What are YOUR pet peeves about going to hair salons?

Let's see where do I begin:

The stylist showing up after I arrive on time. (My appointment is at 10AM. Why are you showing up at 1030 or later?!) :ohwell:

Talking on the phone or in person to her homie/man/momma/little cousin/whoever. (Stop gossiping and finish my f***** hair! And tell your "guest" this is not the kick it spot!) :shhh:

While they are talking, having her guest occasionally comment on my hair. (O.K. I shouldn't complain because it's usually a compliment. I'm glad you think my hair is pretty but I would really like my appointment to end. But no 'cause y'all are still gossipin'.) :wallbash:

Washing my hair and leaving me at the bowl for a "deep conditioning" for what seems like hours on end, causing my neck to hurt. (Why should I suffer because you double booked and need to finish up your other client's hair?)

Don't let me go to a new stylist and have my hair in a bun. When I proceed to take it out of the bun, the stylist or assistant and others in the vicinity damn near fall to the floor. They proceed to comment loudly and dramatically that it's going to be a long process. (My hair is long, not thick. Wait and see what happens after washing and drying, 'cause you are about to feel stupid at how easy my hair is to "do".)

I could go on and on and on...

But I've gone on long enough. :grin:

LMAO!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I love my stylist. She is also my friend. But, I absolutely hate, Hate, HATE, HATE having a wet, washed out cap put on my head, after it was used on someone else!

I don't mind using washed out caps. I wash my own out. But, if someone is paying you good money, you can afford $0.10 to use a fresh cap on each customer.

I also hate waiting to get things done. When I went, I always had the first or second appt. of the day. I still didn't get out until after 12pm. That wasn't because I spend so much time having my hair conditioned. It was because of waiting.
When people bring their sick kids into the salon saying things like "oh, they won't let us take little Jenny to school because she's contageous (spelling sorry) so we're bringing her here!"

Why are you bringing her here? Are you trying to make everyone sick??? Two women did that on the first day I went to my new stylist. Not one, but two. :nono: I was so scared I'd get sick and be out of work for days.
I love my stylist. She is also my friend. But, I absolutely hate, Hate, HATE, HATE having a wet, washed out cap put on my head, after it was used on someone else!

I don't mind using washed out caps. I wash my own out. But, if someone is paying you good money, you can afford $0.10 to use a fresh cap on each customer.

I also hate waiting to get things done. When I went, I always had the first or second appt. of the day. I still didn't get out until after 12pm. That wasn't because I spend so much time having my hair conditioned. It was because of waiting.

Girl, I can't stand that either!!!! Just the thought of someone else's slimy conditioner cap on my head is disguisting!! :nono:
I hate when they tell me that my hair is in awful condition at the top of their lungs!!

First of all- they are lying. :nono:

Second of all- just trying to trick me into thinking that I dont know how to caer for my hair- therefore I need to come to the salon weekly and line their pockets. Makes me sad that they have to revert to tryna embarrass me to get me to come back.

Third- they did not know my MAMA!! I can NOT be embarrassed.:look:
So true girl!:nono:

I hate being at the shop all day, playing musical chairs between the dryers and my stylist's station.:spinning:

I hate it when they drop the comb, then pick it right back up of the floor and put it right back in your head.

I hate it when all the good magazines are being hogged up and I forgot to bring a book or something else to look at.:ohwell:
My biggest pet peeve is and probably will always be the over-booking. Errgghh, why do you not respect my time? I am taking time out of my day to get my hair done, and I am paying you inflated prices, and you have the nerve to have three people within 30 mins of my arrival?? :wallbash: It's not my life's goal to read old issues of Jet magazine for hours' on end.
When 20 people are doing your hair.

Or the woman on the dryer next to me's lil bebe's kid keeps touching you (like the lil ***** who had to touch me and scratch out my freshly manicure fingers in one swoop GRRRR)

(Let me apologize to our Gospel music lovers (I like it to but at home)
BUT. Gospel music blasting in the Salon so loud you cannot think or being forced to listen to religious mumbo jumbo and I have heard some Ignant stuff yes IGNANT. If I needed that I would go to CHURCH.:endworld:

AND Please i do not want you to grease my hair.

Or the Stylist who knows you use nice expensive products use them on you and Conveniently place them amongst her stack of stuff (hoping you will forget) Give me back my ish get your own.:busted:
Let's see,

- When they lie and tell you that the relaxer is lye but it's really no lye.

- When they turn you away from the mirror so you can't see what going on.

- Start trimming because they "assumed" you wanted a trim

- Start pushing services on you, we sell our own conditioner, yous should come in for protein trmnts, etc.

- I kid you not this one stylist I went to was so trifling she didn't even have toilet paper in the bathroom or the salon for that matter.

-When you leave and your shirt is SOAKING.

-My all time worst, when their is no prices listed and they charge you whatever, I divorced my stylist when she charged me $50 for my 10 y.o. daughter's trim.

Lord, please edify me to learn how to relax so that I will NEVER have to go to the salon again. *Officially done with my rant**
I HATE it when my stylist's assistant tries to comb my wet hair from my hairline backward...ARRRGGGGG!!!! Stop that!

I also hate it when my stylist squeezes her face when I ask what's going in my hair & y. I dont care tho', she must not know that this chick's not playin games no more :boxing:
I hate when people come in selling stuff...Just cause I got money to get my hair done don't mean I got money to buy faux leather purses, shoes, calendars, dvds, cds or shea butter....well maybe shea butter :rolleyes:
Been several years, but...

*when you tell them no grease and they use it anyway

*when they suggest a relaxer...and you KNOW it's only been 3 weeks!!! (c'mon, i ain't had that much growth, please!)

*when they try to get the scissors out (*chile, I will cut you with your own pair if you come near my hair!*)
I have not been to a salon in years but when I get my hair braided...

1.) Having to give one of the stylist a ride home.

2.) Using dirty tools

3.) Using the shear, fire or glue to secure the braids
Several years ago, I used to have a crappy stylist who:
  • never got the hang of washing my hair without wetting my back all up; I left the salon with a drenched back every single time;
  • insisted upon pulling the relaxer through the entire length of my hair instead of just the new growth;
  • taking a brush (yes, I said brush) and brushing my wet hair with the brute force of a linebacker while my head hung helplessly in the wash bowl;
I had to lose homegirl with the quickness.

But my biggest pet peeve is ... and will forever remain ... I HATE DOUBLE BOOKING. I understand that stylists have to do this sometimes so that they'll have a backlog if someone cancels at the last minute. I'm a very patient person and usually sit there without complaining ... for a while. But at the very least, acknowledge my presence when you see me sitting there. I know you see me ... tell me it's going to be "x" more minutes instead of ignoring me like I ain't sittin' there.

Maaaaaaaaaannn ... nothing will make me walk out of a salon faster never to return.
I go to a salon in J.C. Penny's. I really like my stylist, but I don't like the prices they charge :nono:

When I go to the salon, I also use a stylist at JCPenney's. I had been reading on LHCF about doing the conditioner step before you neutralize while doing a relaxer touch-up and the first time I went to have a touch-up she was following this procedure. She also gave me tips (that I had read already on LHCF) and I knew my hair would be in good hands.

But my biggest pet peeve is when I would go in for a touch-up ($65) then she would say I needed a trim (I did, I had a lot of split ends) and that trim would cost me the same as getting a cut. So I would walk out of there each time paying $80 for a touch-up on top of leaving her a tip.

I never had to worry about sitting past my appointment time, she was always there and always ready for me when I came into the salon. She was the only one that touched my hair from shampooing to styling.....one tip....that's what I like....only having to give one person (not three or four) the money.
Let's see

I hate when my old stylist would keep me under the dryer an extra 15mins b/c she was busy or hurry up with another customer :perplexed. I have to PULL TEETH when asking what is that she putting in my hair and her answer is "OOh why"...WTF??? Cuz i wanna know:wallbash:. Her other worker(shampoo girl) used some extra Special crap conditioner and i have to pay extra b/c she mess up??? yea...okay:nono:

Mostly my biggest pet peeve with her is she always made-up prices(mostly raise them too)...like one week a wash n set would be $15.00 then next week it would be $25.00 they she would go into "ooh business is slow and i need help with all these bills"...:nono:
My hair and me are at a better home for now:drunk:
Just going to the salon was a pet peeve for me. It's like get ready to spend half your day in there for nothing that you couldn't do yourself.
I hate when they are ROUGH!!!
I hate when other people wash my hair and i have specifically told my hairdresser this but it still happens.
Also when you find a staple product and your hairdresser says to stop using it bc they don't like how it makes your hair feel.:angry2:

I hate when your supposed to get a trim with your t-up (which I seem to never end up getting unless I keep pestering her) but end up being chargerd for a service that you never receive.
I hate it when they take almost three hours to do your hair, and then they want to push you out of the chair when you're trying to make it look presentable.

I hate being asked by all the workers whether I have a texturizer or not.

I hate when they charge you $150 for a style your could've done at home.
I hate :

-when a relaxed person is asked whether they want a deep conditioner:huh:
-having your appointment start 2 hours after you arrive on time
-people just hanging out and standing by you & staring while talking to your stylist about your hair.
-when they insist on using that mineral oil laden grease i.e. high sheen glossifier on your scalp, when they know it clogs follicles
-when they insist on whipping out the flat iron to finish a style after you say no heat, then I have to look crazy when I have to insist that they put it down, it's my doggone hair!!!
-trying to use conditioners from dollar general in a salon! GTFOH!!!
-trying to talk me into chemical services when I said I only want a touchup
-trying to get you to come in weekly for "treatments" that I already have in my pj stash!!, or can get in the hood bss that sells professional products to anyone. ( shoutout NE, SE, MD, VA!!!):clapping:
- the obligatory oil sheen spray. (thanks a lot, now I'll be washing that mess out a couple of days later)
- lazy stylist who makes you hand her the rollers as she sets
-jacked up hair stylists who give you the side eye and roll their eyes at you when your hair is not jacked
- a stylist giving a girl a Motions CPR treatment and after applying, using one of those shampoo brushes to rip through her hair. I could hear it 3 shampoo bowls away like nails on a chalkboard.:spank:
I hate :

-when a relaxed person is asked whether they want a deep conditioner:huh:
-having your appointment start 2 hours after you arrive on time
-people just hanging out and standing by you & staring while talking to your stylist about your hair.
-when they insist on using that mineral oil laden grease i.e. high sheen glossifier on your scalp, when they know it clogs follicles
-when they insist on whipping out the flat iron to finish a style after you say no heat, then I have to look crazy when I have to insist that they put it down, it's my doggone hair!!!
-trying to use conditioners from dollar general in a salon! GTFOH!!!
-trying to talk me into chemical services when I said I only want a touchup
-trying to get you to come in weekly for "treatments" that I already have in my pj stash!!, or can get in the hood bss that sells professional products to anyone. ( shoutout NE, SE, MD, VA!!!):clapping:
- the obligatory oil sheen spray. (thanks a lot, now I'll be washing that mess out a couple of days later)
- lazy stylist who makes you hand her the rollers as she sets
-jacked up hair stylists who give you the side eye and roll their eyes at you when your hair is not jacked
- a stylist giving a girl a Motions CPR treatment and after applying, using one of those shampoo brushes to rip through her hair. I could hear it 3 shampoo bowls away like nails on a chalkboard.:spank:
LMAO!! I hate the oil sheen, but before I can tell her she has already gone crazy with it. In addition my hair gets weighed down easily.
The fact that she is scissor happy.
I'm usually in there for a long time..when my hair aint that long.:ohwell:
The money...lawd it's expensice
I got more>>>

When they wash your hair and you can smell their armpits or their shirt is filthy.

When they engage in sexual talk.

Music is so loud your like, "Just take a little bit off the sides. JUST TAKE A LITTLE BIT OFF THE SIDES. I SAID JUST TAKE A LITTLE BIT OFF THE SIDES!!!!!

When all you need is to be flatironed and they decide to start some girl's relaxer so you wind up waiting 2 hours to get your hair flatironed.

When they don't thoroughly wash my hair...especially the nape part!

I hate this too.
wow, some of these have me in tears laughing... especially "leaving the salon w/a wet back" lol!

My pet peeves:

-hairdressers never having change -so that you end up telling them to keep much more change than you would have!

-salons not up to date -no ineract/credit card options... "cash only" in 2008!?!?!? -ugh!

-maybe I'm the only one that experienced this one... having the stylist's young son comb my hair!!!!! (he was 10 at the time).

-the ones that never look happy, and hardly say thank you when you tip them... how rude!

-'scolding' you for coming into their salon w/crappy looking hair... duh -this is why I'm here!!!

-paying a different price every visit for the same service... but somehow you never can find your receipt from the last visit to prove it....

-SHEEN!!! (I have fine hair).

-when they have a working television and won't turn it on.

-someone else mentioned this, but I have to second it... when they turn you away from the mirror while styling or cutting your hair.

-ripping thru new growth when applying a relaxer.

-sharing a salon w/a barber shop -so now you have to walk past a bunch of gawking men, usually w/a style you hate.

-mentally cursing them while they are washing your hair, while you're waiting, while they are styling you.
I've been :lol: ing throughout the thread! I've experienced most of the stuff you all mentioned, unfortunately. That's why I just do my hair myself and stick with my stylist from my hometown when I want to get it done.
  • Having a 2:00 appt and not even getting started until 2:30 or later. I can deal with 5 or 10 minutes, but 30 minutes is ridiculous.
  • The stylist using the same products/relaxer on me that they use with everyone else.
  • The stylist taking a break to eat/run errands, while I'm waiting to get my hair done. Schedule time for that!!!
  • The stylist scheduling an appt every 15 minutes. So if they are running late, you are running late.
  • A trim turning into a cut.
  • The assistant not caring about/paying attention to the fact that I'm transitioning/stretching and combing thru my hair like I just got a fresh relaxer, and ripping my hair out. (only happened at Dominican salons)
My best experiences at the salon were when my stylist washed, set and styled my hair. I preferred that because I was able to discuss my concerns about health/length, and she paid more attention to my individual needs. Now, it's just get in and get out.
  1. Waiting so long to be seen
  2. Dogs running around
  3. Having different people washing my hair
  4. Not detangling with the conditoner in my hair and not taking their time to detangle from the bottom up
  5. Overcrowded salons
  6. When they don't use heat protectant
  7. When they take a break while doing your hair to eat, have a long phone conversation, or go to the store.
  8. When the stylist wants to leave the relaxer on for so long
I hate:

When they detangle your hair with a small tooth comb or styling comb starting from the roots down!!!!!!!!!!!Oooch, this happened to me Thursday and needless to say I will not be going back!:nono:

When they push ideas like trimming 1/2 inch every six weeks! I had a stylist tell me this. When I asked her "how can my hair get longer if Im cutting a 1/2 inch every six weeks" she replied " Well you will still retain some growth just not as fast"...Ummm my hair only grows 1/2 inch every six weeks....you do the math:spinning: