he wants to go on holiday with another woman

I also forgot to add that i did my big chop a month after i broke it off with him which marked also marked the end of my 11 month transition, so i'm starting over again in more ways than one....so hair hurry up and grow baby....lol
I know its waaaaayyyy over due and this thread is so old, i just wanted to say that i finally kicked that dude to the curb, i know he could be just a plain old *** sometimes, but i had to do things in my own time when i was ready (i dont know if you guys will understand that). He didnt go on the holiday in the end but it took me a while to realise that this man just did not appreciate me.

I prayed long and hard over it as we were together for about 7 years and i asked god to give me a sign and since i've let him go, it's been hard cuz i've been lonely but it hasnt been as hard or as heart wrenching as it was when i was with him through the bad times. I told myself that something thats good for me, simply cant make me that unhappy. i know its not all smiles and laughter but it cant be that bad.

Well i'm taking it all 1 day at a time and learning to build myself up and love me for me again, i do get lonely and miss the company but i feel a weight has come off my shoulders and my loved ones are being so supportive, thank you to everyone that had something constructive to say in this thread.

xxxx latebloomer - realising my worth all over again xxxxx

Thanks for checking back in!

I completely understand doing things in one's own time. I think all of us are like that.

One reason I still think advice is good though is so that the person asking has things to think about to help her when she is finally ready to make that move... so see, such threads are never in vain! :)

I hope the thread and the advice helped and I'm glad you moved on. Your feelings of loneliness and missing him are normal, but you know that you're better off now! :yep:
I'm so proud of you honey. A lot of ladies would've stayed with the guy and been miserable from here on out.

You took control, and that takes courage. There is a new life to live for you, and taking it one day at a time is a great way to start. You will be lonely, you will have some days where you miss him, but what you have done is for the greater good.

Congratulations, sunshine is coming!

Thanks for the words of encouragement and also thanks for the friend request x
I know its waaaaayyyy over due and this thread is so old, i just wanted to say that i finally kicked that dude to the curb, i know he could be just a plain old *** sometimes, but i had to do things in my own time when i was ready (i dont know if you guys will understand that). He didnt go on the holiday in the end but it took me a while to realise that this man just did not appreciate me.

I prayed long and hard over it as we were together for about 7 years and i asked god to give me a sign and since i've let him go, it's been hard cuz i've been lonely but it hasnt been as hard or as heart wrenching as it was when i was with him through the bad times. I told myself that something thats good for me, simply cant make me that unhappy. i know its not all smiles and laughter but it cant be that bad.

Well i'm taking it all 1 day at a time and learning to build myself up and love me for me again, i do get lonely and miss the company but i feel a weight has come off my shoulders and my loved ones are being so supportive, thank you to everyone that had something constructive to say in this thread.

xxxx latebloomer - realising my worth all over again xxxxx

Good for you. Time will make you stronger. I'm glad you see that it is for the best. Good luck.
im so happy that you moved on. breaking up isnt always easy and sometimes we have to ween ourselves from them.
Interesting that he would ask you, but for the fun of it, I would tell him he can go as long as I can go on holiday with another guy. Lets see how he would FANCY that!
You know....it occurs to me that he wasn't really asking your permission to go, he was just trying to determine if you were the kind of woman that would turn a blind eye to a "dip". Oh and rest assured that if a woman asked him to go on vacation with her knowing that you were in the picture her motivations probably weren't that altruistic either. I've several close male friends who have significant others and part of being a woman of integrity means that i have to behave in a manner that shows respect for their relationships much as they should show respect for mine. Meaning basically that the only way we could vacation together is if both of our significant others came along for the ride. Respect for our respective SO's must be maintained at all times...and if we can't do that....well....imho clearly that's a friendship that needs to be either terminated or downgraded to associate status.
Thanks for checking back in!

I completely understand doing things in one's own time. I think all of us are like that.

One reason I still think advice is good though is so that the person asking has things to think about to help her when she is finally ready to make that move... so see, such threads are never in vain! :)

I hope the thread and the advice helped and I'm glad you moved on. Your feelings of loneliness and missing him are normal, but you know that you're better off now! :yep:

True story. :yep:

Whenever I find myself in a B.S. situation that I can't quite seem to remove myself from, my girl always reminds me that everybody has a different breaking point and that when I reach mine, I'll move on.

Thanks for the update, OP. I'm glad you finally reached yours!