I am speechless!


formerly known as "keyawarren"
A friend of mine has been giving me updates on my ex roomie. My ex roomie, let's call her "S", has been in a relationship with "T" for over 7 years. He is definitely a kang! While me and her were living together on campus, he practically moved in! :nono: He could never find a job. He has enrolled in a few trade schools and never finished :ohwell: we've all come to realize that these two share a ghetto love...and we know how that goes.

So fast forward to today. "S" is in the military right now and she's been sending money home to "T" while he maintains the fort "no pun intended". He 's been entertaining jump-offs in their home all the while (they have an "open" relationship :rolleyes:) Well, she just found out that not only has he not been paying the car insurance, but they have now recieved an eviction notice :mad:

What in da hayell? How can you leave a person homeless? Especially for the holidays?? While me and her are not the best of friends, I still can't believe he did this. At the same time my friends and I know that they'll still be together, regardless :perplexed

I don't know anymore. What are people thinking????
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Its time for S to dump T with his foul ***.I hate douche bags more than I hate geckos and I really hate geckos.But he will allow him back in he will lay the pipe and all will be well while she carries a grown negro like a child..she better be getting a tax write off bc he is a dependent.
She is aware of his behavior and obviously okay with it. I dont get folks like this and she must not be that bright if she is sticking around for his BS. He knows he has a fool and plans to play her until the end.
I don't feel that sorry for either of them. I just don't understand the line of thinking though...
...That's bad but dumb on the ex roomie's part... If you're in the military you need someone you can depend on to hold things down and he clearly isn't so why leave him to do it? People stay with people for crazy reasons smh... It's life... It's kinda odd for someone else to give the low down to you about a girl's life when ya'll are only ex roomies. I'd give that person the side eye because if they're giving you sparknotes on her life they're probably doing the same about yours and even if they aren't how bored is she, really? I can't stand when someone else comes to me telling me about someone else's life especially when it's bad. Just makes me wonder if their time couldn't be used better.
...That's bad but dumb on the ex roomie's part... If you're in the military you need someone you can depend on to hold things down and he clearly isn't so why leave him to do it? People stay with people for crazy reasons smh... It's life... It's kinda odd for someone else to give the low down to you about a girl's life when ya'll are only ex roomies. I'd give that person the side eye because if they're giving you sparknotes on her life they're probably doing the same about yours and even if they aren't how bored is she, really? I can't stand when someone else comes to me telling me about someone else's life especially when it's bad. Just makes me wonder if their time couldn't be used better.

I see what you mean. It's not like she tells me in a gossip kind of way. she was ranting about the bf. I'm not worried about her spreading my "business". If that were so then none of us should trust any of our friends. *shrug*
I get what you mean too... Shoot she's one of those people who would be an associate cause my question would be "did you tell her how you felt." I love my friends but I make SURE that whatever they are telling me about other people that they told the same person... I mean what good does it do for her to tell you? Now all of us know and it still isn't doing the hoodloin countryserving ex roomie any good lol. I really think the ex roomie should have stayed your roomie maybe you could have talked some sense into her.

I see what you mean. It's not like she tells me in a gossip kind of way. she was ranting about the bf. I'm not worried about her spreading my "business". If that were so then none of us should trust any of our friends. *shrug*
I hsve friends like that. It gets to the point where I just tell them not to tell me about their trifflin men

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Grown folks do what grown folks want to do. I will tell the messenger to stop giving me updates\gossip on S. It is none of my business.
I get what you mean too... Shoot she's one of those people who would be an associate cause my question would be "did you tell her how you felt." I love my friends but I make SURE that whatever they are telling me about other people that they told the same person... I mean what good does it do for her to tell you? Now all of us know and it still isn't doing the hoodloin countryserving ex roomie any good lol. I really think the ex roomie should have stayed your roomie maybe you could have talked some sense into her.

I'm generally more discreet since my values are changing.

Wow, is "S", really "K"? Sounds almost like a friend of mine.

It's a small world, but no. My S is an S.

Grown folks do what grown folks want to do. I will tell the messenger to stop giving me updates\gossip on S. It is none of my business.

I see what you mean. We're a small group, and even though we're not all close, we're close, ya know? Not like frenemies though.