He wants to 'color'/luv u down.. u want to.....

I just want to add or warn that it is a nice example to have them 'live your life for a few days' and in my experience the man is very accommodating for a bit after this but quickly revert because this is not the way they live and the memory for the man is short. I would not expect much from this for long unless you follow up and stay very consistent that you need/want ongoing help with the kids/home.
HE needs to have helped you feed/bathe/drop-off the kids. Tell him the more he helps, the more time you both can have for the nookie.
Like I said, I'm not married. (and this ish right here...this is a marriage deterrent! You said he doesn't help?! Lawd :blush:

It really IS a deterrent.

I'm not married, but I wanted to comment. Your DH is being what men typically are when married: selfish. I think the others have great advice. Give him "chores" and if he doesn't do them, no romantic time. Get your rest. I don't see any point in you forcing yourself to have sex when you don't want to. That's only going to make you resentful which will make the situation worse. I feel for you and all other women who find themselves doing EVERYTHING at home. Men just don't seem to want to help out.

I can't believe he would drive by the daycare. That's too much.

Maybe you could sit down with him and hash out a "post-nuptial" agreement of sorts. You can divide up the chores and responsibilities between the two of you. You can even perhaps decide which day one of you will do daycare duty or soccer practice duty. But that will get communication flowing and something will be in writing that you can put on the refrigerator as a reminder.