Am I dating a stalker?

Dump him. He sounds like a wife beater in the making.

Also some of this behavior sounds borderline if not outright criminal. Someone accessing your private data without your permission and without you making it openly available...

I ended the relationship via email after he sent me an irritating msg. I feel so childish for handling the breakup that way but it seems that he knew what my response would be. He replied with nothing and immediately deleted me from facebook. He came over to my place to get his items. I mentioned the emails he had FWD to himself as well as the pics he had saved. Again, he said nothing; he left peacefully.

I wasn't able to hold things together any longer in order to gain access to his phone and delete my pics. :nono:

I still feel some type of way about this situation.
Good for you. He probably was so calm because he has been dumped like this before for being a creep and is used to this happening.