Hair Pet Peeves

Ineedhair said:
I hate to see women that have a head full of ends and swear their hair is long.

I hate to see someone that has braids in for so long that the roots are matted and caked with dirt.

My favorite...
grown women that have baby hair with the help of a fine tooth comb and vaseline
( I saw this on the train on my way to work this morning).

Thank you for letting me vent!!!

Only in New York!!!:grin:
JLove74 said:
I don't know why this bothers me, but it does - when women pat their heads instead of scratching the itch:eek:

My daughter does that.. and everytime she does it drives me NUTS!!!

I think I had done it in the past and she adapted what I did and it came from trying not to scratch before a relaxer. Come to think of it I may still do it but since I stretch for 12 weeks who can remember!!:grin:
dlewis said:
Stinky hair

glued down shiney hair

butt length unnatualy looking weave

hair lines starting at the ear and still the woman has tight braids.

Men with finger waves

laughing at the part in bold:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lol: :lol: :grin:
dlewis said:
We are a close office, I tell him when his hair looks bad and it's time for a cut or when he has an ordor and needs to go home and shower before a meeting.

Okay, that would make sense...thought still...I mean, if I was that other girl, EVERYDAY for the rest of the time that I work there my hair would have to be hooked up...I mean, I would have been so embarassed.
cmw45 said:
Okay, that would make sense...thought still...I mean, if I was that other girl, EVERYDAY for the rest of the time that I work there my hair would have to be hooked up...I mean, I would have been so embarassed.

You would think but she's not.
Actually this makes me :( instead of an actual pet peeve. Now that I know better I cannot stand seeing an overprocessed damaged mess passing itself off as a head of hair. I mean, like half of your hair is dry, raggedy-looking ends and the other half is lying across the back of your shirt.

I cannot stand seeing a weave that doesn't match the texture OR color of your hair. Your hair is textured and black and you got a blonde silky weave.
JLove74 said:
I don't know why this bothers me, but it does - when women pat their heads instead of scratching the itch:eek:

Well, because it makes you look like a fool (pardon the judgment) :lachen: in public. I'm definitely guilty of patting my head on rare occasions, but in the privacy of my own home or when I'm not in mixed company (or in public).

When I first saw my cousin do this years ago, she was in braids and I seriously thought something was wrong. Up to that point, I'd never had the urge or inclination to pat myself in the head (nor had I seen other ladies do that).

I was waiting at the airport with a female (caucasian) colleague of mine, and we saw a girl patting her head quite vigorously. My colleague = :huh:
I had to explain that she was hitting her head because she was itching - It was a little embarrassing :o. Of course the next logical question was, "Why doesn't she scratch?"
--Women and girls that slap gel or the "jam" on their hair day after day and just brush it through but then only wash their hair every few weeks or so

--Caked up or flaking gel or spritz that looks like dandruff

--Crazy hairstyles accompanied by crazy hair colors and crazy skimpy clothes and big hoop earrings...some women can rock the un-natural hair colors, others cannot

--Random douchers coming up and putting their nasty hands in your freshly washed hair
cluelessaka said:
5. Scary ends. Ends that just look a hot mess...What are you holding on to?

I agree...people with relaxed hair that looks so unkept and damaged and nasty, that you can't help but wonder why they won't just go natural and sport a cute fro. They have no idea how much better they'd look.

Women that have very thin hair but insist on drenching it with hair products till it looks stringy and wear it out.

kids with pony-tail holders that are falling apart because the elastic couldn't keep up with how tight their mom is pulling their hair.

other people using my hair brushes or combs.
malachi74 said:
other people using my hair brushes or combs.

That one pisses me off along with people putting their hands in my head


When you are the only African-American in the office with braids and all of sudden everyone wants to know if you wash your hair, did your hair grow that long overnight(DUMB). What's worse is when they ask if they can touch your hair like you are a circus freak.
I hate people using my comb also, not even my children are to use my combs and brushes. Everyone has their own hair tools.
I can’t stand to see little girls with hair that is dry and frayed and hanging out of the braids or ponytail looking like they’ve been in for a month….meanwhile mommy hair looks like a million bucks.
I really hate to see little AA girls with an inch of hair and a thousand barrettes & bows! What happened to 2 ponytails? And then the mothers put the barrettes on to try the to make the hair look longer..I really hate this look
sherylin123 said:
I really hate to see little AA girls with an inch of hair and a thousand barrettes & bows! What happened to 2 ponytails? And then the mothers put the barrettes on to try the to make the hair look longer..I really hate this look

Yea, i see this, it's like they turn the barrettes vertical to make the hair look longer.
My boss' wife keeps her hair lookin' fly, but her daughters always come up to the store with their hair looking dry as :eek: !!! Why do women kept their hair looking fly, but let their daughters look like a hot a$$ mess? Children are a part of you, and if I had daughters then I'd make sure THEIR hair was nice before my own needs...
i'm sorry, but that is just so unprofessional. He had every right to tell her to go home and handle that. A client should not be seeing that, hail dont nobody wanna see that.

dlewis said:
He waiting until after the meeting that she, the boss and a client had and called her into his office, questioned her, then he called me in a ask how often I wash my hair because she said that all black people wash their hair every 2-3 weeks.
sherylin123 said:
I really hate to see little AA girls with an inch of hair and a thousand barrettes & bows! What happened to 2 ponytails? And then the mothers put the barrettes on to try the to make the hair look longer..I really hate this look

I hate one thing more than this, little toddlers with braid extensions or phony ponies:( . Actually, the thousand-ponytail hairstyle looks cuter the more I see this!
It's so wrong....this thread is giving me a much needed laugh....
thank you ladies for sharing...:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll add...that before the hair board...I never paid attention to this...but just makes me shudder....

nape length or slightly longer hair.....with the dry edges just rubbing against a non hair friendly material.

I can almost hear them crying on the train and I want to reach out and put some oil or some NTM silk touch on them...but I have no right to do that.

I also find a woman with a mustache on her face (that can almost compete with my man's) and a curl in her hair....disturbing...:perplexed


Co-signing on everything stated regarding little girls hair....

It hurts me to see lil baby girls getting relaxers too :(
cluelessaka said:
hmm let me think....

1. Really ghetto hair styles- I mean, what's wrong with just a wrap? WHat do you say when you sit in the chair.."Make me look like a hot mess?" Yall know, what I'm talking bout- pony tail on the side, a hump in the front, some waves on the other side, and spikey on the top.

2. When I can see your hair fall cause your hair in front is too thin, or you just didn't blend it correctly.

3. Need a relaxer but your weave pony tail is European silky. Thats a no-no.

4. Little girls with no hair. Because their mama relaxed the life out of it and now they must suffer.

5. Scary ends. Ends that just look a hot mess...What are you holding on to?

This is me all day. The only thing that gets me is dirty dandruff. That ish is NASTY. Yeah i said it NASTY. I was at the grocery store and this girl was ringing me up looked liek she oiled her scalp with powder! I was so embarassed for her!
[quote=MonaLisa]It's so wrong....this thread is giving me a much needed laugh....
thank you ladies for sharing...:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll add...that before the hair board...I never paid attention to this...but just makes me shudder....

nape length or slightly longer hair.....with the dry edges just rubbing against a non hair friendly material.

I can almost hear them crying on the train and I want to reach out and put some oil or some NTM silk touch on them...but I have no right to do that.

I also find a woman with a mustache on her face (that can almost compete with my man's) and a curl in her hair....disturbing...:perplexed


Co-signing on everything stated regarding little girls hair....

It hurts me to see lil baby girls getting relaxers too :([/quote]

they be taking to you huh??? :lachen: ..i swear i hate that too..makes me so sad
dlewis said:
I was so mad at her, because you know they think we all do that. And she was in a meeting patting like crazy. He called me I his office and asked how often i wash my hair and then asked her, she was like every two weeks, he said that's why it itching. He let her go home and told her that he would rather not see her do that again.

OMG! SCANDAL! I would be so embarrassed if it were me that was being sent home... LAWD ha' mercy!

My sister does this (pats her head when her scalp itches) and it drives us all nutz! Now, it's a habit and she's been doing it all her life...
Fran said:
I can’t stand to see little girls with hair that is dry and frayed and hanging out of the braids or ponytail looking like they’ve been in for a month….meanwhile mommy hair looks like a million bucks.

This is my big pet peeve too. If anyone looks good it should be the helpless one. Also, failing to brush the edges at least. My mom used to put new ponytails in my hair every morning to keep my hair looking nice and to keep the ponytails from stressing my hair.
The thread is hilarious.

To add

Visible glue and tracks - My friend seems to think that her blond track looks good with her breaking off, dry, brittle, dark brown hair. I've tried to get her to deep condition to make her hair at least look soft, or dye the track so it can blend better. I ask her to wear a hat when we go out, and if she doesn't, I put on my hood so people can't recognize me

Hairstyles that could double as board games - For some reason, the "checkerboard" hair style is "in" in my city. I've seen several color combinations and all look bad
dlewis said:
I was so mad at her, because you know they think we all do that. And she was in a meeting patting like crazy. He called me I his office and asked how often i wash my hair and then asked her, she was like every two weeks, he said that's why it itching. He let her go home and told her that he would rather not see her do that again.

Oh WOW! GOOHWTBS! I can't decide who I'm mad at more: him for deciding what's appropriate for black hair care, or her for the dirty head?? But he was right...:lol: