Hair Pet Peeves

OMG, I hate this so much!!!

I agree...people with relaxed hair that looks so unkept and damaged and nasty, that you can't help but wonder why they won't just go natural and sport a cute fro. They have no idea how much better they'd look.

Women that have very thin hair but insist on drenching it with hair products till it looks stringy and wear it out.

kids with pony-tail holders that are falling apart because the elastic couldn't keep up with how tight their mom is pulling their hair.

other people using my hair brushes or combs.
lace front wigs! not the good ones, the ones from the BSS/dollar store down the street, that have no bangs and their hairline just looks like a straight curve,a nd you can see the shine from the glue on their forehead :/ and to boot the texture is a european silky. Who are they fooling? They'd look better even with a jacked up weave
Though I'm almost ashamed to admit I watched this show with people outside of my immediate family. I hate hate hate NY's mom's weave/wig thingy on I Love NY. Her forehead is so smooth and high I can't help but stare at it. There is not even a trace of a natural hair line, but it starts at her ears :confused: . She kinda looks like one of those manniquin heads at the BSS with the wig slipping off. Its just plain old creepy. :nono:

I have no idea who you're talking about, but your description is funny as heck :lachen:
Pet Peeve #1 : When folks say...."It's not a jherri's a wave nouveau!!!" If it looks like a jherri curl, drips like a jherri curl and sucks up activator like a jherri curl...then ITS A JHERRI CURL!!!!!!!!!

Pet Peeve #2 : Neon colored weave.....I just know that they aren't modeling in a hair show so what gives?

Pet Peeve #3 : Comb overs....there is no point in growing your sides to APL and then wrapping and gelling them across your crown...your not fooling anyone.

Pet Peeve #4 : Ladies who wear rollers out in public like the rollers themselves are a hairstyle. Either its curled or it's not.....find a cute scarf or hat or wig/fall for bad hair days. Unless your on your way to the emergency room there is no excuse for that level of laziness.

Pet Peeve #5 : Women sporting pony tails with only an inch of hair sticking out of the end even though the ponytail is soooo tight your eyes resemble those of someone Asian.

And Lastly Pet Peeve#6: Women who take their wigs off in public (throwing up a little in my mouth), I've seen this happen three times and each time the hair under the wig was so matted and dirty that it looked like a mushroom cloud. The first time I saw this the woman had the nerve to take the wig off, scratch in her head and then put the wig back on.....I looked down at her nails after she scratched and they were full of dirt which she proceeded to remove using one of the bobby pins that she had used to hold the wig on....once she finished cleaning her nails she put the bobby pin back in her head. Can U Say "GROSS" boys and girls??????
Pet Peeve #5 : Women sporting pony tails with only an inch of hair sticking out of the end even though the ponytail is soooo tight your eyes resemble those of someone Asian.

spinoff: women who have short hair, yet try to fake a ponytail by gelling their short hairs into what looks like a ponytail, then throwing a phony tail over it. Nothing wrong with short hair, but if you have to use a whole jar of Let's Jam to make a "ponytail", maybe that's not the style for you :rolleyes:

And Lastly Pet Peeve#6: Women who take their wigs off in public (throwing up a little in my mouth), I've seen this happen three times and each time the hair under the wig was so matted and dirty that it looked like a mushroom cloud. The first time I saw this the woman had the nerve to take the wig off, scratch in her head and then put the wig back on.....I looked down at her nails after she scratched and they were full of dirt which she proceeded to remove using one of the bobby pins that she had used to hold the wig on....once she finished cleaning her nails she put the bobby pin back in her head. Can U Say "GROSS" boys and girls??????

:barf: :barf: :barf:


Pet Peeve #4 : Ladies who wear rollers out in public like the rollers themselves are a hairstyle. Either its curled or it's not.....find a cute scarf or hat or wig/fall for bad hair days. Unless your on your way to the emergency room there is no excuse for that level of laziness.

LMAO!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:Why you gotta call me out like that! I have to keep the rollers in until i get to where i'm going or the Houston humidity will jack it up! :grin:
Raggedy weaves, ppl who wear satin caps out in public, messy dye/rinse jobs (ex. a person who colors their hair and the color has stained their ears, forehead, and rubs off on their collar), no edges all the way around the hair line (front or back), hard crusty hair from too much gel and spritz, ppl that think the only way your hair is done is if it has a style that consists of weave. wow I could go on for days! :lachen:
When women have their hair gelled down on their head and it doesn't move ever.

When men always have a brush and brush their hair in public.

When women keep on pulling their hair back into a super tight bun even after their hairline starts to recede.

Men wearing do-rags.

Women who obviously haven't washed their hair in over a month.

Women who are always talking about what black people can and can't do to their hair even though they follow all the "black hair rules" and their hair still looks a mess. At what point do you realize it's not working and try something else?

People who have messed up hair and don't make any effort to do any better.

Women who are so dependent on the salon that they don't even know how to wash their hair.
LMAO!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:Why you gotta call me out like that! I have to keep the rollers in until i get to where i'm going or the Houston humidity will jack it up! :grin:
:grin: long as you take them out when you get where your going immo give you a pass (lol). But when you see those folks out that you know never had any intention of removing know like at the movies, the mall, or the grocery store then thats a problem for sure!!!!!!!
I can't stand to see women with little broken shreds of hair all over their blouses, collars, etc... if your hair is breaking when you comb it, at least dust off your clothing before leaving home!

Another pet peeve is hair on the bathroom floor, counter tops, or shower. Gross! :barf: I hate stepping in it if I'm barefoot or wearing socks.
girls with tweet tweet ponytails (i can think of no other name) ponytails that are plastered to the very top of their head with that hard black/brown gel cause all the hair wont reach up that far so they have to plaster it up and then feather that little tweet of hair out into a fan.. yes im from chicago and yes they still fan out ponytails. see it ALL the TIME

if your hair is long enough for a high pony, go for it!! i think high pony's are cute, but if you have to trick your hair into the hair tie, let it go.
^^:lachen::lachen::lachen: I see that a lot here in Jamaica, the worst part is when it looks like that and the nape is unruly and just sticks off.

But let me tell you, i have a friend that hasn't washed her hair for more than 2 years! I kid you not, when i asked her when was the last time, she said she had asked her husband to do it while she was pregnant with her son and he didn't get a chance to so it just kept getting put off......her son turned 2 last July and this was from she was pregnant!!

She LOOOOVES hair grease and gets twists a lot (sometimes with bees wax) and i had the misfortune of touching it a few weeks ago while it was damp (it got wet in the shower, not from a wash) and my stomach just turned, it was so sticky and nasty and it smelled awful!

She was complaining that her hair was breaking off and just couldnt figure out why:blush: An i'm thinking maybe cause you're drawing combs and brushes through it with months of wax and grease build up on it. She was APL and is back to her shoulders now and its all just really sad but trust me, that's my definite pet peeve, everytime i see her i get queasy now cause i know whats going on up in there.
^^:lachen::lachen::lachen: I see that a lot here in Jamaica, the worst part is when it looks like that and the nape is unruly and just sticks off.

But let me tell you, i have a friend that hasn't washed her hair for more than 2 years! I kid you not, when i asked her when was the last time, she said she had asked her husband to do it while she was pregnant with her son and he didn't get a chance to so it just kept getting put off......her son turned 2 last July and this was from she was pregnant!!

She LOOOOVES hair grease and gets twists a lot (sometimes with bees wax) and i had the misfortune of touching it a few weeks ago while it was damp (it got wet in the shower, not from a wash) and my stomach just turned, it was so sticky and nasty and it smelled awful!

She was complaining that her hair was breaking off and just couldnt figure out why:blush: An i'm thinking maybe cause you're drawing combs and brushes through it with months of wax and grease build up on it. She was APL and is back to her shoulders now and its all just really sad but trust me, that's my definite pet peeve, everytime i see her i get queasy now cause i know whats going on up in there.
:cry::perplexed PLEASE tell me this is your idea of a sick joke.
.....the tweet tweet ponytail and the flame were my ish back in the day. I used to rock my little broken down tuft of hair like it was hanging down to my butt. :lol:

But my pet peeves are:
1. When people with busted hair try to give me hair advice. I have some girls who live in my dorm whose hair is all kinds of busted. One of them has like five strands of hair hanging to her shoulders, and she flat irons them everyday. Another has a weave, but her edges are gone. And the last one has a really prominent W-Shape that I wish she would fix. Her sides are shoulder-collarbone, but the middle is top of neck. And they have the nerve to tell me to stop using white people products.

2. Men with mullets or rattails.

3. Women who let their weaves get rough and don't care. It's one thing to get a bad weave, but when that bad weave is tangled, matted, and is three inches longer than it was when you put it in because the strings are loose, IT'S TIME TO TAKE IT OUT.

4. Little children with broken off and dry hair because it's been relaxed to death.

5. Stylists who catch an attitude when you tell them that you don't want a trim.

6. Stylists who don't know what they are doing, and front like they do.

7. People who try to pretend like their weave is their real and natural hair and start making up ethnicities to go with it. You are not half Khazikstani. That hair is not yours, I don't care if you did buy it from the BSS. Or people who try to say that they have "dominican texture hair". Wth is that? It's okay to just be black, people.

8. People who watch a stylist *** up their hair, and they don't say a thing until they get home and then spend the rest of the day complaining. It's one thing if you aren't facing the mirror and can't tell. But if you see the woman/man hacking off your hair or trying to comb your relaxer through, SAY SOMETHING. Don't wait till you come back and then sit in my room, interrupting my studying and ruining the peace of my inner sanctum, cursing the stylist and all his/her descendants for the next 30 generations. You should have said something while you were there.

9. People who complain about hair issues (dryness, breakage, itchy scalp), but won't take the advice you give them, because "it's not what you're supposed to do". Yeah, I know you aren't "supposed" to wash your hair more than once a month, but if you look like you had a snow day atop your head, then you might just want to hit up that head and shoulders ahead of schedule.

Kinda long...

Peeve #1: Please DO NOT claim that you add tracks JUST for thickness; I saw you last week and I CLEARLY know that you are NOT APL, BSL, MBL, etc. I take no issue with weave, but I know some folk do (especially after the "Good Hair" movie), because of the preceding women feel the need to justify why they are wearing weave. As long as it blends well and applied properly, no justification needed.

Peeve #2: Please stop telling me that "black people CAN'T wash their hair more than once every two/three weeks" to justify why you haven't washed it in the last TWO months!!! IN ADDITION, please stop calling me anything other than what I am (A BLACK WOMAN) for washing my hair once a week (which for some by LHCF standards, is not a lot).

Peeve #3: No...I DID NOT cut my hair, I took out my braids..blank stare-side eye combo. Matter of fact, I'll have a new set f braids soon and in another couple months, I'll take them out again. So let's get all asinine questions out the way right now so we don't have revisit this subject matter again.

Peeve #4: DO NOT ask me what I do to my hair and BARELY listen because you've already decided its too much work when I mention air drying and deep conditioning. Next time someone asks, I'll just say I use a miracle hair cream that allows me to wake up like I'll be able to hear a pin drop in a stack of rusty needles on a windy day.

Peeve #5: I love bangs as much as the next... I even get into the side swoopy-swoop, but really, your whole eye...covered with hair?? That has to be considered a hazard on SOME level, if not a straight up eye patch. We all know hair FALLS like that naturally, but at some point, don't you move it our the way?

Peeve #6: I'm going to need you to NOT complain about how many hairstyles I can do if you ADMITTEDLY are too lazy to try anything different with your own. Get OFF me!

Peeve #7: Why participate in a water fight and DEMAND that no one wet your hair?? Do you see where it all falls apart? If getting your hair wet is a concern, you might want to sit this one out...preferably with your back NOT to the water-fightees.

Peeve #8: Please PLEASE PLEASE...don't solicit my hair business. For 1) I have a stylist I been going to for 8 plus years, its a wrap, 2) When I don't go to him, my hair is STILL fly and most importantly 3) you might want to know that you represent your business and your present hair "style" is NOT helping sweetie...dry, fried, broken, damaged and got the nerve to be abnormally colored...I don't think so.

Peeve #9: Braids...SIGH...namely if you do your OWN braids, there is virtually NO REASON for them to look a mess. The natural grow out process is understandable, but uhm...u lost a few along the edges, you wear your braids in a ponytail, you don't want to stop slicking the loose hair back and just braid it back up? Just. A. Question. Also why do they look as if you've had them for a month and its been barely a week. I'm. Just. Sayin'. Nicely.

Peeve #10: At what point will you realize you have more bobby pins than hair slicked into what you classify as a ponytail? I have short hair...I wear it loose, I get braids, or I do a sew-in...but what I won't do is force my hair to do something it is not capable of doing as of yet and then reinforce it with bobby pins and such. GOOHWT. My sister does that and I'm like, just get a good pomade slick or give the pony up altogether.
Too many hair clips in the hair

too much her gelled down to the forehead and the with the gel flaking

weave hairs that has broken off left around the damn house!!!!!!!!!!!

tightly pulled back ponytails that I see on white women that are risking a receding hairline.

expired extensions which is braids with real and synthetic hair that dosen't look that fresh anymore.
Don't know if this was mentioned...this thread is too long for me to know but mine is:
When a chick's tracks are blatantly showing! Aah

When the weave is a totally different texture for her hair (kinky black roots with euro straight yt ppl 28 inch blonde weave!)

I have a major weave pet peeve...

when ur dark skinned with blue contacts and a bleach blonde lacefront that starts right on the eyebrows (I'm exaggerating it but u guys get the pic)

Girls who have to struggle to put their hair in a pony and its less than an inch long. Why don't u just slap a weave around it and call it a day. Unless ur showing us how proud u are for getting ur hair in a ponytail

Brown gel caked up on the sides of a girl's face

Children who walk out the house without their hair done!!! But the mama got a fly a$$ weave in her hair
:cry::perplexed PLEASE tell me this is your idea of a sick joke.

I wish!!:lachen: Its honestly more like 3 years, lemme give u the breakdown. When she was pregnant (about 6 months or less) i asked her wen was the last time her hair was washed, she said she washed it every 6 months and she was due for a wash, had asked her husband but he hadn't gotten a chance to and was in Europe at the time. After the baby was born, somebody asked her wen was the last time it was watched, she said a little over a year ago, before i was pregnant. I asked a few weeks ago if it had been washed yet and she said it hadn't, the baby is now 2 years, 3 months, so add that to the 9 months she was pregnant, yeah, roughly 3 years.:lachen:
Oh my goodness where do I start!

Dead! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Pet Peeve #1 : When folks say...."It's not a jherri's a wave nouveau!!!" If it looks like a jherri curl, drips like a jherri curl and sucks up activator like a jherri curl...then ITS A JHERRI CURL!!!!!!!!!

Pet Peeve #2 : Neon colored weave.....I just know that they aren't modeling in a hair show so what gives?

Pet Peeve #3 : Comb overs....there is no point in growing your sides to APL and then wrapping and gelling them across your crown...your not fooling anyone.

Pet Peeve #4 : Ladies who wear rollers out in public like the rollers themselves are a hairstyle. Either its curled or it's not.....find a cute scarf or hat or wig/fall for bad hair days. Unless your on your way to the emergency room there is no excuse for that level of laziness.

Pet Peeve #5 : Women sporting pony tails with only an inch of hair sticking out of the end even though the ponytail is soooo tight your eyes resemble those of someone Asian.

And Lastly Pet Peeve#6: Women who take their wigs off in public (throwing up a little in my mouth), I've seen this happen three times and each time the hair under the wig was so matted and dirty that it looked like a mushroom cloud. The first time I saw this the woman had the nerve to take the wig off, scratch in her head and then put the wig back on.....I looked down at her nails after she scratched and they were full of dirt which she proceeded to remove using one of the bobby pins that she had used to hold the wig on....once she finished cleaning her nails she put the bobby pin back in her head. Can U Say "GROSS" boys and girls??????

:nono: I don't even know where to begin on that.. I mean...ugh. That's nasty on its own but coincidentally enough one of my biggest NON hair pet peeves is DIRTY FINGER NAILS.

girls with tweet tweet ponytails (i can think of no other name) ponytails that are plastered to the very top of their head with that hard black/brown gel cause all the hair wont reach up that far so they have to plaster it up and then feather that little tweet of hair out into a fan.. yes im from chicago and yes they still fan out ponytails. see it ALL the TIME

if your hair is long enough for a high pony, go for it!! i think high pony's are cute, but if you have to trick your hair into the hair tie, let it go.

:lachen::lachen: You get mad props for being extra descriptive.

My hair pet
*Any kind of fake hair that is so obviously fake that you try really hard not to make eye contact with that person.
*Greasy, oily, stringy hair that looks like it's been literally dipped in Crisco that was used to fry something. On the occasion that it's slicked back it looks like it's been done with a horse brush.
*Hair that's turned green from excessive chlorine exposure.
*Corn rowed hair that looks like it's 5 months old and hasn't been touched since the install and the person with said corn rows doesn't wear a satin bonnet so they don't look like braids anymore. They just look like dreadlocks fused onto the scalp.
*The raccoon dye job.
*Something like this:

*Phil Spector. :lachen:
*When the hair is so thin and damaged that you can see the scalp.

The list goes on and on...
Women with long hair and about 10 inches of split dry ends that look like fur. It looks like they have a mink stole around their shoulders.:lachen:
.....the tweet tweet ponytail and the flame were my ish back in the day. I used to rock my little broken down tuft of hair like it was hanging down to my butt. :lol:

But my pet peeves are:
1. When people with busted hair try to give me hair advice. I have some girls who live in my dorm whose hair is all kinds of busted. One of them has like five strands of hair hanging to her shoulders, and she flat irons them everyday. Another has a weave, but her edges are gone. And the last one has a really prominent W-Shape that I wish she would fix. Her sides are shoulder-collarbone, but the middle is top of neck. And they have the nerve to tell me to stop using white people products.


LMAO @ the bolded :lachen:! I knew a girl like that in college. It's like she was afraid to let go of those five if she did they would never grow back. I think they keep them so they can tell people their hair is SL! :look: