How Far Away Are YOU From Your Goal...

How Many Inches Are You From Your Next Length Goal?

  • less than .05! Almost there!

    Votes: 7 1.4%
  • 1- 1 1/2 inches

    Votes: 15 3.1%
  • 1-2inches

    Votes: 31 6.4%
  • 2-3 inches

    Votes: 107 21.9%
  • 3 or more....I've got a long way...

    Votes: 328 67.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
1. How long is your hair now?

Stretched it's at the base of my neck..maybe alittle longer

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
Next goal is Pretty much shoulder length.. I have a ways to go

3. What are you doing to get there?
Daily CO washes, Low manipulation, NO heat, suppliments, attempting to eat right.. Lots of Water.. Braids and instant weaves for days of protection. And a WHOLE LOT OF MOISTURE

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?

till the end of this year... might be sooner if i keep this up tho!
I want to be natural waistlength stretched. Right now I'm shoulder length stretched and my hair grows about 6 inches a yr, so I'm thinking I'll reach my goal by June 2011. All I do is wash my hair once or twice a week and wear a washngo and I'll deep condition once a month. I keep my regimen very simple and I hope this is what will get me to waistlength.
I'm not even APL yet, and I want to be MBL, I have like 6 or 7 inches to go. I figure that will take me another two years. lol.
1. How long is your hair now?
In between cbl and apl.

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
My long term goal is full bsl which is about 8 inches away. I will be quite happy when I reach apl though, which is about 2 inches (or 4 months) away.

3. What are you doing to get there?
Just continuing with the routine I've had for the last 10 months. It's gotten me from mouth length to the length I am now (about 5 inches) pretty quickly.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
Apl-4 months
Bsl-16 months
1. How long is your hair now?
grazing Shoulder length

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
3 inches away from SL...

3. What are you doing to get there?
low manipulation, protective styling, high protein diet, CL, biotin, & eggshakes

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
My final goal is WL stretched(24 inches)and I hope to reach that by December 2012
1. How long is your hair now? My hair is collarbone length all around.
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? Three3. What are you doing to get there? Daily bunning and baggying. Also cowashing a bit more and stretching relaxers.4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? I'm hoping to be there by the year's end!
1. How long is your hair now?
APL close to BSB

2. How many inches are your from your next length goal?
Im not good at measuring my hair so I'm not sure:look:

3. What are you doing to get there?
Keeping it simple. Cowashing, baggying, protective styling. Simple

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal
I would love to be BSL by September 2009, but if I could make it by the end of the year, I'll still be happy:yep:.
1. How long is your hair now?about mbl
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? like 4 or 5 inches
3. What are you doing to get there? same ol same ol
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? until 2010 because i like nice ends so i am not reaching full WL with nasty looking tips
1. How long is your hair now?
I just reached APL.

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
Have not measured but looks like about 3 inches.

3. What are you doing to get there?
Avoiding heat, deep conditioning weekly, moisturizing daily, protective styling, exercising.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
1 year. My hair seems to grow about 4 inches a year. Plus, I have some heat damaged ends which may need to be trimmed away. I plan on avoiding cuts until I reach my goal (I want to see if I can get there) but if the ends get too bad I WILL cut!
  1. How long is your hair now? I'll say that my hair is APL
  2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? I voted that I would like 3 more inches, I would like to get to the bottom of my shoulder blades. After I reach that goal I reevaluate from there, I'll need to see if I can properly handle hair longer than that, I don't want to spend much more time than I am now doing my hair.
  3. What are you doing to get there? Working on protein/moisture balance, weekly DC with heat, using the right tools and products, taking vitamins, drinking more water, stretching relaxers, dusting more often and paying more attention to my hair
  4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? I hoping that I can reach this goal by 12/31/09
1. How long is your hair now?
Bras strap length

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?about 3 inches
3. What are you doing to get there?I just recently started back w/ my protective styling. I wash and deep condition weekly, upped my protein, working out, taking MSM, and trying to increase my water intake.
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? Until the end of the year. Sooner would be great, but my hair seems to have slowed down in the growth department
1. How long is your hair now?
Midback, MBL

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?about 3 inches

3. What are you doing to get there? I'm doing low manipulation, I will be starting Megatek again and I upped my protein and am working out.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? Until the end of the year. Dec 2009
1. How long is your hair now?
Barely APL

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
I am about 4 inches away from grazing BSL

3. What are you doing to get there?
From June to August I will have my hair braided. From November to January my hair will be braided and in between protective styling and keeping my hair moisturized.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
I should be BSL by my graduation which is in May
1. How long is your hair now?

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
3 inches from my short term goal of APL but my ultimate goal is MBL, I'm about 13 inches from that.

3. What are you doing to get there?
Bunning, massaging, cowashing, taking vits, drinking water, the regular stuff. Lol.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
Hoping to be APL by September, MBL sometime next year. I HOPE, DREAM AND WISH.
1. How long is your hair now?
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
6? full tailbone is my next goal. I might go to terminal.
3. What are you doing to get there?
Buns, cowash
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?[/quote]
A year
1. How long is your hair now?
Past shoulder length

2. How many inches are your from your next length goal?

My goal was APL. I didn't want super long hair, but long enough to change styles. So I am about 2-3 inches from that goal.

3. What are you doing to get there?
Very simple. 100% no heat. Braidouts, or the occasional bun. I deep condition about 5 times a week.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal

Well I was giving myself until December for APL, but I think I will reach that goal in the fall. So my new goal is BSL. After that, Im done. I will just maintain.
I voted 3 or more....I've got a long way...

I just starting this past Feb 2009... so I have a ways to go.
let's see.... how far away is China? I'm on that boat. :lachen:

That was funny. I feel the same way...

1. How long is your hair now? I haven't measured and refuse. lol I have a noticebly bigger TWA than I did in Feb, though. Pics should be on my Fotki in an hour or so...
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? No idea how many inches. I just want to get my hair to full shoulder length, however long that takes. Uggghhhh@ waiting. I think that will look so pretty with a twistout like CurlyNikki's. My short twistout right now is really nice...I'm enjoying my hair now.
3. What are you doing to get there? Low to no maintenance. No trimming. No heat...not even a hooded dryer. Rare combing: Combing only once every 10 days or so. Washing and conditioning and shea/cocoa buttering/aloe vera-ing every other day. MT when I think about it for strength/protein...maybe once a month. My hair is growing pretty quickly. I'm surprised.
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? I haven't thought in terms of time too much, but if I stretch the hair on the back right, my back came only to the middle of my neck in Feb. Now, it's at the tip tops of the inside of my shoulders - that part of my shoulder closest to my neck. I'm trying not to get excited. I'll just have to see where I am by year's end.

I think my biggest challenge is that every couple of weeks, I want to flat iron just to see how long it is now. I have not given in, and the temptation only lasts a few moments before I move onto something else. I intend to put heat in it to really see the length...but I want to hold out at least until my birthday in August...

This is a fun journey...

Thanks for this thread.

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1. How long is your hair now? BSL
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? 10.5 inches which is TL (tailbone)
3. What are you doing to get there? I have natural hair and I use to straighten once a month. Now my goal is to only straighten 3 times a year maximum to eliminate having to trim.
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? Received last haircut in April of this year so my goal is April 2011
1. How long is your hair now?
Shoulder length

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
3.5 inches to APL

3. What are you doing to get there?
High protein diet, Roller Sets, DCing, Vitamins

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
APL (Dec 2009)
BSL (2010)
WL (Hopefully 2010 or 2011)
My hair is APL ?
I'm not sure between 3 & 4 inches
Protective styling, giving my hair the right balance of protein and moisture
It would be nice if I could reach BSL by my birthday in November 2009
1. How long is your hair now? I reckon it would be classified as full NL maybe SL by other's standard.
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? IDK?:perplexed I don't measure my hair.
3. What are you doing to get there? Protective styles, moisture / protein balance, DC, stretch relaxers
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? My ultimate goal is healthy hair. I don't really care about length as much as I did when I started this journey.