My man has gone on holiday and not called me

I wish i had read your first post when you put it up.
Ladies there is this wonderful thing called a spoofcard

It lets you call anywhere and have what ever phone number you want to show up on the caller id. And it works

meaning if you no there is a number you no for a fact your man or husband will always answer you would call the 1800 number for spoofcard than put in your pin number than put in the number you are calling than put in the number you want shown up on the caller id
You can record you convo or change your voice to a man or woman's

i paid for 240 minutes which cost me 40 dollars.

it works and Hairqueen if i had known about your post you could have used the link to call your man

I have yet to really use the minutes

The site is it has info and a forum check it out
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Let him call...BTW..I thought he wasn't a phone person? 5 missed calls?..


He can call you five times in one night but couldn't call you for THREE weeks when he was on holiday? Can you say bull**** artist???

How is he suddenly NOW a phone person when he wasn't three weeks ago? Whatever!

Truthfully, I don't think you need to explain anything to him or that you know about the phone in Jamaica... He knows what he did and he knows he was foul... plus he didn't feel the need to explain anything to you, so why does he deserve an explanation????
Now he is going to bother me continuously, what do I do now?

You ignore his a$$.

Sit back, relax and watch him improve upon his phone skills.

((((more hugs to you)))))
There is nothing that keeps a man from a woman....but ANOTHER woman....

3 weeks and no call...says it all!

Keep your strength....dont go back sweetie! you know that he has lied and I know how it feels to be falling in love with someone that you know has done you wrong. You want to believe their this case...the saying "follow your heart" should not be the route you take.

I'm glad you have gained control over this situation. I know it's hard, but once you learn to stand up for yourself, you become so much stronger, and it feels good.

My last bf started out as a perfect gentleman, he did a lot of stuff for me, there was definitely an attraction there. But he started to change. As much as I wanted to stay, I knew I had to get out while the signs were there. And I did. For the first time in my life, I stood up to a guy and let him know I wasn't going to take his crap. That shocks the hell out of them, and they start to wonder if something is wrong with their "game." Hence him calling you over and over. DON'T FALL FOR IT! He's trying to take control back!

If I was on holiday from a guy I was really feeling for 3 weeks, and didn't have my phone, I don't know what I'd do. I'd be trying to email him, send a letter, or something. It happens though, but you caught his lie when you tested the number.

It's going to be hard, and he's going to continue to "romance" you, and you might find yourself wanting to go back, but don't let him make you feel guilty. Find yourself someone better. Why settle for rocks when you can have rubies?
I'm glad you have gained control over this situation. I know it's hard, but once you learn to stand up for yourself, you become so much stronger, and it feels good.

My last bf started out as a perfect gentleman, he did a lot of stuff for me, there was definitely an attraction there. But he started to change. As much as I wanted to stay, I knew I had to get out while the signs were there. And I did. For the first time in my life, I stood up to a guy and let him know I wasn't going to take his crap. That shocks the hell out of them, and they start to wonder if something is wrong with their "game." Hence him calling you over and over. DON'T FALL FOR IT! He's trying to take control back!

If I was on holiday from a guy I was really feeling for 3 weeks, and didn't have my phone, I don't know what I'd do. I'd be trying to email him, send a letter, or something. It happens though, but you caught his lie when you tested the number.

It's going to be hard, and he's going to continue to "romance" you, and you might find yourself wanting to go back, but don't let him make you feel guilty. Find yourself someone better. Why settle for rocks when you can have rubies?

What she said! That is exactly what it is
Unless you want to get back with him, I don't think you should entertain his calls...if you do (answer/return his calls), it will be like you want him to justify his lies so the two of you can get back together...if you really want to leave him and this relationship behind, it doesn't matter what else he has to say or how many ways/times he tries to say it.

however, if you do want to get back with him then let him know how you felt about what happened and that you won't stand for that type of behavior/treatment from him again...after you get all of that off your chest, forgive him, move on and never bring it up again.

I really wish you the best...if he's truly not "THE ONE", you will certainly meet someone who is and really cares about you and your feelings... and when you do, believe me, eventually you will look back and wonder why you even wasted your tears on this jerk.
Man this story has taken more twists and turns. Girl let this all go in 08. Too much drama for me and I am sure for you as well.
He wasn't my "man", but the guy I was dealing with awhile back...the married with the baby momma...did the same to me. Despite that drama we were on okay terms, still talked every day but nothing physical. Anyway, he went away before Christmas, is returning this weekend and I haven't talked to him once. No "Hey I'm leaving, talk to you when I get back", Merry Christmas, no Happy New Year...I guess b/c they were on a family holiday. :rolleyes:, I changed my number and when he tries to call me after he's returned to town (which he WILL do), he will get the recording that the number is no longer in service. I have deleted his number and it sucks to have to do so, but I will change the time I go to the gym so as not to run into him. I'm THROUGH. I REFUSED to carry this bullsh*t into '08 with me...and honey, I'd advise you to do the same...cause it sounds like maybe your "man" was off with another woman too. I know it hurts but you've gotta love you more than you care about a no good, triflin *** man.
He wasn't my "man", but the guy I was dealing with awhile back...the married with the baby momma...did the same to me. Despite that drama we were on okay terms, still talked every day but nothing physical. Anyway, he went away before Christmas, is returning this weekend and I haven't talked to him once. No "Hey I'm leaving, talk to you when I get back", Merry Christmas, no Happy New Year...I guess b/c they were on a family holiday. :rolleyes:, I changed my number and when he tries to call me after he's returned to town (which he WILL do), he will get the recording that the number is no longer in service. I have deleted his number and it sucks to have to do so, but I will change the time I go to the gym so as not to run into him. I'm THROUGH. I REFUSED to carry this bullsh*t into '08 with me...and honey, I'd advise you to do the same...cause it sounds like maybe your "man" was off with another woman too. I know it hurts but you've gotta love you more than you care about a no good, triflin *** man.

Good for you! Congratulations on giving yourself the best possible opportunity for a better, more fulfilling life! I commend you! Happy New Year!:yep:
Aww man, poor HairQueen!

I was secretly hoping that this guy had a valid excuse and he wasn't just another "player" like so many other guys. UGH! :(

Oh use in crying over spilled milk. I think you handled the situation and the phone conversation very well. :yep: :up: Now it's time to MOVE ON!

I would not return his phone calls or his messages. He has shown his true colors. You need to let him know that you a self-respecting woman and that you won't take any of his crap because you hold yourself in high regard and are a woman of true VALUE!

Let him play his little "holiday games" on some other unsuspecting woman.
I have always felt that anyone in an established relationship should talk every day. I'm not saying linger on the phones for hours but just a simple "hello" is good. You don't have to see me everyday but a phone call I really expect, because it really isn't hard to do! Three weeks is a long time to not contact someone. I can unserstand him not callling dude, most get in contact when they return. I can't understand any man not calling his girl in three weeks. In three weeks, you are going to contact someone!

In three months...what ever you bring over to my house, you'd better take it when you leave! I don't know the real you well enough in 3 months, for you to have enough items to fill a bag!
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I am so glad you got to the bottom of this. Truly, he is not worth crying over. You deserve to have someone who checks in on you on a daily basis just because he wants to hear your voice and know you are okay, what you are up to, etc. You deserve that and it feels wonderful when a man keeps in touch. I know some people said that they aren't phone people and that some people just aren't phone people. I get that, okay. But it's not okay for you, it's not okay to me, so we can't be in a long-term romantic relationship with someone who does not keep in touch, period. Maybe some people can. Never settle for this kind of mess again. I'm not saying he always calls but I think it should be tit for tat because we both want to stay in touch, because we care about each other. (((((HUGS)))))) You will do better next time.