I'm not the kind of person who gives to receive, but I do certainly appreciate a little genuine acknowledgement or effort on my bdays, Xmas, and one day when I have a real SO Valentine's day (I'm a hopeless romantic in my daydreams) I had something similar happen to me with this guy I've been kind of talking and going out with since March 2009. I really respect my friends b-days and I consider him a friend right now, if things go well maybe we could be exclusive.
I'm taking EXTREMELY slow to let him get closer to me so I could feel him out because I've seen how these men can be. On his b-day in Oct I treated him to a $65 lunch with gift and card included. He told me I was the only one to give him something for his bday. I know this seems crazy since we were not anything near a real couple, we've only kissed twice and that's strictly it since we started talking in March, however, we were talking on the phone almost daily since then seeing each other only once/twice a month if lucky. He calls me 98% of the time.
However come mid-November he stops calling so frequently and fails to return my calls/texts until after 2 days and on Christmas he didn't even call/text until I texted him Merry Christmas. He answered back Merry Christmas and that was that.
My b-day is coming up at the end of the month and I'm afraid. I made sure to take it off facebook, because since I remembered his bday I hope he remembered mine(plus I don't want a million people I don't know writing happy b-day and asking what I am going to. I have no plans yet for my 25th bday) We only talked about bdays a million times on the phone. He can afford to take me out with his well-paying job, however, I would just like to see an acknowlegement call me and wish me a Happy Birthday maybe send a card. I've always had problems with friends/relatives/colleagues other than my parents and two best friends from college acknowledging my bday even though I go out of my way to celebrate their's.
It also made me feel worse when I go on facebook and see all my colleagues showing off Xmas presents they got from their SO's *sigh*