How Far Away Are YOU From Your Goal...

How Many Inches Are You From Your Next Length Goal?

  • less than .05! Almost there!

    Votes: 7 1.4%
  • 1- 1 1/2 inches

    Votes: 15 3.1%
  • 1-2inches

    Votes: 31 6.4%
  • 2-3 inches

    Votes: 107 21.9%
  • 3 or more....I've got a long way...

    Votes: 328 67.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Currently, my hair is about collar bone length now.

My next length goal is APL, and I have about 2 1/2 more inches to go. I'm giving myself until November to reach that goal. My long term goal is MBL, which is another 5 1/2 inches. I think that I should reach that goal by the end of 2010, assuming that I don't have any setbacks!

To get to these goals, I'm taking vitamins, roller setting my hair, and using more protective styles. I normally wear my hair down all the time but I know that it's not doing my ends any favors! I also need to resist the urge to trim...
1. How long is your hair now?
Collar Bone Length (A little past my shoulders).

2. How many inches are your from your next length goal?
I think I am about 2 - 4 inches away from APL. I will get a better idea after my next texturizer and length check.

3. What are you doing to get there?
Co-washing 2-3 times a week. I bun or pin my hair up 100% of the time. Weekly DC's. Moisturizing and Sealing everyday. Vitamins, water, and exercise.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal
My goal is by December.
And what are you doing to get there?

I decided to start this thread because I find it funny when people bump up posts from two years ago and they may be SL then. I always wonder how far they are on their HHJ now?


1. How long is your hair now? Waist heading into hip length but have natural layers. :S
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? Waist was my goal but now I'm just very curious as to how long it will grow as a natural (and how easy/difficult it will be to handle).
3. What are you doing to get there? K.I.S.S. works really well. Wash/condition/deep condition regularly with mostly low-manip styles with an occasional heat styles.
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? I'd like to see where I'll be in 8 months(4 years of growth since my last relaxer). The way things are going that should be around 3-4 more inches and I just don't know if I want to be handling all that hair. We'll see.

Thinking outloud here: I saw a woman with beautiful salt and pepper hair, maybe she was in her mid to late 50's. She had it in one long twist that reached the top of her butt, it could have been relaxed or just hard pressed. Whatever it was, it was simply beautiful. If SHE can do it, I know I can too! :yep:

Good luck reaching your goals ladies!! I know yall can do it!!
1. How long is your hair now?

2. How many inches are your from your next length goal?
My next length goal is WL, and I'm about 2" away. I was only 1" away, but I just gave myself a much-needed 1" trim.

3. What are you doing to get there?
I'm continuing with the same simple regimen that got me to this point. It just takes time.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
Well, my next trim is planned for December, and I expect to be Full WL, even after the trim.
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1) How long is your hair now?
A: Mid arm-pit length

2) How many inches are you from your next length goal?
A: about 6 Inches

3) What are you doing to get there?
A: Deep Conditioning,Gentle Detangling, moisterize/sealing ends,Protective styling.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
A: December 2010 :grin:
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1. How long is your hair now? Back in between APL and BSL; front is SL :perplexed
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? I'm giving myself until Dec. 2009 to get to APL in the front, and full BSL in the back
3. What are you doing to get there? Baggie bunning, co-washing, stretching relaxers every 3 months (fingerscross)
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? Ultimate goal is MBL in the back, BSL in the front which would be hopefully July 2010.
^^^^ Well that is my goal. So I guess too damn far away. I am still measuring in years - not inches. :nono:

1. How long is your hair now? layers - neck length/almost shoulder at longest
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? about 1-1.5 for SL
3. What are you doing to get there? Co-washing, moisture/seal, Ayurveda methods.
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? SL - end of year. APL end of next year. But since I am only 5'2.5", it may not take that long. (praying)
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1. How long is your hair now? Shoulder length
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? About 3-4 inches
3. What are you doing to get there? Protective styling, direct heat and trims 2-3 times a year
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? Until March 2010
im about 12 inches away from my ultimate goal...

1. my hair is colar bone length.. I think :grin:

2. My mini goal is to be full shoulder lenghth.. im gonna guess that will take 6 inches and a hair cut after

3. Protetive styling and deep conditionings

4. Im giving myself until June 2010...
And what are you doing to get there?

I decided to start this thread because I find it funny when people bump up posts from two years ago and they may be SL then. I always wonder how far they are on their HHJ now?


1. How long is your hair now? BSL
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? 2 to 3 inches
3. What are you doing to get there? Braiding my hair and wearing a wig
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
December 09
1. How long is your hair now? It is about 2 inches below shoulder
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? 1 inch or maybe 1.25 inches from APL
3. What are you doing to get there? Rollersetting all summer, trying to keep away from heat, like blow dryers, and flat irons for the next 2 mos. I usually don't have any issues with my ends, but I figure it can't hurt to be nice to my hair!
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? I would love to be APL by the end of the year...if not sooner
1. How long is your hair now?My hair is resting on my shoulders
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? I am about 3-4 inches from APL
3. What are you doing to get there?I'm bunning it up and taking care of it as much as I can
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?Hmm I'll say December
1. How long is your hair now? I haven't measured in a few months but I think I'm grazing shoulder length.

2. How many inches are your from your next length goal?
I'm not sure. Probably about 6 inches:ohwell:

3. What are you doing to get there? I've just started keeping my hair in twist and baggying under a wig everyday. I'm also DCing at least twice a week and moisturizing everyday.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? I want to be APL by Dec 09. I will have to gain 1 inch a month to make this goal. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
1. How long is your hair now?

My hair is almost 2 inches from BSL

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?

Another 1-2 inches. I'm aiming for MBL hair
3. What are you doing to get there?

I"m going to keep doing what I've been doing- low maintenance

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?

I'm giving myself until the end of August. If all goes well, I think I can be WL by the end of the year!
1. How long is your hair now?

-I'm full APL, and it looks like (as always) my right side is a little longer than the left. I hate that. Will definitely be getting another blunt trim in the future.

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?

-About 2-3 inches from BSL the last time I checked. I don't plan to do another length check until August (will be getting my hair flat ironed for my wedding anniversary).

3. What are you doing to get there?

-No heat, co-washing, bunning/updo's, DC'ing, well-rounded diet, supplements, and MN--aww heck, and the kitchen sink while I'm at it :spinning:

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?

-I want to be BSL by August (at the latest) b/c I'm also in the midback challenge and shooting for MBL by Dec. 31 11:59pm.
1. How long is your hair now? APL with quite a few strands touching bra strap.
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
about 3 inches. - Trying to get to BSL
3. What are you doing to get there?
I am trying to go a year without a relaxer. So I am trying to keep my hair in kinky twists up till dec..then try a sew in until april when i am supposed to relax.
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?[/quote]
I'm giving myself till Dec to get to BSL but im giving myself to april to become FULL BSL & no thin ends. Ultimately Id like to be MBL by Apr 2010 but i realize my ends are NOT so great now.. so yeah
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1. How long is your hair now?

The tail stretched is maybe an inch past APL. Unstretched my tails is APL.

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?

I am 3 inches from my stretched tail reaching the top of my bra strap.

3. What are you doing to get there?

BTK and small trims.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?

I want to say Sept. because I've been getting some amazing grow but at the longest Dec.
1. How long is your hair now?
I had achieved my goal of reaching BSL in December of 2008 but I decided to transition to texlaxed hair in January 2009 and have been cutting off the straight ends ever since, so therefore I am far more than 3 inches away from getting there again.

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
About 13 inches.

3. What are you doing to get there?
Braids, cornrows, wearing wigs, extremely low manipulation, protein treatments, using more natural, organic hair products, including natural herbal rinses and ayurveda methods.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
Maybe 2.5 years.
1. How long is your hair now?
I am APL just got it cut!

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?

About 2-3 inches from BSL I truely don't want to do another length check until September.

3. What are you doing to get there?

Nothing special!

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
February of 2010
1. How long is your hair now? Almost BSL
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? <1 inch from BSL; 7-8 inches from my final goal
3. What are you doing to get there? letting it grow/ in a weave
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? December 2009 (2 months)
I'm just starting, i'm like 2.5 or 3 inches (eye messure) so i'm like 7 to 10 inches away from my goal :(.
1. How long is your hair now?
I have natural layers but the back and sides are APL

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?

3. What are you doing to get there?
braids, daily cowash/rinses, sealing w/coconut oil

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
I'm giving myself until the end of december 2010:eyebrows2
i am 2/3s of my back, away from my goal. i dont know what this is in inches.

i'm giving myself however long it takes although i'll probably cut down on my regime eg.hennaing after my transition ends.
1. How long is your hair now?
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
maybe 1.5 full
3. What are you doing to get there?
sew in and dc
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
dec 2009
1. How long is your hair now? Full APL
2. How many inches are you from your next length goal? about 3-4 inches (BSL)--I'm just guessing, never measured.
3. What are you doing to get there? k.i.s.s. with braidouts and flat ironing (once a month during fall/winter)
4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal? I'm giving it as long as it will take! lol But I expect to reach my goal by summer of next year, at least.
1. How long is your hair now?

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
About 3" from BSL (slightly less to get to BSB). My ultimate goal of WL is about 6 - 6.5" away from APL.

3. What are you doing to get there?
Just being consistent with my regimen. Continuing to eat well, consume enough protein and exercise.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?

I think I should be WL by November 2010. Admittedly, I'll be pretty happy when I get to BSL, provided my shortest layers are APL or close to it. Although I do want to reach WL, once I get to the goal mentioned above, I won't be watching my hair growth as intently and will be more relaxed about just letting it be.
I am SL, and have 5 inches to APL. I'm hoping to hit it by my next September for my B-day (including an inch trim when I need it).
I'm pretty far considering that I am going natural. I have about 3 inches of natural hair. Also, I am cutting off some locks in the next couple of weeks. So I have about 2 years to go to get to MBL (I know... I'm ambitious :))
I think I've got about 5 inches until I get to my HL goal?
But even when I reach that I have to start trimming away the relaxed hair little by little until I'm a full natural which will probably take about 2 years.
Oh, I'm getting there be staying braided up and staying on top of moisturizing and DCing!
1. How long is your hair now?
Straightened, a little past my shoulders

2. How many inches are you from your next length goal?
About 1.5-2" from APL.

3. What are you doing to get there?
Just co-washing everyday and keeping my hair moisturized.

4. How long are you giving yourself to reach your goal?
Want to be APL by Februay 2010 (one year after my big chop) and BSL by August 2010.