How long is too long to waste for a proposal?

@Mai Tai Your words are priceless! I so wish someone had taught me your advice. I was also
very emotionally immature and had similar thought patterns to the OP.

OP, please take Mai Tai's advice and words to heart. If I had had thus advice, it could have saved me from so much.

Notice, she is not saying you have to break up with him, but you do need to learn to communicate your needs better before marrying.

Why not practice on this guy? It may lead to a very favorable outcome. If not, you would have learned how to communicate your true self to the next guy.
My response, I've realised may have been misinterpreted. Marriage should be discussed at the beginning of a relationship so you both know that you're aligned with the same end goal... the same objective. You speak about it throughout the relationship to give shape to that original discussion. However, the woman initiating marriage talk after 2 years is implying that an ultimatum is being given. After 2 years, the man should at least brooch the topic of rings... at least. Age plays a factor, a 21 year old dating for 5 years before marriage is not the same as a 40 year old dating 5 years before marriage.

Anyway... he gave the response he gave and imo the writing is on the wall. I think that OP should identify what she's more comfortable with. Either being in a relationship with him or being possibly alone or with someone without similar qualities. I would've bounced, but that's my personality. Men are very much aware of women's timelines and biological clock and I don't like my time being wasted. I bring too much to the table.
I really like the last few lines of @LiftedUp ---that men are aware of women's biological clocks (if the woman desires kids) and that we bring too much to the table to have our time wasted.

I can't tell if this guy is the one for the OP based on what she said alone, but I do believe that the
OP has been given valuable insights to help her going forth in her decision and to help her communicate her worth , wants and needs.
I’m curious what his history is and if he had a habit of wasting women’s’s a red flag to me when a woman has to bring up the relationship timeline. He should be trying to lock you down or seal the deal. But since he essentially has you, there’s no drive for him to do so. To me it’s a red flag when a man needs to be convinced about marriage.

You need to get crystal clear on your desires (without any regard for whether he’s the man who can give it to you). What do YOU want? Once you know that, then you know if this man is giving that to you or not. It makes it so much easier to know the next course of action. Good luck.
I agree with @LiftedUp but I am partial to her advice because she has consistently shared very mature and wise relationship advice on here for years. My gut tells me that this guy is all talk. He will do whatever he needs to do to keep you around and I believe if you get married you will have to push, prod, and lead. Just something about his reply didn’t feel genuine to me. But only time will tell.

I say watch his actions and how you feel versus listening to his words. He sounds like although he is a nice guy, he is maybe a smooth talker as well. Additionally I believe you need to work through your fears re not finding another guy who treats you so well. You gonna have to sit with that fear. Examine it, journal about it, talk to your inner child, idk, but I believe that is at the root of you not getting what you want. You deserve the commitment you want. You deserve a guy who doesn’t want to lose you. Also, it’s ok if he doesn’t want to get married. That’s his right. But you have the right to want what you want. And you may need to really open yourself up to the possibility that this guy may be wonderful but also may not have the maturity or compassion to tell you the truth.

This is your life. At 40 you are at a pivotal point in your life. Maybe consider talking to a life coach to help you sort things out and learn how to communicate your needs better and stand your ground.
You gotta learn to be more comfortable with confrontation, uncomfortable feelings, etc. It’s taken me a long time to be a lot more ok with uncomfortable conversations. But I will tell you that it is very important that you know how to negotiate on your own behalf. It’s ok for you to not be agreeable and nice all of the time. Being more honest about what you want and how you feel, and then trusting your gut too, will cull the herd, but it will also open your life up to more happiness and more genuine and mutually satisfying and beneficial relationships.
You have gotten some great advice here. One thing I would add. Do you want children? If you do you do, whether biological, adopted etc then you need to be much more intentional, about your needs, wants and timeframe. In your 20's you can drift and waffle as you get older that has to be on your timeline
My gut tells me that this guy is all talk. He will do whatever he needs to do to keep you around and I believe if you get married you will have to push, prod, and lead. Just something about his reply didn’t feel genuine to me.
Omg yes!! I felt the exact same way reading the answers he gave OP: “we’re partners.. I would love to marry you”. :huh: That’s a non answer meant to pacify you. A 40 year old man knows if he wants to marry you or not after 2 years of dating. OP, you already sensed this hence why you started this thread. There’s tons of great advice in this thread. Listen to them. This dude knows you’re scared to leave him and end up alone. So he’ll waste as much of your time as you allow then marry the next chick in 6 months or less.
Omg yes!! I felt the exact same way reading the answers he gave OP: “we’re partners.. I would love to marry you”. :huh: That’s a non answer meant to pacify you. A 40 year old man knows if he wants to marry you or not after 2 years of dating. OP, you already sensed this hence why you started this thread. There’s tons of great advice in this thread. Listen to them. This dude knows you’re scared to leave him and end up alone. So he’ll waste as much of your time as you allow then marry the next chick in 6 months or less.

ITA on point! If he’s comfortable he will actually men in general will tell a woman what she wants to hear to pacify her so she’ll stop talking about it for a while so he can look for an exit after he lines up someone else.
#Watch out for the pacifier ring, some men who have a little money or know how to buy good cubic zirconia or moissanite will even gift a ring with no formal proposal ie the words are not said or they are but no marriage date will ever be set and then she’s off telling everyone she’s engaged. Its a blatant trick to lock you down without truly locking you down but these men rarely marry that woman they’ll marry someone else cause they’re still dating (that’s the rule) and if they can’t find anyone else after years of waiting he might finally marry her but that’s the exception.

You’ve gotten some good advice here, I agree with most of the points made. So this will sound harsh but I think it’s needed.
This is going to take to toughness on your part you appear to be much too concerned with his feelings, confronting him, upsetting him and less concerned with what you want and need, when this is really about about YOU. This is YOUR LIFE TAKE ACTION!

The only pass I’ll give a man for wasting my time for more than 6 months with no engagement or marriage within the next year is college aged men.... when I was also in college. Now I wouldn't advise my younger family members to wait on those guys either ( learned that the hard way). If he’s still in college, no real job, career still finding his way and being a mover shaker producer and on his grind but has made it clear that he wants marriage WITH YOU not just marriage someday with some woman in the future, then maybe stick around a while. But if she doesn’t get an engagement ring (not a baby promise ring saying I promise to promise to get engaged to you, but a real proposal) by junior or senior year and they’ve been together all that time. He’s a time waster and she needs to move on because cause he will.

Before a woman gets serious about a man there should be some data collected and some things established in the early getting to know each other phase first 1-2 months. Because you don’t want to end up in a relationship as a placeholder.

1. Is he truly SINGLE? Is he free and available to marry legally? I mean he doesn’t have a live in girlfriend, or boyfriend, friends with benefit arrangement, steady sugar baby prostitute situation, still having sex with his exes, still having sex with his baby mommas, ex wives is he separated? (If he’s separated he’s not available to you for marriage until he gets a divorce decree that you should lay eyes on or better yet go up to the court house and look it up with his legal name) Some men hang out for years in separation limbo so they never have to commit to the next woman that they will keep around but they also won’t leave their current wife.

2. Do you both want to get married? Or are you both marriage minded? You should be dating a man who wants to get married and is dating with the purpose and goal of finding his bride to marry. A woman should be weeding out the unsuitable chaff from her pool of potential suitors for the purpose of marriage. To assume that just because someone is out here dating automatically means that they’re dating with the ultimate goal of marriage is naive at best. Some men date for sex, notches on their bedposts, boredom, not to be lonely, not to have to do face their own shortcomings, internal demons and work in themselves physically, mentally emotionally, to get wife privilages without putting in the commitment or work. Some men have real issues and think that the love of a good woman and a hot plate will fix them, when they need some therapy sessions. Some are outright mentally unstable and need serious therapy and meds, they shouldn’t even be dating period. Learn the signs look for those signs.

3. Do you both want kids? How many? How do you want to raise those kids? Public or private school, religion, no religion? (this one can come a little later but before exclusive monogamous commitment, and before any sex) Are you ok with being a step mom, step mom drama from the kids, baby mamma drama? Are you ready to pay child support (possibly alimony too for his ex wife) for children that are not yours whom you have no legal or moral authority over if he stops working? (Cough Whitney Houston RIP)

4. What’s your spiritual beliefs? Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, Secular loosely believes in God but doesn’t practice any religion, spiritual not religious, Wicca Witch/Voodoist/sanitaria/satanist? Your spiritual practices must align you can’t count on him converting or you converting (just to please him-bad idea ) and blended spiritual practices that oppose each other never work and only confuse the children making them rebellious and out of control.

5. Is he who he says he is? In legal name, works, and deeds? If he says he’s this high powered businessman is that true or is it who he wants to be without taking any steps toward that goal, or is he just Pali out lying and he’s a no account bum to be something he’s not.

6. Does he have out of wedlock children, children form previous marriages, or is he a widower? How do YOU (not him) feel about that? Is that something you are willing to deal with. Don’t worry about being judged it’s your life annd you only get one go around so really think on what you do want to put up with and what you don’t want to put up with.

7. What kind of life do YOU want? Is he the kind of man who can give you the life you want? The way he is right now? (Act like you can’t change him because in reality, YOU CANT! )
Now project his behavior now to situations in the future. Do you want to be the one always having to take the initiative push, lead, get things done while he’s laid back chillin while you do everything to make the relationship work? Finances? Lifestyle, etc.... remeber the best predictor of future behavior is past behaviors. Past behaviors are facts, not ideas, theories, or dreams.

If any of these very important things do not align, or his vision goal answer does not line up with yours for your life then that’s a BIG RED FLAG! :auto:

Now, that college scenario does not apply to you. You are both real adults past school age and should have your jobs careers settled already. A man at his age and in his position should already know what he wants and how to get it. The fact that he has been in a relationship with you also a grown woman for 2 plus years and still hasn’t proposed marriage to you is a BIG HONKING RED FLAG!!!! :auto:
This man is 40 he’s not college aged, not a child, he should KNOW what he wants and what he doesn’t want and quite frankly him possibly stringing you along at his age is not only cruel, it’s bad form. If he has issues with commitment, marriage etc... then he needs therapy Red Flag! :auto: not a girlfriend who’s marriage minded.

Those points I mentioned above should be the some groundwork of a serious relationship headed towards marriage these are things you must know before or at the start of commitment. It worries me that your so apprehensive to actually speak to him face to face what is is you really want point blank without worrying how that makes you look. At this point, who cares? You need to progress and move forward with your life.

If you’ve been with this man 2 plus years and you should be able to talk to him about your needs and wants without fear. You want to be married, live a certian kind of life, in a certain area of the country community, maybe have kids etc... whatever it is YOU want for your life write it down clarify it so that you can see if he’s actively working towards what you are or if he’s not. You shouldn’t have to ask a man who’s marriage minded about weather he wants to marry you or not, that convo should flow lead by him, not you.Since he hasn’t brought it up on his own. That’s a red flag :auto:

Do this in person in a quiet spot so you can read his face while he speaks and put on your best neutral poker face. Point blank ask him about what he sees in his future, then keep quiet let him talk and really listen. If you don’t hear WE as in you and him specifically he’s playing the we game, we will this, and we will that, it’s we but it’s him and some other future woman, not you and him we. Don’t get flustered, don’t interrupt. Then follow up with when are we going to get engaged, When are we going to get married? Then wait, listen, read his face. Don’t give him an out, wait for a real answer don’t let him change the subject if he tries tell him, it‘s been 2 years and you deserve to know where this is going. Whatever answer he gives you stay neutral go home or send him home and process what he said, and didnt say his facial expressions objectively. This man should be showing you that he’s serious not you fishing, nudging he needs to be a man and take the lead. If he’s not that’s a Red Flag! :auto: If you ask him are we getting engaged he might say sure but there’s no weight or commitment or actual dates laid out. Don’t give him an easy side step or an out you need to know and you need to know now.

You may want to look into counseling/therapy because not being able to assert your needs as a grown woman is going to hurt you in any relationship.
Hope this helps.

I suggest you look up Deborah Cooper and Rabbi Friedman they have some good points and things to look out for of course not everything they say will apply.

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ITA on point! If he’s comfortable he will actually men in general will tell a woman what she wants to hear to pacify her so she’ll stop talking about it for a while so he can look for an exit after he lines up someone else.
#Watch out for the pacifier ring, some men who have a little money or know how to buy good cubic zirconia or moissanite will even gift a ring with no formal proposal ie the words are not said or they are but no marriage date will ever be set and then she’s off telling everyone she’s engaged. Its a blatant trick to lock you down without truly locking you down but these men rarely marry that woman they’ll marry someone else cause they’re still dating (that’s the rule) and if they can’t find anyone else after years of waiting he might finally marry her but that’s the exception.

You’ve gotten some good advice here, I agree with most of the points made. So this will sound harsh but I think it’s needed.
This is going to take to toughness on your part you appear to be much too concerned with his feelings, confronting him, upsetting him and less concerned with what you want and need, when this is really about about YOU. This is YOUR LIFE TAKE ACTION!

The only pass I’ll give a man for wasting my time for more than 6 months with no engagement or marriage within the next year is college aged men.... when I was also in college. Now I wouldn't advise my younger family members to wait on those guys either ( learned that the hard way). If he’s still in college, no real job, career still finding his way and being a mover shaker producer and on his grind but has made it clear that he wants marriage WITH YOU not just marriage someday with some woman in the future, then maybe stick around a while. But if she doesn’t get an engagement ring (not a baby promise ring saying I promise to promise to get engaged to you, but a real proposal) by junior or senior year and they’ve been together all that time. He’s a time waster and she needs to move on because cause he will.

Before a woman gets serious about a man there should be some data collected and some things established in the early getting to know each other phase first 1-2 months. Because you don’t want to end up in a relationship as a placeholder.

1. Is he truly SINGLE? Is he free and available to marry legally? I mean he doesn’t have a live in girlfriend, or boyfriend, friends with benefit arrangement, steady sugar baby prostitute situation, still having sex with his exes, still having sex with his baby mommas, ex wives is he separated? (If he’s separated he’s not available to you for marriage until he gets a divorce decree that you should lay eyes on or better yet go up to the court house and look it up with his legal name) Some men hang out for years in separation limbo so they never have to commit to the next woman that they will keep around but they also won’t leave their current wife.

2. Do you both want to get married? Or are you both marriage minded? You should be dating a man who wants to get married and is dating with the purpose and goal of finding his bride to marry. A woman should be weeding out the unsuitable chaff from her pool of potential suitors for the purpose of marriage. To assume that just because someone is out here dating automatically means that they’re dating with the ultimate goal of marriage is naive at best. Some men date for sex, notches on their bedposts, boredom, not to be lonely, not to have to do face their own shortcomings, internal demons and work in themselves physically, mentally emotionally, to get wife privilages without putting in the commitment or work. Some men have real issues and think that the love of a good woman and a hot plate will fix them, when they need some therapy sessions. Some are outright mentally unstable and need serious therapy and meds, they shouldn’t even be dating period. Learn the signs look for those signs.

3. Do you both want kids? How many? How do you want to raise those kids? Public or private school, religion, no religion? (this one can come a little later but before exclusive monogamous commitment, and before any sex) Are you ok with being a step mom, step mom drama from the kids, baby mamma drama? Are you ready to pay child support (possibly alimony too for his ex wife) for children that are not yours whom you have no legal or moral authority over if he stops working? (Cough Whitney Houston RIP)

4. What’s your spiritual beliefs? Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, Secular loosely believes in God but doesn’t practice any religion, spiritual not religious, Wicca Witch/Voodoist/sanitaria/satanist? Your spiritual practices must align you can’t count on him converting or you converting (just to please him-bad idea ) and blended spiritual practices that oppose each other never work and only confuse the children making them rebellious and out of control.

5. Is he who he says he is? In legal name, works, and deeds? If he says he’s this high powered businessman is that true or is it who he wants to be without taking any steps toward that goal, or is he just Pali out lying and he’s a no account bum to be something he’s not.

6. Does he have out of wedlock children, children form previous marriages, or is he a widower? How do YOU (not him) feel about that? Is that something you are willing to deal with. Don’t worry about being judged it’s your life annd you only get one go around so really think on what you do want to put up with and what you don’t want to put up with.

7. What kind of life do YOU want? Is he the kind of man who can give you the life you want? The way he is right now? (Act like you can’t change him because in reality, YOU CANT! )
Now project his behavior now to situations in the future. Do you want to be the one always having to take the initiative push, lead, get things done while he’s laid back chillin while you do everything to make the relationship work? Finances? Lifestyle, etc.... remeber the best predictor of future behavior is past behaviors. Past behaviors are facts, not ideas, theories, or dreams.

If any of these very important things do not align, or his vision goal answer does not line up with yours for your life then that’s a BIG RED FLAG! :auto:

Now, that college scenario does not apply to you. You are both real adults past school age and should have your jobs careers settled already. A man at his age and in his position should already know what he wants and how to get it. The fact that he has been in a relationship with you also a grown woman for 2 plus years and still hasn’t proposed marriage to you is a BIG HONKING RED FLAG!!!! :auto:
This man is 40 he’s not college aged, not a child, he should KNOW what he wants and what he doesn’t want and quite frankly him possibly stringing you along at his age is not only cruel, it’s bad form. If he has issues with commitment, marriage etc... then he needs therapy Red Flag! :auto: not a girlfriend who’s marriage minded.

Those points I mentioned above should be the some groundwork of a serious relationship headed towards marriage these are things you must know before or at the start of commitment. It worries me that your so apprehensive to actually speak to him face to face what is is you really want point blank without worrying how that makes you look. At this point, who cares? You need to progress and move forward with your life.

If you’ve been with this man 2 plus years and you should be able to talk to him about your needs and wants without fear. You want to be married, live a certian kind of life, in a certain area of the country community, maybe have kids etc... whatever it is YOU want for your life write it down clarify it so that you can see if he’s actively working towards what you are or if he’s not. You shouldn’t have to ask a man who’s marriage minded about weather he wants to marry you or not, that convo should flow lead by him, not you.Since he hasn’t brought it up on his own. That’s a red flag :auto:

Do this in person in a quiet spot so you can read his face while he speaks and put on your best neutral poker face. Point blank ask him about what he sees in his future, then keep quiet let him talk and really listen. If you don’t hear WE as in you and him specifically he’s playing the we game, we will this, and we will that, it’s we but it’s him and some other future woman, not you and him we. Don’t get flustered, don’t interrupt. Then follow up with when are we going to get engaged, When are we going to get married? Then wait, listen, read his face. Don’t give him an out, wait for a real answer don’t let him change the subject if he tries tell him, it‘s been 2 years and you deserve to know where this is going. Whatever answer he gives you stay neutral go home or send him home and process what he said, and didnt say his facial expressions objectively. This man should be showing you that he’s serious not you fishing, nudging he needs to be a man and take the lead. If he’s not that’s a Red Flag! :auto: If you ask him are we getting engaged he might say sure but there’s no weight or commitment or actual dates laid out. Don’t give him an easy side step or an out you need to know and you need to know now.

You may want to look into counseling/therapy because not being able to assert your needs as a grown woman is going to hurt you in any relationship.
Hope this helps.

I suggest you look up Deborah Cooper and Rabbi Friedman they have some good points and things to look out for of course not everything they say will apply.

I was reading this saying “She sounds like she follows Deb” and you then I got down to the post and saw her videos! :lol:

I LOVE Deb’s channel!
Never heard of Deb. *subscribing*
She is the TRUTH

She’s like that crazy auntie that cusses and keeps it real

And she’s an actual dating guru that has been married (her husband died)

Her WTF Tuesdays video are the BEST because she reads people’s questions they sent her real time and gives her reply

She doesn’t glamorize marriage or men and is proWoman and it’s so refreshing

100% recommend-as long as you don’t mind foul language lol
:lol: yeah she’s a little crazy but smart. Rabbi Freidman is ruthless in a nice Jewish uncle way by cutting to the chase, he makes things simple.
Wow, he’s a Rabbi?
I will check him out,this should be interesting
ITA on point! If he’s comfortable he will actually men in general will tell a woman what she wants to hear to pacify her so she’ll stop talking about it for a while so he can look for an exit after he lines up someone else.
#Watch out for the pacifier ring, some men who have a little money or know how to buy good cubic zirconia or moissanite will even gift a ring with no formal proposal ie the words are not said or they are but no marriage date will ever be set and then she’s off telling everyone she’s engaged. Its a blatant trick to lock you down without truly locking you down but these men rarely marry that woman they’ll marry someone else cause they’re still dating (that’s the rule) and if they can’t find anyone else after years of waiting he might finally marry her but that’s the exception.

You’ve gotten some good advice here, I agree with most of the points made. So this will sound harsh but I think it’s needed.
This is going to take to toughness on your part you appear to be much too concerned with his feelings, confronting him, upsetting him and less concerned with what you want and need, when this is really about about YOU. This is YOUR LIFE TAKE ACTION!

The only pass I’ll give a man for wasting my time for more than 6 months with no engagement or marriage within the next year is college aged men.... when I was also in college. Now I wouldn't advise my younger family members to wait on those guys either ( learned that the hard way). If he’s still in college, no real job, career still finding his way and being a mover shaker producer and on his grind but has made it clear that he wants marriage WITH YOU not just marriage someday with some woman in the future, then maybe stick around a while. But if she doesn’t get an engagement ring (not a baby promise ring saying I promise to promise to get engaged to you, but a real proposal) by junior or senior year and they’ve been together all that time. He’s a time waster and she needs to move on because cause he will.

Before a woman gets serious about a man there should be some data collected and some things established in the early getting to know each other phase first 1-2 months. Because you don’t want to end up in a relationship as a placeholder.

1. Is he truly SINGLE? Is he free and available to marry legally? I mean he doesn’t have a live in girlfriend, or boyfriend, friends with benefit arrangement, steady sugar baby prostitute situation, still having sex with his exes, still having sex with his baby mommas, ex wives is he separated? (If he’s separated he’s not available to you for marriage until he gets a divorce decree that you should lay eyes on or better yet go up to the court house and look it up with his legal name) Some men hang out for years in separation limbo so they never have to commit to the next woman that they will keep around but they also won’t leave their current wife.

2. Do you both want to get married? Or are you both marriage minded? You should be dating a man who wants to get married and is dating with the purpose and goal of finding his bride to marry. A woman should be weeding out the unsuitable chaff from her pool of potential suitors for the purpose of marriage. To assume that just because someone is out here dating automatically means that they’re dating with the ultimate goal of marriage is naive at best. Some men date for sex, notches on their bedposts, boredom, not to be lonely, not to have to do face their own shortcomings, internal demons and work in themselves physically, mentally emotionally, to get wife privilages without putting in the commitment or work. Some men have real issues and think that the love of a good woman and a hot plate will fix them, when they need some therapy sessions. Some are outright mentally unstable and need serious therapy and meds, they shouldn’t even be dating period. Learn the signs look for those signs.

3. Do you both want kids? How many? How do you want to raise those kids? Public or private school, religion, no religion? (this one can come a little later but before exclusive monogamous commitment, and before any sex) Are you ok with being a step mom, step mom drama from the kids, baby mamma drama? Are you ready to pay child support (possibly alimony too for his ex wife) for children that are not yours whom you have no legal or moral authority over if he stops working? (Cough Whitney Houston RIP)

4. What’s your spiritual beliefs? Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, Secular loosely believes in God but doesn’t practice any religion, spiritual not religious, Wicca Witch/Voodoist/sanitaria/satanist? Your spiritual practices must align you can’t count on him converting or you converting (just to please him-bad idea ) and blended spiritual practices that oppose each other never work and only confuse the children making them rebellious and out of control.

5. Is he who he says he is? In legal name, works, and deeds? If he says he’s this high powered businessman is that true or is it who he wants to be without taking any steps toward that goal, or is he just Pali out lying and he’s a no account bum to be something he’s not.

6. Does he have out of wedlock children, children form previous marriages, or is he a widower? How do YOU (not him) feel about that? Is that something you are willing to deal with. Don’t worry about being judged it’s your life annd you only get one go around so really think on what you do want to put up with and what you don’t want to put up with.

7. What kind of life do YOU want? Is he the kind of man who can give you the life you want? The way he is right now? (Act like you can’t change him because in reality, YOU CANT! )
Now project his behavior now to situations in the future. Do you want to be the one always having to take the initiative push, lead, get things done while he’s laid back chillin while you do everything to make the relationship work? Finances? Lifestyle, etc.... remeber the best predictor of future behavior is past behaviors. Past behaviors are facts, not ideas, theories, or dreams.

If any of these very important things do not align, or his vision goal answer does not line up with yours for your life then that’s a BIG RED FLAG! :auto:

Now, that college scenario does not apply to you. You are both real adults past school age and should have your jobs careers settled already. A man at his age and in his position should already know what he wants and how to get it. The fact that he has been in a relationship with you also a grown woman for 2 plus years and still hasn’t proposed marriage to you is a BIG HONKING RED FLAG!!!! :auto:
This man is 40 he’s not college aged, not a child, he should KNOW what he wants and what he doesn’t want and quite frankly him possibly stringing you along at his age is not only cruel, it’s bad form. If he has issues with commitment, marriage etc... then he needs therapy Red Flag! :auto: not a girlfriend who’s marriage minded.

Those points I mentioned above should be the some groundwork of a serious relationship headed towards marriage these are things you must know before or at the start of commitment. It worries me that your so apprehensive to actually speak to him face to face what is is you really want point blank without worrying how that makes you look. At this point, who cares? You need to progress and move forward with your life.

If you’ve been with this man 2 plus years and you should be able to talk to him about your needs and wants without fear. You want to be married, live a certian kind of life, in a certain area of the country community, maybe have kids etc... whatever it is YOU want for your life write it down clarify it so that you can see if he’s actively working towards what you are or if he’s not. You shouldn’t have to ask a man who’s marriage minded about weather he wants to marry you or not, that convo should flow lead by him, not you.Since he hasn’t brought it up on his own. That’s a red flag :auto:

Do this in person in a quiet spot so you can read his face while he speaks and put on your best neutral poker face. Point blank ask him about what he sees in his future, then keep quiet let him talk and really listen. If you don’t hear WE as in you and him specifically he’s playing the we game, we will this, and we will that, it’s we but it’s him and some other future woman, not you and him we. Don’t get flustered, don’t interrupt. Then follow up with when are we going to get engaged, When are we going to get married? Then wait, listen, read his face. Don’t give him an out, wait for a real answer don’t let him change the subject if he tries tell him, it‘s been 2 years and you deserve to know where this is going. Whatever answer he gives you stay neutral go home or send him home and process what he said, and didnt say his facial expressions objectively. This man should be showing you that he’s serious not you fishing, nudging he needs to be a man and take the lead. If he’s not that’s a Red Flag! :auto: If you ask him are we getting engaged he might say sure but there’s no weight or commitment or actual dates laid out. Don’t give him an easy side step or an out you need to know and you need to know now.

You may want to look into counseling/therapy because not being able to assert your needs as a grown woman is going to hurt you in any relationship.
Hope this helps.

I suggest you look up Deborah Cooper and Rabbi Friedman they have some good points and things to look out for of course not everything they say will apply.

Lordt! She done brought the Rabbi into the chat. They ain't ready. He said "you bought her a coke, that's fifty cents, that's not a relationship." BARS! :rofl:
ETA: I suggest people listen to the topic he starts at the 31 minute mark. It will be obvious why.
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Yes to the comments section :lol:

Leverage Your Time
1 year ago
Here's a quick question....with the rise of feminism, and 7 out of 10 marriages ending in divorce which 90% of divorces are initiated by the female, a court system that favors the female, which 90% of alimony payments are from the male to female, what do men have to gain from relationships and marriage?

Deborrah Cooper
1 year ago
irrelevant. You all off on your own agenda, while the women here and this channel are talking about men. Stay on topic. No one will address this bull****

Supiragon 1998
1 year ago
This video is basically "Everything is men's fault".

Deborrah Cooper
1 year ago
In other words, this video is #allfacts
Lordt! She done brought the Rabbi into the chat. They ain't ready. He said "you bought her a coke, that's fifty cents, that's not a relationship." BARS! :rofl:
ETA: I suggest people listen to the topic he starts at the 31 minute mark. It will be obvious why.
I told you, he’s ruthless.
I just noticed that the title of this post has a typo. OP wrote, “How long is too long to waste for a proposal?” Of course she meant to say wait instead of waste. But I’m wondering if deep down her gut is telling her that she is wasting her time? OP please keep us updated. We’re all rooting for you and your happiness.
2 years is more than enough time to know if you want to marry someone. I would just ask what his thoughts were on marriage. He may not be into it.
Good point. ITA!
But you shouldn’t continue dating someone who doesn’t want marriage and kids of that’s what you want for your life. That should be discussed early on in the getting to know you phase in general find out where he stands on marriage and kids not months or years into the relationship. Worse like Bella from WWE who dated John Cena for years moved in accepted his proposal of marriage, only to turn aroind and beak things off cause he didn’t want children. She wasted all that time with him knowing he didn’t want kids or worse not knowing at all. I do t believe you can be with someone that long and not know I mean what were they talking about all that time.
Not that reality tv is a good place for relationship or relationship advice but if you look at her situation she basically allowed John to waste her time.

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Wait for no man

I know what he meant in that story to be but the way I also heard a second warning: men will treat old faithful woman like the "old car" and will be making provision for the new car in a minute. When they get themselves together it don't be for who held them down. They don't get that old car fixed up even if it would run better than that newer car that caught their eye when they get their situation right. Instead they get themselves together for what was out of their league before they came correct in the relationship. It will be for that new car they couldn't afford before and now qualify to have. The old car requires not just being better but fixing things they broke.
Am I missing something? What was wrong with OP’s boyfriend’s response that he would love to marry her? How is that a red flag? Now if he said he didn’t know if he wants to be married or that marriage isn’t for him etc etc-that’s a problem for sure.
Perhaps the two can talk about it so more and go from there. Or maybe OP can have her own personal time frame and let him know when that time is up. No one knows the relationship better than they do. Got be careful not to project on OP (my unpopular opinion). Best wishes, OP.
Am I missing something? What was wrong with OP’s boyfriend’s response that he would love to marry her? How is that a red flag? Now if he said he didn’t know if he wants to be married or that marriage isn’t for him etc etc-that’s a problem for sure.
Perhaps the two can talk about it so more and go from there. Or maybe OP can have her own personal time frame and let him know when that time is up. No one knows the relationship better than they do. Got be careful not to project on OP (my unpopular opinion). Best wishes, OP.
I just went back and read all the OP's posts and given the level of (pooh or get off the pot) conversation they were having to air things out, the choice of the word "partners" followed by "I would love to marry you" with no specific talk about the future or reference to how he sees the relationship and where it was going seems very noncommittal. There is a whiff of him choosing his words carefully since the OP had already threatened to break up with him.

You are right that the people who know the dynamics of the relationship best are the ones in it. That said, these are 40 year olds. 2 years is a long time to be still deciding on what's next.