How to do happy hour alone?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So, as part of the Single & Ready to Mingle Challenge, I've decided to actually GO to some of these happy hours I'm always getting emails and facebook notices about . . . many of them are hosting by black professional organizations. Surely, even though the crowd is probably going to be dominated by women, there should be at least a few eligible bachelor's in the mix, right? Here's my question, though - how in the world do you hit happy hour by yourself? Most of the time, it is hard to coordinate my schedule with friends because of work . . . or perhaps they don't have a real interest in going (not that I blame them :giggle:). So, what am I to do? Do I just stroll up, smack the bar and say "Gimme a double!" :lol: Also I have to admit that I'm shy about just walking up to men and just talking . . . I feel so obvious :look:

Oh - as an added bonus, here is a pic of me headin' out to da club last Friday (outing #2 this month). I went for a surprise birthday party for my bro. (Sorry it's so small . . . I have no clue how to fix it!)


  • Glib Goin to da Club.jpg
    Glib Goin to da Club.jpg
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I'd say put on ur flyiest going to Happy Hour gear. Glam up ur makeup and make sure ur nails and hair are on point. Tell urself u r the prettiest, smartest, flyiest lady in the joint and look approachable. Not eager just approachable and happy to be there. I don't think u have to start up a convo with any of the single guys - just observe the scene and make eye subtle eye contact with the men who u find attractive. If an interesting convo starts up and u want to join in go for it - and above all have fun :yep:
Make sure u tell us how it went.
I say the first time just go for the experience. Don't go with the idea of catching(for lack of a better term) someone. Go just to unwind and see who's out there. That way it's not as much pressure. So the next time you go, you will know what to expect.

And if you do see something delicious. Give great eye contact and a good smile. That never fails me when I am alone.
I say the first time just go for the experience. Don't go with the idea of catching(for lack of a better term) someone. Go just to unwind and see who's out there. That way it's not as much pressure. So the next time you go, you will know what to expect.

And if you do see something delicious. Give great eye contact and a good smile. That never fails me when I am alone.
This is the part that always fails me when im alone, lol. how long of an eye contact and what kinda smile ( teeth or no teeth?):lachen:
I go out by myself and someone always start a conversation. You get more attention because you come by yourself, sometime if it too many females in a group men don't like to approach. More free drinks!
I just go sit at the bar and order a drink. I am usually talking to someone within 10 minutes. I agree, you are more approachable if you are alone. In my city the AA professional group isn't very large so you really end up seeing some of the same people at all of the affairs. A few new people will float in and out like me. I have never had a bad time when i went to HH alone.
I'll echo the other ladies' sentiments in that you are more approachable to men when you are alone.

*BTW, looking good in the pic, Glib.
I just go sit at the bar and order a drink. I am usually talking to someone within 10 minutes. I agree, you are more approachable if you are alone. In my city the AA professional group isn't very large so you really end up seeing some of the same people at all of the affairs. A few new people will float in and out like me. I have never had a bad time when i went to HH alone.

Pretty much!

Don't go there acting like, "Hey, I'm here at Happy Hour to possibly mix and mingle and I'm here by myself! Whee!"

Just act like this is something you do all the time... and sure, look nice, but don't overdo it either to look like you're "trying" too hard!
When it was warm I use to go to TGIF for happy hour after work every friday alone. Not to look for a date, but to drink and eat :grin: b/c I got off work 3 hrs before my SO on friday's.

I met so many guys and did some unexpected social-networking. I say go for it, become a regular at a few spots! I've been to a few of the AA professional happy hours in DC and they sucked to me. Very uptight and extremely boogie. friends are equally not excited about going out, or don't work in the downtown area. Maybe I'll try a few HHs alone.

Good luck GlibGurl. Pretty pic!
I LIKE that outfit, Glib!! Is that a dress? Knee length, with flared sleeves? I like, I like! :look: You remember where you got it? :lol:

As far as going to happy hour alone - hrrm.

Go about an hour after it starts - that way, there should be a good number of people there.
Eat a little something before you get there - it will help absorb any alcohol you drink, and will help settle any nerves. If you like wine, I'd suggest drinking that over beer/hard stuff. It usually doesn't get you plastered as fast, and it's also more 'sophisticated' looking.
Sit at the bar - it'll put you in the 'focus' area, as almost everyone will go to the bar (or at least look at the bar) at least once. Don't sit with your back to the room though (unless there is a mirror behind the bar) - sit slightly angled.
Go lookin' fly and go alone. I remember one night I went to a club/bar alone at a time when I was too through with men.

I purposed in my heart that I was going to go sit myself at the bar, order a drink and listen to music and these darn men betta leave me alone!

Don't you know men came outta of the wood works??!!

Now, when I went looking to meet someone, crickets were singing LOUDLY :ohwell:

Go out and let your light shine, sista!
Why do you know me so well! :lachen:

Your personality shines through the computer girl. :kiss: We love ya! And seriously, when folks really get to know me, they see I'm really goofy, silly and quirky too! :lol:

Oh yeah, cute dress!!!!

Now go have fun! But act like ya been there before! :p
Honestly I can't pinpoint it but men always tell me my eyes call them. Even if they are shy they just HAVE to come over. Like I'm some kind of mythological siren lol.

The first thing I do it observe the room. If there is someone there I observe him for a sec.

I look him up and down. Not the he's so delicious look(I can tell you that one too) but really a quick glance. (You'll notice men do this to you before they approach you to make sure it's okay.) Then turn away. Take a sip of a drink. Say hello to someone. Whatever.

Then you turn back and look at him again. I'd say about 3-5 secs. This is the point where someone can feel a person is looking at them. This SHOULD NOT be a staring but you should be looking at his face.

When he looks at you give the million dollar smile. You don't want a koolaid grin and you don't want one without teeth. A good top teeth smile is good. Turn your head slightly and tilt down. Do a lil black person nod and mouth a low "hey"

Then turn your around and go do something else. That gave him the yes to come over. HTH.

This is the part that always fails me when im alone, lol. how long of an eye contact and what kinda smile ( teeth or no teeth?):lachen:
wear something interesting, ie purple shoes or a fun crazy clutch. if you see someone else wearing something interesting, go talk to them.
just own the room glib--be confident and at peace with yourself--yet observant...

the ladies of lhcf have given great advice!!!
Honestly I can't pinpoint it but men always tell me my eyes call them. Even if they are shy they just HAVE to come over. Like I'm some kind of mythological siren lol.

The first thing I do it observe the room. If there is someone there I observe him for a sec.

I look him up and down. Not the he's so delicious look(I can tell you that one too) but really a quick glance. (You'll notice men do this to you before they approach you to make sure it's okay.) Then turn away. Take a sip of a drink. Say hello to someone. Whatever.

Then you turn back and look at him again. I'd say about 3-5 secs. This is the point where someone can feel a person is looking at them. This SHOULD NOT be a staring but you should be looking at his face.

When he looks at you give the million dollar smile. You don't want a koolaid grin and you don't want one without teeth. A good top teeth smile is good. Turn your head slightly and tilt down. Do a lil black person nod and mouth a low "hey"

Then turn your around and go do something else. That gave him the yes to come over. HTH.

Pretty much!

Don't go there acting like, "Hey, I'm here at Happy Hour to possibly mix and mingle and I'm here by myself! Whee!"

Just act like this is something you do all the time... and sure, look nice, but don't overdo it either to look like you're "trying" too hard!

Agreed. Just go, have your drink and relax. Oh, and a single woman on her own in a bar is not alone for long. Men flock to women who are by themselves. You'll be chatting it up in no time!:yep:
This is interesting - so many women are saying that men just approach them . . . maybe it's my general meek/I'm-about-bidness-don't-mess-wit-me demeanor and/or even the extra poundage I'm carrying, but men do not approach me that often . . . so I'm curious to see if that will change if I hit up a bar by myself. Hrm . . . another experiment to conduct!
You can do it Glib. That dress is fire. They'll come.

You know I am part of team chunk and I also have that about business attitude but you have to learn to turn that off when it comes to finding a mate. You got this.