending it, and hubby finding our friendship purely platonic. He replied it was and always has been and that he still didn't send it. I went on and on and he took out his phone and showed me the last communication we had, which was the phone call and said he thought it was strange again and he kinda went pause and silent. I went on about he could have deleted it and he was looking at me like I was crazy!:lachen:He said I was basically calling him a liar and that offended him and that was it.

So afterwards I felt like I was going crazy because I had the evidence in mine but he didn't. The conversation was cool until I told him I thought he was lying.:lachen:
He first said he didn't know what I was talking about and that he never texted. Then I showed it and he said he didn't know where it came from because he never text me and that it was strange. So I showed him the details and he still said he never did. I went on about him sending it, and hubby finding our friendship purely platonic. He replied it was and always has been and that he still didn't send it. I went on and on and he took out his phone and showed me the last communication we had, which was the phone call and said he thought it was strange again and he kinda went pause and silent. I went on about he could have deleted it and he was looking at me like I was crazy!:lachen:He said I was basically calling him a liar and that offended him and that was it.

So afterwards I felt like I was going crazy because I had the evidence in mine but he didn't. The conversation was cool until I told him I thought he was lying.:lachen:

See my thing is his reaction isnt even of a man whose phone may be sending out ghost messages.

With you having the evidence in your phone, he should be looking at everything but you like it’s crazy because you’re obviously not. He should be side eying his phone, his girlfriend, his service provider but NOT you. Despite the spoofing possibility, I still think he’s lying.
I think it is possible that someone sent it to your phone and spoofed his number. The most likely suspect is the girlfriend.
This is exactly what I thought. There are phishing apps that can cloak the dialers number and allow that person to use whatever number they want to dial the recipient. My daughter's father did this mess with my daughter and used my phone number to cloak his real number, smh. The sad thing is if the recipient looks it up on their phone bill, the duplicate number will show up but not the real number that called.

In your case, I definately suspect the girlfriend- she may be jealous of you and did this stunt as a test to see how you would respond. The only way to find out the truth is if your friend checks his girl's outgoing text messages or her phone bill.
These hackers are getting real good. I got an email from my email address telling me I know your passwords, which they listed &. Claimed to know other things. Password was correct..not current ones but correct nonetheless..
Godaddy said it was ghost email.. they masked it was my address but on his end he could see it was something else...

We all at risk fir some foolishness...

I hope all goes smooths moving forward for you.
The same thing has been happening to me- through GoDaddy too! The sender knew my old password but not the current ones. I told the GoDaddy rep that they need to really handle thes type of spam and check to make sure it's not coming from their internal team because I only log into my GoDaddy business email through GoDaddy- no where else.
The same thing has been happening to me- through GoDaddy too! The sender knew my old password but not the current ones. I told the GoDaddy rep that they need to really handle thes type of spam and check to make sure it's not coming from their internal team because I only log into my GoDaddy business email through GoDaddy- no where else.
Didn't think about their team being in on it...smh..he actually tried to sell me a security feature but I declined
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