I ended my engagement and relationship today.

But randomly in April, I fell ill with the weirdest illness ever. My lymph nodes in my neck swelled up to the size of golf balls and the next thing you know, I had a fever of 105 that wouldn't go away and I couldn't walk. I was admitted to NYU Medical Center (which is one of the best hospitals in the country) and no one knew what was wrong with me. I started going in and out of consciousness, and the antibiotics they gave me because they thought it might've been a bacterial infection wasn't working. My brain was frying for 13 days straight, my temperature was so high that the thermometers weren't reading it anymore because they only hit 105, and eventually the doctors took off the antibiotics and told my mother there was nothing more they could do for me and that they were sorry. Mind you, my doctors were the directors of their fields.

One morning, this is what my mother told me, I was complaining of how cold I was and numb, my mom (who is also Moroccan but a Christian) believes that death starts in the feet and moves its way upwards, and when she touched me that's exactly how I felt to her. She took off her cross and laid it on my chest and opened her Bible and kept asking me to hold on but all I kept saying was that I was so tired and wanted to go to sleep. She spent that whole morning praying, and that evening, my fever broke.

Prior to this I was going to his family's house and eating his mother's cooking. The ironic thing was that I never wanted to eat but I didn't want to be rude so I did. She also came to the hospital to see me which to me now means that she probably came to see the progress of her work.

I have no words. :nono:
Thanks so much, I appreciate the support. I just spoke with him again and we kind of had it out and I gave him back the ring to which he asked me if this was really my decision. He thinks we can move forward from this and doesn't want this to be over, but I can't live with a MIL who does voodoo to get rid of me. I can't tell him either, because he won't believe me.

I plan to smoke my apartment once he leaves.

If he knows his mother is into voodoo, he might surprise you and believe you.
This isn't something I'd keep to myself...I think he needs to know just how nuts his mom is, whether he believes it or not.
It could save his or someone else's life someday, because she is one crazy mother. Literally.
Thanks so much, I appreciate the support. I just spoke with him again and we kind of had it out and I gave him back the ring to which he asked me if this was really my decision. He thinks we can move forward from this and doesn't want this to be over, but I can't live with a MIL who does voodoo to get rid of me. I can't tell him either, because he won't believe me.

I agree with WomanlyCharm. Tell him. He has the right to know. If he chooses not to believe you, it's on him.
I double ditto with this. He deserves to know what's up. If he calls you crazy for it, like Jessy said, it's on him. He may love you enough to try to see if it's true.

I agree with WomanlyCharm. Tell him. He has the right to know. If he chooses not to believe you, it's on him.
I'm so sorry to hear this Vivez. There is some scary stuff in the world and you just gotta keep on praying to God, only the blood of Jesus can protect us.

I don't think you should tell him, you are probably right about him not believing you. Just keep praying and pray for him too.

The whole thing sounds like the plot of a Nigerian movie! :blush:
I'm so sorry to hear this Vivez. There is some scary stuff in the world and you just gotta keep on praying to God, only the blood of Jesus can protect us.

I don't think you should tell him, you are probably right about him not believing you. Just keep praying and pray for him too.

The whole thing sounds like the plot of a Nigerian movie! :blush:

Now that you mention it....it sure does.
If he knows his mother is into voodoo, he might surprise you and believe you.
This isn't something I'd keep to myself...I think he needs to know just how nuts his mom is, whether he believes it or not.
It could save his or someone else's life someday, because she is one crazy mother. Literally.

I agree.

That extremely serious to put something in someone's fod to make them sick Telling him now could save his or someone else's life or great heart ache. Who knows how far she'd go :ohwell: If he doesn't believe you then that's on him, but at least he was warned.
I am so glad your are okay Viv. I agree you should tell him when you talk to him. But please, please stay away from this family Viv. He is not worth your life. She will always be his mom. I know what voodoo can do to a family my uncle died and my grandfather almost did from voodoo being put on them. He (my grandfather) turn white and might I add he is a brown skinned man, had a high fever and some more things but what helped him was his mom took him to this lady. I dont know what she did but that is what saved him.
Thanks so much for all of your support ladies. Today for the first time ever my mom and I decided to go to a psychic, not because I wanted to know what was gonna happen in the future, but I wanted to see if I could find out anything else about what's going on RIGHT NOW in terms of his mother and the obia that's being done to me. We got Downtown and the psychic that we wanted to see actually moved from the building that we had found, so we wound up wandering aimlessly until we just came across a random psychic studio.

This psychic spelled out EVERYTHING for me about my life. She told me about my depression last year when I was estranged from my father, to my rough childhood, to the fact that two guys are in my life right now, one is an ex who is trying to contact me (which is true because he's been emailing me lately) but to stay away from him, and the other is my soulmate who is madly in love with me but I doubt our relationship. By this point I'm in tears because everything she's telling me is DEAD ON and all I've told this woman is my name.

Then she stops. And she's picked up on everything but nothing about the MIL. So my mother goes "Well you saw all of that, do you see anything about his mother?" And she pauses and goes "I'll be honest with you, I saw a lot more, but I don't want to scare you." So I ask to tell me everything, and she informs me that his mother has been doing work on me, and she's done it at least four times. She saw something else involving a burial ground of some sort behind a sacred building (possibly a church or a mosque). She told me that MIL hates me and that even though I did nothing wrong, she doesn't want me involved in the picture at ALL. If it wasn't for my mother's strong spirituality, I would've most certainly been dead from all of the hexes that she's been putting on me. Then she tells me that I wasn't led to her (i.e. the psychic) by accident, I was led to her because I needed help.

So after I heard this I thought about the four times thing, and then I realized, MIL has been planning this for a LONG time. A few months ago, she randomly bought me and ex-DF nightwear. Now if I had to think with the mind of a person who does voodoo, she likely gave me that and it was fixed with something on it so that it would harm me the more I wore it. The problem is that I never did wear it. Once she saw that wasn't working she probably moved on.

After this, she brought silk flowers out of the blue. Why buy silk flowers when you can get someone real flowers? Well silk is a material with a high absorption, so she likely put something in them or some sort of oils and figured I would leave the flowers in the house as decor and they would do her work for her. 3 weeks after she gave them to me, I threw them away because I thought they were ugly and useless.

Then comes April when I got sick. She likely fed me something that made my spirit literally burn away. That's why NO doctor, machine, or medicine, could cure me, because what was sick wasn't my body. It was my soul. Think about it, if I had died, what would have been my cause of death? "Unknown." It would never be traced back to her. She came to see me the Sunday before I started dying, which I believe now to be her coming to a. make it look as though she's concerned and b. making sure her plan works. They took me off of the medication and left me to die on Tuesday, and that same morning, my mother took her cross and laid it across my chest and prayed using her Bible, and my fever broke that evening. I had my fever btw, for 13 days, which is a significant number in voodoo rituals.

That doesn't work, so she moves on to placing a bird in my home that's fixed with some sort of evil on it. The bird is supposed to die, and I'm assuming she buries it, and then I too, will die. You see, it doesn't make sense that she would just want to break us up, because people break up and make up all the time. She needed me gone so that he would NEVER come back to me and leave her. What better way than death? Yesterday she was so adamant about coming to my home which is probably why my ex pulled the ish that he pulled because she put him in an uncompromising position.

My father today told me to count back 21 days from yesterday. 21 days from yesterday marks June 21st, which was the last time she was here, which was when she placed the bird here. 21, also a significant number in voodoo.

It all adds up and the more I find out the more disturbed I become but the more grateful I become for being strong enough to leave before one of her plans succeeded.
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Wow Vivez. I'm going to pray for you and everyone involved. This is just too much!

Did you tell your ex-DF about the voodoo? Has his mother acted similarly with past girlfriends of his? :nono:

Where is this psychic located. What are her rates? I'm sure other people in the are may be interested. Not me, of course. :look:
^^^^ I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I'm glad you were able to find out more from the psychic. I hope everything works out for you and I'm glad you got out before one of her plans succeeded. I can't help but think that she was mildly successful because she got the two of you to break up and I can't stand that.
I dont have anything to add, but I want to give you a big ol hug. I'm sorry about all of this and I am so happy that you are finally through with this. I just prayed that Angels will protect you from future harm.
While I can't say I'm in agreement with going to the psychic (due to Christian beliefs) I can say that voodoo is very, VERY real because the works behind it are nothing more than satanic powers from the pits of HELL. People can and WILL root work you. :nono:

Some people are evil for no reason. I don't know why she dislikes you for no reason (then again, my soon to be MIL was the same way)but to this level? She probably fears the deep rooted power of Christ in your family. I don't understand.

Leave. Not because so much of her (even though YES, the mum IS a big part of it, but with God NO evil power can prosper!) but because of the state of your relationship with the man. You don't even feel like you can tell him about the mum. Or worse, he doesn't seem to validate your feelings.

I hope things work out. I will lift you up in prayer. I'm glad you're taking it in stride. I see why some say they wouldn't have married into the family because of the inlaws but this is just too much!!!
Wow Vivez. I'm going to pray for you and everyone involved. This is just too much!

Did you tell your ex-DF about the voodoo? Has his mother acted similarly with past girlfriends of his? :nono:

Where is this psychic located. What are her rates? I'm sure other people in the are may be interested. Not me, of course. :look:

Thanks ladies. I really genuinely appreciate the support. It makes me feel better to know I have people behind me supporting me and helping me through this.

MPJ - I haven't told my ex-DF about the voodoo, I want to but to be honest I KNOW he won't believe me, and I'm worried that he will

A. Despise me
B. Run and tell his mother who in turn will figure out that I'm onto her and start trying to do more to keep me quiet, if you know what I mean.

The psychic's name is Susan and she is located on Livingston Street in Downtown Brooklyn. It's has a purple awning that reads PSYCHIC STUDIO and it's directly across from the MTA headquarters and intersects at what I believe to be Smith St. I have her card but it's packed in my suitcase with my jeans so tomorrow I will PM you the exact address and phone number.

Her rates are good. She gave me a full tarot card reading for $30, it's usually $35 but because we were waiting for her past 30 minutes she lowered the price. After the first reading, second readings are half price. She does tarot and palm. I don't usually believe in this, but she is GOOD. She was dead on about everything she told me.
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MPJ - I haven't told my ex-DF about the voodoo, I want to but to be honest I KNOW he won't believe me, and I'm worried that he will

A. Despise me
B. Run and tell his mother who in turn will figure out that I'm onto her and start trying to do more to keep me quiet, if you know what I mean.
Haha. I pass that woman every day to WORK! :blush:

As the bold...Hm. Good point. Since it's over if he despises you and chooses mum once again, oh well(not to discount feelings...just meaning his loss)...but you want to let sleeping dogs lie with this one. I don't see much to gain from it. If you tell and he believes, the mum will just keep on keeping on. If he tells her, who knows. No weapon formed against a believer shall prosper, but I don't see any gain from telling and why bring more unnecessary strife in your life?

...he probably knows already or is most likely somewhat under her spell, so to speak.:nono: Does he have any ex girlfriends?? Any one's his mum liked? Could it be a cultural reason she doesn't like you? (I know you said your mum is Moroccan, what of your dad?) Religious? Then again, she IS breaking the rules of HER faith by doing voodoo...man...:nono:
Haha. I pass that woman every day to WORK! :blush:

As the bold...Hm. Good point. Since it's over if he despises you and chooses mum once again, oh well(not to discount feelings...just meaning his loss)...but you want to let sleeping dogs lie with this one. I don't see much to gain from it. If you tell and he believes, the mum will just keep on keeping on. If he tells her, who knows. No weapon formed against a believer shall prosper, but I don't see any gain from telling and why bring more unnecessary strife in your life?

...he probably knows already or is most likely somewhat under her spell, so to speak.:nono: Does he have any ex girlfriends?? Any one's his mum liked? Could it be a cultural reason she doesn't like you? (I know you said your mum is Moroccan, what of your dad?) Religious? Then again, she IS breaking the rules of HER faith by doing voodoo...man...:nono:

There was only one other really serious relationship similar to the strength of ours, and she didn't like her either.

Both families come from Morocco, as in mine and his, but my dad is West Indian. I don't think she knows that we're not Muslim, but I'm not too sure.

I don't know if I said this before but there was a rumor going around about his mother doing obia to people, specifically her SIL strongly believes it and as a result stays as far away from her as she can. She believes that my ex-DF's mom did voodoo to her brother (her husband).

When my ex-FIL (R.I.P) came here, he mysteriously fell ill with kidney problems. He died last year. I won't be surprised if she's the reason behind it.
There was only one other really serious relationship similar to the strength of ours, and she didn't like her either.

Both families come from Morocco, as in mine and his, but my dad is West Indian. I don't think she knows that we're not Muslim, but I'm not too sure.

I don't know if I said this before but there was a rumor going around about his mother doing obia to people, specifically her SIL strongly believes it and as a result stays as far away from her as she can. She believes that my ex-DF's mom did voodoo to her brother (her husband).

When my ex-FIL (R.I.P) came here, he mysteriously fell ill with kidney problems. He died last year. I won't be surprised if she's the reason behind it.
It's like she wants her son to herself...my goodness. She is dangerous. Your ex fiance HAD to have heard the rumors...he had to.
Thanks ladies. I really genuinely appreciate the support. It makes me feel better to know I have people behind me supporting me and helping me through this.

MPJ - I haven't told my ex-DF about the voodoo, I want to but to be honest I KNOW he won't believe me, and I'm worried that he will

A. Despise me
B. Run and tell his mother who in turn will figure out that I'm onto her and start trying to do more to keep me quiet, if you know what I mean.

I see your point. :yep:

More hugs, Vivez. :hug2:

This has to be so hard on you. :nono:

Thanks for the additional info in the psychic.
WOW Viv. She was so against you being in her son's life that she would do all of that to you to KILL you. WOW. I say get far away. Cause no telling what she would do if you two got back together. I am so sorry to hear all of this. I remember when you talked about being ill. Did you have any idea that all of this was going on at the time?
Thanks so much for all of your support ladies. Today for the first time ever my mom and I decided to go to a psychic, not because I wanted to know what was gonna happen in the future, but I wanted to see if I could find out anything else about what's going on RIGHT NOW in terms of his mother and the obia that's being done to me. We got Downtown and the psychic that we wanted to see actually moved from the building that we had found, so we wound up wandering aimlessly until we just came across a random psychic studio.

This psychic spelled out EVERYTHING for me about my life. She told me about my depression last year when I was estranged from my father, to my rough childhood, to the fact that two guys are in my life right now, one is an ex who is trying to contact me (which is true because he's been emailing me lately) but to stay away from him, and the other is my soulmate who is madly in love with me but I doubt our relationship. By this point I'm in tears because everything she's telling me is DEAD ON and all I've told this woman is my name.

Then she stops. And she's picked up on everything but nothing about the MIL. So my mother goes "Well you saw all of that, do you see anything about his mother?" And she pauses and goes "I'll be honest with you, I saw a lot more, but I don't want to scare you." So I ask to tell me everything, and she informs me that his mother has been doing work on me, and she's done it at least four times. She saw something else involving a burial ground of some sort behind a sacred building (possibly a church or a mosque). She told me that MIL hates me and that even though I did nothing wrong, she doesn't want me involved in the picture at ALL. If it wasn't for my mother's strong spirituality, I would've most certainly been dead from all of the hexes that she's been putting on me. Then she tells me that I wasn't led to her (i.e. the psychic) by accident, I was led to her because I needed help.

So after I heard this I thought about the four times thing, and then I realized, MIL has been planning this for a LONG time. A few months ago, she randomly bought me and ex-DF nightwear. Now if I had to think with the mind of a person who does voodoo, she likely gave me that and it was fixed with something on it so that it would harm me the more I wore it. The problem is that I never did wear it. Once she saw that wasn't working she probably moved on.

After this, she brought silk flowers out of the blue. Why buy silk flowers when you can get someone real flowers? Well silk is a material with a high absorption, so she likely put something in them or some sort of oils and figured I would leave the flowers in the house as decor and they would do her work for her. 3 weeks after she gave them to me, I threw them away because I thought they were ugly and useless.

Then comes April when I got sick. She likely fed me something that made my spirit literally burn away. That's why NO doctor, machine, or medicine, could cure me, because what was sick wasn't my body. It was my soul. Think about it, if I had died, what would have been my cause of death? "Unknown." It would never be traced back to her. She came to see me the Sunday before I started dying, which I believe now to be her coming to a. make it look as though she's concerned and b. making sure her plan works. They took me off of the medication and left me to die on Tuesday, and that same morning, my mother took her cross and laid it across my chest and prayed using her Bible, and my fever broke that evening. I had my fever btw, for 13 days, which is a significant number in voodoo rituals.

That doesn't work, so she moves on to placing a bird in my home that's fixed with some sort of evil on it. The bird is supposed to die, and I'm assuming she buries it, and then I too, will die. You see, it doesn't make sense that she would just want to break us up, because people break up and make up all the time. She needed me gone so that he would NEVER come back to me and leave her. What better way than death? Yesterday she was so adamant about coming to my home which is probably why my ex pulled the ish that he pulled because she put him in an uncompromising position.

My father today told me to count back 21 days from yesterday. 21 days from yesterday marks June 21st, which was the last time she was here, which was when she placed the bird here. 21, also a significant number in voodoo.

It all adds up and the more I find out the more disturbed I become but the more grateful I become for being strong enough to leave before one of her plans succeeded.
WOW! this is all just so wild! Pray Pray Pray and keep praying!
i'm so sorry for your break-up. however, i think you've made the right decision by calling off the engagement. i think she would have made your marriage a total nightmare. i feel like she will do this to anyone who is a serious "threat" to her (i.e - anyone your ex is serious with). she needs actual help in letting her son live his life; he is not her little boy any more or "husband".

i know you'll find someone special in the future without all of this baggage.
I'm so sorry to hear this Vivez. There is some scary stuff in the world and you just gotta keep on praying to God, only the blood of Jesus can protect us.

I don't think you should tell him, you are probably right about him not believing you. Just keep praying and pray for him too.

The whole thing sounds like the plot of a Nigerian movie! :blush:

lol you're right, i'm 100% sure there are nollywood movies that follow op's exact story. his mother sounds downright evil and vicious. sadly, people are out there performing evil voodoo.
I was very upset about it earlier this afternoon, but I'm actually okay right now. In a nutshell, it wasn't HIM, it was his mother and the fact that he put her first ahead of me ALL the time to the point where my needs and feelings were being neglected. I'm not willing to get married under such conditions. (That and the fact that I found out today that she's been doing voodoo to break us up).

We live together so right now I'm at my mother's and will stay here until he moves out so I can move back in.

*sigh* Back to the single cess pool I go..
I am so sorry that you had to do this but at the same time I admire you for doing it. I love that you stood up for yourself and you know that you deserve better than that.

Voo Doo?

Oh Lawd!!!
I see your point. :yep:

More hugs, Vivez. :hug2:

This has to be so hard on you. :nono:

Thanks for the additional info in the psychic.

Thanks girl. You know, it's hard to swallow, especially because in my heart I know that he's a good person and I believe that we ARE soulmates and meant to be together... But I can't live with fear in my heart of what might happen to me because of his mother's scorn. I have yet to really sit down and have a good cry about it, everyone says I'm taking it surprisingly well, but I think that it's because I'm looking back on how close to death I was in April, and finding out that she was the reason why, and I just want no part of that. If she wants me out of the picture that badly so that she can have her son, I'll gladly give him up. This has taught me that someone can really fall in love with me for all that I am and all that I aspire to be, and if that can happen, then someone else will come along and do the same.

I'm just shocked to be honest that someone can be SO evil. I never did anything wrong to this woman or her son, all I did was love him and want to take care of him and be with him, and all I ever did was treat her like she was my own mother.

WOW Viv. She was so against you being in her son's life that she would do all of that to you to KILL you. WOW. I say get far away. Cause no telling what she would do if you two got back together. I am so sorry to hear all of this. I remember when you talked about being ill. Did you have any idea that all of this was going on at the time?

None whatsoever. If someone just came to me one day and said that MIL was doing work to me to kill me and that she was the reason why I was in the hospital, I would've probably cursed them out for saying such horrible lies. But now that the bird was already found in my house, and the pieces of the puzzle keep fitting together ever so perfectly, there's no doubt in MY mind that anything wrong that has been happening both to me and to our relationship is because of her.

He's not the same person he was after we got engaged. We both come from a Moroccan background but he comes from a Muslim family and my family is mixed of Christians and Muslims. This was never an issue in the beginning of our relationship. I think, around January of this year, it's like our differences became magnified and we would argue over and over about things that were NEVER an issue before. He started to change in terms of how he would talk to me, and things he would do, and to be honest, it happened so frequently that at one point (or quite a few points, really) I thought about if I REALLY wanted to get married to the person I now knew, and I wondered how he could just change so much. For me though, I tried my best to work things out. It's clear to me now, that he's made a complete 180 because she's been working on him.

You can't tell me that we go to a restaurant to eat, and he sits NEXT to her while I'm sitting across from them, and she says something to him in Arabic and then he proceeds to feed her her food as if she's incapacitated, and that's not her subtle way of trying to tell me that she comes first. That wasn't the last time that happened either.

Yeah you really really really need to smoke out that house!

I have everything intention of doing so. I'm just literally waiting for him to move out.

I am so sorry that you had to do this but at the same time I admire you for doing it. I love that you stood up for yourself and you know that you deserve better than that.

Voo Doo?

Oh Lawd!!!

Thanks SAL. I just can't do it, but like I said, the sad thing is that if I could forgive everything else, I can't just forget about this and his mother's work like if it never happened. I know he may try to get me to work things out, but that's because he doesn't know the FULL story, but even if I told him, he wouldn't believe me. Besides, the outcome of me saying something might further put him and I in jeopardy.
Thanks girl. You know, it's hard to swallow, especially because in my heart I know that he's a good person and I believe that we ARE soulmates and meant to be together... But I can't live with fear in my heart of what might happen to me because of his mother's scorn. I have yet to really sit down and have a good cry about it, everyone says I'm taking it surprisingly well, but I think that it's because I'm looking back on how close to death I was in April, and finding out that she was the reason why, and I just want no part of that. If she wants me out of the picture that badly so that she can have her son, I'll gladly give him up. This has taught me that someone can really fall in love with me for all that I am and all that I aspire to be, and if that can happen, then someone else will come along and do the same.

I'm just shocked to be honest that someone can be SO evil. I never did anything wrong to this woman or her son, all I did was love him and want to take care of him and be with him, and all I ever did was treat her like she was my own mother.

None whatsoever. If someone just came to me one day and said that MIL was doing work to me to kill me and that she was the reason why I was in the hospital, I would've probably cursed them out for saying such horrible lies. But now that the bird was already found in my house, and the pieces of the puzzle keep fitting together ever so perfectly, there's no doubt in MY mind that anything wrong that has been happening both to me and to our relationship is because of her.

He's not the same person he was after we got engaged. We both come from a Moroccan background but he comes from a Muslim family and my family is mixed of Christians and Muslims. This was never an issue in the beginning of our relationship. I think, around January of this year, it's like our differences became magnified and we would argue over and over about things that were NEVER an issue before. He started to change in terms of how he would talk to me, and things he would do, and to be honest, it happened so frequently that at one point (or quite a few points, really) I thought about if I REALLY wanted to get married to the person I now knew, and I wondered how he could just change so much. For me though, I tried my best to work things out. It's clear to me now, that he's made a complete 180 because she's been working on him.

You can't tell me that we go to a restaurant to eat, and he sits NEXT to her while I'm sitting across from them, and she says something to him in Arabic and then he proceeds to feed her her food as if she's incapacitated, and that's not her subtle way of trying to tell me that she comes first. That wasn't the last time that happened either.

I have everything intention of doing so. I'm just literally waiting for him to move out.

Thanks SAL. I just can't do it, but like I said, the sad thing is that if I could forgive everything else, I can't just forget about this and his mother's work like if it never happened. I know he may try to get me to work things out, but that's because he doesn't know the FULL story, but even if I told him, he wouldn't believe me. Besides, the outcome of me saying something might further put him and I in jeopardy.

Hey Vivez L'amour i m so sorry for all that happened to you. But you did what was right for you and trust me your ex boyfriend is not really aware of what's going on cause she's working on him, which explains his change of behaviour. I had my girlfriend go through the same thing with her ex fiance in dc, each time she would go to his house she would get sick, the day she moved out. My girlfriend dad is into that as well and perceived the ex dad doing it to her because he hates her. My couz too her own mom did voodoo on her to make her stay forever with her, till this day she is unmarried, no man and almost committed suicide and begged her mom to stop doing it to her. I know my grandmother from my step mom side did it in the past so her kids go far in life and i know people relatives have done it to me in africa and stolen my chances early in life and are behind many ills that happen to me.

My answer and advice to you as a victim myself, is to stand strong in the lord and really really repeat ISAIE 54.17 NO WEAPON AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER, repeat every morning PSALM 17, repeat every morning psalm 140 about bringing your soul out of prison and every night before going to bed you do psalm 91. I'm lucky my birth mom is an anointed and strong pastor that has delivered countless souls. i almost died of pneumonia last year in new york, mind you i never traveled it was summer july!!!!! never left my room. Not everyone wil root for you but just to make it clear many people do voodoo, be it in africa, the islands, guadeloupe wherever not just haiti, we come from a tradition in africa of many sorcerers or natural doctors before religion was brought to us. People do a lot of "fetiches" i dont know how to translate it maybe "works on you or spells?"

You did the right thing, telling him would not change a thing,and would submit you to more ill. Me personnally now that i m made aware when i went back home and received confirmation from a local priest of all the things that were done to me up to the choice of my name " ekomba means sterile" in my language. i was just like wow what a choice of a name. learned that my dad's family gave me that name. boy that s why once you aware you just keep yourself grounded in prayer and avoid them. But trust me even her knowing no one can beat the power of God. Rest assured.

If i were you i would have moved though cause you see she knows where you live and it s good when you move on not to have people that could harm you know your location. You dont want to find any other bird or what not or a fire let God forbid. Consider it as someone tried to kill you why revisit the crime scene and after 4 attemps at death i would be concerned of them knowing where i reside. I keep you in my prayers i m familiar with livingston street i go from time to time to The Brooklyn Tabernacle. i love pastor Cymbala! keep your head up girl! muahhh
I know the decision is up to you but....can you consider moving out? Please.
If you don't mind me asking, what is holding you back from just leaving the place?
Hey Vivez L'amour i m so sorry for all that happened to you. But you did what was right for you and trust me your ex boyfriend is not really aware of what's going on cause she's working on him, which explains his change of behaviour. I had my girlfriend go through the same thing with her ex fiance in dc, each time she would go to his house she would get sick, the day she moved out. My girlfriend dad is into that as well and perceived the ex dad doing it to her because he hates her. My couz too her own mom did voodoo on her to make her stay forever with her, till this day she is unmarried, no man and almost committed suicide and begged her mom to stop doing it to her. I know my grandmother from my step mom side did it in the past so her kids go far in life and i know people relatives have done it to me in africa and stolen my chances early in life and are behind many ills that happen to me.

My answer and advice to you as a victim myself, is to stand strong in the lord and really really repeat ISAIE 54.17 NO WEAPON AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER, repeat every morning PSALM 17, repeat every morning psalm 140 about bringing your soul out of prison and every night before going to bed you do psalm 91. I'm lucky my birth mom is an anointed and strong pastor that has delivered countless souls. i almost died of pneumonia last year in new york, mind you i never traveled it was summer july!!!!! never left my room. Not everyone wil root for you but just to make it clear many people do voodoo, be it in africa, the islands, guadeloupe wherever not just haiti, we come from a tradition in africa of many sorcerers or natural doctors before religion was brought to us. People do a lot of "fetiches" i dont know how to translate it maybe "works on you or spells?"

You did the right thing, telling him would not change a thing,and would submit you to more ill. Me personnally now that i m made aware when i went back home and received confirmation from a local priest of all the things that were done to me up to the choice of my name " ekomba means sterile" in my language. i was just like wow what a choice of a name. learned that my dad's family gave me that name. boy that s why once you aware you just keep yourself grounded in prayer and avoid them. But trust me even her knowing no one can beat the power of God. Rest assured.

If i were you i would have moved though cause you see she knows where you live and it s good when you move on not to have people that could harm you know your location. You dont want to find any other bird or what not or a fire let God forbid. Consider it as someone tried to kill you why revisit the crime scene and after 4 attemps at death i would be concerned of them knowing where i reside. I keep you in my prayers i m familiar with livingston street i go from time to time to The Brooklyn Tabernacle. i love pastor Cymbala! keep your head up girl! muahhh

Thanks so much for your advice, and I'm sorry for everything that happened to your family as well. I'm going back to the psychic today to find out what else she's has done to me. I plan to pray very strongly not just for myself but for him as well.
I know the decision is up to you but....can you consider moving out? Please.
If you don't mind me asking, what is holding you back from just leaving the place?

Well here's the thing, in NYC the houses are all multi-family, meaning that it can be a 3-story house or whatever but there's different apartments on each floor. When he and I first found an apartment in August, it was SO expensive for such a small space. The basement apartment in my mother's house freed up around October, and since it's bigger, cheaper, and I'd be closer to my mother, we decided to move there. My apartment is in the basement of my mother's house, so even if I left that apartment, everything is inside ONE house. I don't see how it'd be possible for all of us to pack up and move because where would we go? The housing market is horrible so no one would buy it for the price its worth and what would we be able to afford since everything is inflated?

I feel horrible because I feel like I'm the reason there's so many problems, but at this point, I don't know what else to do. :ohwell: