I Know I Am Not Tripping.

I thought of something yesterday. If she was able to get my cell number, what about my home? IDK
I wouldn’t worry about that. She used her boyfriend’s cell which is easily accessible to her since I assume they live together or sleep over at each other’s place often. If homeboy has a key to your house (dunno why he would) then I’d definitely worry, change all of my locks ASAP, up my security system and tell hubby what’s going on. After all both of your safeties would be on the line.
Agreed. He overreacted big time. You didn’t just offend him. You GREATLY offended him. Then without any prodding from you (I assume) he shows you “proof” he didn’t send it. AND then he acts all offended you’d even accuse him of such a thing and walks off in a huff. When people go above and beyond to prove their innocence by showing too emotion (hoping you’ll back down) and giving you unasked for proof, they’re guilty most of the time.

OP, when you asked him if he sent you the message, what was his exact answer verbatim? If he answered you straight up with: “no it wasn’t me”. Usually innocent. But if he said something along the lines of: “what?! How could you even think I’d do something like that? Wanna see my phone? There’s no text sent from MY phone! You’re crazy!!” Then he’s lying. Notice in the second answer he never comes out out and flat out says no. Good luck OP.
Not necessarily. You never know how people can bring their insecurities and mental health problems into healthy relationships. I cringe at the things I used to do during the first several years of my relationship/marriage.

I once wrote DH a love letter pretending to be an admirer in the neighbourhood who wanted to meet up for coffee. He showed me the letter and shook his head muttering some people are just thirsty and crazy:look: I never told him it was me and I don’t think he ever suspected.

First 5 years I searched his phone every day. Until I got bored. Had and still have access to his emails (used to block some people from emailing him). When he realized he was not getting email from some people he asked me to set up another email account for him from our family account:look: this one was embarrassing.

I have never, ever shared these foolishness with anyone. Not even him. Only my therapist and now here. If I was to have another relationship I would never stoop so low again.

When I used to do it I used to tell myself I was being vigilant in ensuring I was not being cheated on/duped by a man like some other women. But it was my fear of abandonment that caused me to act like that. That fear did not even stem from being treated badly by men. I never made things get that far, so never experienced it. In my head I had convinced myself that method of weeding them out was the reason lol.

Just showing the other side. There is always a reason behind the crazy...

can't speak for @Evolving78 but his hands aren't clean meaning he is probably doing the girlfriend bad, an affair or just not caring enough so he is contributing to her paranoia. Not that he is lying ....whatever it is, its not your problem and they/she shouldn't have got you into their mess