What are YOUR pet peeves about going to hair salons?

I don't go to salon's very often (as a matter of fact I think I've only gotten my hair done at a salon two or three times in my life) but one thing that really, really irks me for some reason is when I'm in a small salon and there's only one stylists taking care of about six heads. They'll start off doing your hair, put some uknown substance in your hair, put you under the hood dryer, then they just walk off and take care of everyone elses hair. By the time she gets back to you you've spent an eternity under a hot hood dryer and your forehead feels like it's about to melt off. Long story short, I like salons that that aren't short on stylists.
Girl, I can't stand that either!!!! Just the thought of someone else's slimy conditioner cap on my head is disguisting!! :nono:

I love my stylist. She is also my friend. But, I absolutely hate, Hate, HATE, HATE having a wet, washed out cap put on my head, after it was used on someone else!

I don't mind using washed out caps. I wash my own out. But, if someone is paying you good money, you can afford $0.10 to use a fresh cap on each customer.

I also hate waiting to get things done. When I went, I always had the first or second appt. of the day. I still didn't get out until after 12pm. That wasn't because I spend so much time having my hair conditioned. It was because of waiting.
Ewww! I did not know that people did that in a supposedly professional setting! I don't like using my own wet cap when I do it myself. I just grab another one and let the wet one dry if I didn't use a lot of conditioner, otherwise it's going in the trash.
well when going to dominican salons they seem irrated (sp) when dealing with my new growth and are quick to convince me to get a touch up or it will break off:rolleyes:
They feel the need 2 apply too much heat!
They handle the hair roughly!
AND they like to CUT like their landscapers!

*Since when does a trim mean "CUT", or excuss me,..... in their case "CHOP"!

I agree, maybe if we start asking them to dust our hair then they might now trim it. IDK. Can't help themselves I guess.

In addition, I hate when they towel dry my hair like they're in a cat fight - this drives me up the wall.

The endless waiting is maddening to me too.

I also hate when they get water all up in my ears like I'm out swimming or something. They know already that I hate that. My first stylist was very careful not to let water get in my ears. (I don't think she is still doing hair anymore).

I do however like the atmosphere, very clean, no kids unless they're having a service, soothing music and relaxing. It kinda makes the wait more bearable.
I can usually tolerate everything, but since I used to work in a salon that was very by the book, and I go somewhere else and they try to comb my hair with a comb that came directly out of the barbicide without washing it off first, I look at them like :evil: and say "aren't you supposed to rinse that first?" I would base thier tip off of that right there. I guess thats why I stopped going to salons except the one I used to work at occassionally.
  1. Waiting so long to be seen
  2. Dogs running around
  3. Having different people washing my hair
  4. Not detangling with the conditoner in my hair and not taking their time to detangle from the bottom up
  5. Overcrowded salons
  6. When they don't use heat protectant
  7. When they take a break while doing your hair to eat, have a long phone conversation, or go to the store.
  8. When the stylist wants to leave the relaxer on for so long
Are you serious, dogs running around the salon? :lachen: Wow- I've been through most of the other things everyone mentioned- but that one is new for me. :lachen:
1. I hate to wait another 30 to 3 hrs since my arrival on time! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

2. combing my scalp too HARD while putting relaxer!!!! :nono::nono:

3. I hate when stylists always try to make me feel bad not letting them trim my hair!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

4. I hate when stylists talkin to damn much and I wanna tell her to SHUT UP and do my damn hair!!!

5. I hate when my stylists make my hair makes me look like I am 40 or something! :nono::nono:

6. I hate when stylists keep telling me to get relaxers in every 4 weeks and 1 inch of trim :eek2: HORRROOORRR!!!1

Those are reasons why I left! :nono::whyme:
One of my biggest pet peeves is other patrons staring you down when you hit the chair. Everybody is already upset and impatient because we've all had to wait 2-3 hours past our appointments, but still. I hate the feeling of people staring at you wishing you would disappear so it can be them in the chair next. :lachen:

Also stylists who discuss your hair loudly with other patrons, or patrons who make it their business to come up and examine your head of hair themselves trying to "see" what the stylist is doing. Go sit back down and wait ya turn. :look:
One of my biggest pet peeves is other patrons staring you down when you hit the chair. Everybody is already upset and impatient because we've all had to wait 2-3 hours past our appointments, but still. I hate the feeling of people staring at you wishing you would disappear so it can be them in the chair next. :lachen:

Also stylists who discuss your hair loudly with other patrons, or patrons who make it their business to come up and examine your head of hair themselves trying to "see" what the stylist is doing. Go sit back down and wait ya turn. :look:

That and the ones that are sitting right next to you discussing all of their personal business. I don't want to hear all of your drama:nono:
That and the ones that are sitting right next to you discussing all of their personal business. I don't want to hear all of your drama:nono:

You mean about how RayRay and KeKe 'nem was supposed to come pick up the kids before you left for your hair appointment and bring some gas money, but since Lil Dre's no good tail needed to be picked up from his court appt., Ray Ray and KeKe had to stop over and ended up making you late. That meant you had to bring all 7 babies and grandbabies with you to the salon. They are tearin' up the salon magazines . . . One of the babies left his shoes at the house, and another one of them has pink eye and is touching you (Gymfreak) on the leg as she's telling you the story.

You mean that kinda conversation? :look::lachen:
You mean about how RayRay and KeKe 'nem was supposed to come pick up the kids before you left for your hair appointment and bring some gas money, but since Lil Dre's no good tail needed to be picked up from his court appt., Ray Ray and KeKe had to stop over and ended up making you late. That meant you had to bring all 7 babies and grandbabies with you to the salon. They are tearin' up the salon magazines . . . One of the babies left his shoes at the house, and another one of them has pink eye and is touching you (Gymfreak) on the leg as she's telling you the story.

You mean that kinda conversation? :look::lachen:

*falls out*


Stop it!!!! :lachen: :lachen:
1. When there rough it really gets under my skin.
2. When they comb through your nappy hair with a fine tooth comb. I would like to keep as much hair attached to my head as possible THANK U!!!
3. When they look at you like you don't know what your talking about. Even though its your hair there dealing with.
4. Being called a hair snob. Yup she called me a snob bc I only want her to do my hair I don't care I will wait,its my money. I don't know what training those other people have.
5. Overbooking clients
6. Not listening to what you want and then arguing with you to make sure that's what you really want to do. What type of mess is that?
7. Leaving the salon looking a hot mess bc you stylist was in a rush. yup it happened to me.
8. When they cut one side of your hair shorter then the other bc they where to bust chit chatting with people.
9. Also talking about people under the dryer when they think you can't hear them.
10. Also my stylist has said this to me on more then one occasion that she is responsible for getting my hair to where it is now. I just wanna scream bc I have work really hard on getting my hair healthier and it really stinks when someone else is trying to steal my thunder.
1. When there rough it really gets under my skin.
2. When they comb through your nappy hair with a fine tooth comb. I would like to keep as much hair attached to my head as possible THANK U!!!
3. When they look at you like you don't know what your talking about. Even though its your hair there dealing with.
4. Being called a hair snob. Yup she called me a snob bc I only want her to do my hair I don't care I will wait,its my money. I don't know what training those other people have.
5. Overbooking clients
6. Not listening to what you want and then arguing with you to make sure that's what you really want to do. What type of mess is that?
7. Leaving the salon looking a hot mess bc you stylist was in a rush. yup it happened to me.
8. When they cut one side of your hair shorter then the other bc they where to bust chit chatting with people.
9. Also talking about people under the dryer when they think you can't hear them.

I know of one incident that this happened to me at a new salon. I DID NOT GO BACK!:nono: I am there to spend money, not to be talked about!
I cannot stand stylists BEING LATE. I make it my business to be on time, all the time, but when they are late, especially 20-40 minutes, I HATE it!
I cannot stand the wait. I really can't! With a regular stylist I would go to, I would ALWAYS book on a slow weekday!
wow, some of these have me in tears laughing... especially "leaving the salon w/a wet back" lol!

My pet peeves:

-hairdressers never having change -so that you end up telling them to keep much more change than you would have!

-salons not up to date -no ineract/credit card options... "cash only" in 2008!?!?!? -ugh!

-maybe I'm the only one that experienced this one... having the stylist's young son comb my hair!!!!! (he was 10 at the time).

-the ones that never look happy, and hardly say thank you when you tip them... how rude!

-'scolding' you for coming into their salon w/crappy looking hair... duh -this is why I'm here!!!

-paying a different price every visit for the same service... but somehow you never can find your receipt from the last visit to prove it....

-SHEEN!!! (I have fine hair).

-when they have a working television and won't turn it on.

-someone else mentioned this, but I have to second it... when they turn you away from the mirror while styling or cutting your hair.

-ripping thru new growth when applying a relaxer.

-sharing a salon w/a barber shop -so now you have to walk past a bunch of gawking men, usually w/a style you hate.
-mentally cursing them while they are washing your hair, while you're waiting, while they are styling you.
:lachen::lachen:OMG, I HATE that! It's like on top of getting your hair done, you gotta be prepared to shoot someone down. :rolleyes: It makes me a bit uncomfortable!
Besides the time, when they cut more than what they're suppose to of your hair. Just cuz you're bald doesn't mean I have to be, honey!!

That's why I don't go.......
Charging too much for simple hairstyles
Other customers children having tantrums while their parent ignores them
Waiting too long to get serviced
Stylist talking on the phone while doing hair
Charging too much for simple hairstyles
Other customers children having tantrums while their parent ignores them
Waiting too long to get serviced
Stylist talking on the phone while doing hair[/QUOTE]

THIS...and eating while doing my hair. :nono:
LOL.... Thanks OP for this thread... Im currently studying cosmetology and the responses here have really helped me get an idea of how I would like to run my business. Some of the things you ladies mentioned I didnt even think would be an issue.... Thanks ladies... keep 'em coming.