What is Your Goal Length And What Length Are You Now?

What is your Goal Length and What Length Are You Now?

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I'm in now SL, my tail is touching APL, and my front is Chin Length, but my goal bythis time next year is Full APL, and my goal length and will stop bunning everyday is BSL, in the front and APL in the front in 2 yrs.

The way my hair grows I will most likely be BSL in the back and be Collar bone in the front first because my front grows about .25 a month!

The reason I want this lenght is because I can do all the styles I been wanting to do all of my life, and I just think its sexy to have hair that lenght. If my hair grows past this then thats great, but I will be happy with BSL!
Current lenth -- Neck
Short term: Shoulder
Long term: APL

I have been here less than 30 days and I am a little sad, ready to see
some changes based on what I have learned.

Wish I had found you all last year I could have my APL by now
Would not have cut my hair early this year.
I already posted in this thread, but just as I suspected, my goal has changed slightly:

Current Length: Neck length curly (below shoulder straightened)
Goal Length: MBL stretched (I originally said waist length, but I think that might be too much for me as a natural)
I am currently SL, a little longer, and my goal length is MBL. However I am 5' so I believe that by my 30th Bday, which will be in 2011 I will be there. I should be there long before then but that is my goal for all my hair, layered pieces and all.
This is weird but I want my hair to be long enough to cover my breasts. (I'm kind of ashamed to admit that) I don't know what length I would have to be in the back to get that, but I'm thinking at least midback. I pulled my hair to the front and it looks like I'm about five inches away from frontal coverage.
My goal length is currently APL, but as it inches closer...I think it may be BSL. I'm currently SL. So this time next year...I should be at a happy place with my hair.
I'm about BSL right now but my hair is thin. I'm trying to increase thickness and get to WL. I'm not a stickler about having my ends be perfectly blunt and even 'cuz that's not really how hair grows. A natural taper that's not too scraggly is fine with me. :grin:
I'm currently APL (I think - still stretching) and I would like to be BSL. I just think that would be a very flattering length for me. Once I get to that length I plan on adding some layers to it as well.
My longest layer is APL but I'm not claiming it yet.
I will continue to transition till I'm at WL. ( I just want to see if I can make it)
When I chop off the relaxed ends, I think I will keep it at BSL/MBL stretched.
I'm so tall that hair longer than MBL might be a little too much.
i'm apl - just got cut from bsl - and i'm on the path to bsl, then mbl, then wl....i'm hoping to arrive at bsl by dec/08~~grow, baby, grow!!!
I'm about BSL right now but my hair is thin. I'm trying to increase thickness and get to WL. I'm not a stickler about having my ends be perfectly blunt and even 'cuz that's not really how hair grows. A natural taper that's not too scraggly is fine with me. :grin:

I don't like the blunt cut it looks clinical and fridget.:perplexed I prefer the natural taper as well. It looks natural, wild, free and sexy. And I want it all the way to my butt. I can't wait. :lick:
My ultimate goal would be armpit natural hair. But I can't seem to transition to natural safely without damaging my hair. So I guess it's Armpit relaxed.
It's funny, when I started last year, my goal was APL. Now that I am inching my way there, my goal changed to BSL. Now, my long term goal is MBL. I really need to challenge myself and a goal of APL/BSL was just too short term/not challenging enough for me.
My Length now is waistlength and last and final goal is hiplength and then i will cut it to a blunt waistlength.
This is weird but I want my hair to be long enough to cover my breasts. (I'm kind of ashamed to admit that) I don't know what length I would have to be in the back to get that, but I'm thinking at least midback. I pulled my hair to the front and it looks like I'm about five inches away from frontal coverage.

Me too.. to the bolded, that's what i want.:yep: