hair pet peeves

Butt length tracks in the back while in the front your real hair is only used as bangs. See one like that today. She was flinging it and flipping it like she was really looking good too. And had the nerve to keep turning around and looking at me crazy. She annoyed me, and I wanted to say something but, I figured her walking around like that was punishment enough.
yes i have the same pet peeves as well!!
when i see a little girl with broken off over processed hair , or a lady with a tore up weave i wanna help them...serously, i wanna say hey...excuse me....i have some tips to give you on how to take care of your childs hair without the xtraprocessing , and girl i can hook your weave up just give me and hour or ,i know there are alot of people who still dont know how to care for their hair or thier childrens as well, even alot of my friends think i am crazy when it come to my hair and they ask me from time to time what they should do but they dont listen or they go back to their old ways of abuse....but i dont wanna offend anyone, and say I CAN HELP!!! might cause a cuss out
A_Christian said:

2. Little girls with relaxers, I started with them at the age of 8 which I regret now, but I've heard of people giving 2 year olds relaxers

My old hairdresser relaxed her 2 year old daughters hair. I guess that should have been a clue right?
Natural hair that is so dry that it looks dusty. I call this look "The Dustbowl of Soul". I saw a teenaged boy with the frizziest, driest looking afro puff ponytail the other day! I wanted to tackle him and douse him with a gallon of S-Curl spray!

For relaxed hair it's The "ski jump effect". For the life of me I can't remember who coined this phrase! Greasy, stiff hair that sticks out in the back when when the person holds their head down.
Four hairstyles in one head. Example: ponytail in top, cornrows on side, gel in the front, and a flip in the back.

When people keep braids or hairstyles in too long, I just think they don't have anyone, or time, or money to take them down and get something new done, it bothers me, but not that much.
auntesther said:
I hate how the little kids who sit behind you in church always seem to know when you're wearing a wig.
They get their little fingers around a curl and start a-tugging and next thing ya know, you're holding on for dear life and praying they don't snatch it off and throw it in the offering plate.

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1) when braids are left in sooo long that there's 3 inches of new growth and it starts to dread
2) when a girl is rockin a hot pink ponytail with black hair and a bright pink top and sandals to match!(oh yes I saw this at a parade and I just wanted to bust out laughing!)
3) when people's dreds smell like hot garbage or smoke!
brittanynic16 said:
Butt length tracks in the back while in the front your real hair is only used as bangs. See one like that today. She was flinging it and flipping it like she was really looking good too. And had the nerve to keep turning around and looking at me crazy. She annoyed me, and I wanted to say something but, I figured her walking around like that was punishment enough.

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ahhhhhh haa haa haa haa haa! FUNNY! I agree

For relaxed hair it's The "ski jump effect". For the life of me I can't remember who coined this phrase! Greasy, stiff hair that sticks out in the back when when the person holds their head down.

[/ QUOTE ] Girl, my friend and I call this "Jack-Knifing"!
LMAO at this thread
Here are mine-
* When girls with .001 inches of hair put their hair in a ponytail
* When people with really damaged short hair brag about how their use to be sooooo long but they *decided* that they didn't like long hair so they cutted it(is that a word?)
* When peoples' braids smell like a dead fish/farm animal

* When people tell me that i think I'm "white" because i wash my hair every 3 days
* Hair that is so damaged that u could see through the last 3inches (if its even that long) but the person refuses to get a trim.
* People with really jacked up hair but are always making a "fuss" about their hair.
cutebajangirl said:
A_Christian said:

2. Little girls with relaxers, I started with them at the age of 8 which I regret now, but I've heard of people giving 2 year olds relaxers

My old hairdresser relaxed her 2 year old daughters hair. I guess that should have been a clue right?

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Yep, I've heard of two year olds having relaxers. How could anyone do that to a baby's hair ?
lol at "that should have been a clue
I guess I have another one. When someone with a hair pet peeve talks about it out loud when the person with bad-looking hair is around. A girl did that on the train because this woman with really short hair had her hair in a ponytail with a scrunchie. It was really mean of her to do that, and very... un-classy. She didn't have to let everyone in the train know.
This women today in the beauty supply was giving advice to another women and I looked up because I thought it might one of you guys. YOu know this heifer lowered her voice and pulled the woman closer so I couldn't hear. So I promptly pulled my bun down, like what
!! How selfish !!