Guys Want To Date Me Until They Find Out I’m Almost 60

Hmm I've read about this woman, if I recall correctly she doesn't ever want to get married & seems to be a serial dater. I think she wrote a book on how fabulous bring single was.
And I'm sure this isn't the first article she's written complaining about men while extolling her virtues lol
The men are always the ones with the problems the way she tells it..

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Should it really be that easy to meet men 40+ who are interested in the kind of serial relationships she is interested in having? Might sound mean, but I dont think that her not being able to find this means that there is fault with men out there, if i am being clear...


A serial dating or non serious man at that age is more likely to want a younger woman. A serious man is going to want a serious woman and a serious relationship. She thinks she 'a putting out independent and carefree but at that age it looks like flighty.

A serial dating or non serious man at that age is more likely to want a younger woman. A serious man is going to want a serious woman and a serious relationship. She thinks she 'a putting out independent and carefree but at that age it looks like flighty.

Not to mention, it also looks immature.... :look:
My Mom is seventy, she receives dates , gifts of jewelry and construction work on her home. She is not a big player because she is a widow that was with my father most of her life.

If a man wants you , he is not worrying about your age.

Your mama needs to write a book, because I need to know how to get that free construction work done :lol:
My Mom is seventy, she receives dates , gifts of jewelry and construction work on her home. She is not a big player because she is a widow that was with my father most of her life. If a man wants you , he is not worrying about your age.

You mom is a pimp, I aspire to be like her :lol: :yep:
i think its weird that yall saying she could gte a man if she wants to, its all her etc when we have a huge singles thread here..what should we see about the women here if we're saying alladat about her? instead of these ageist losers
Never been married. No kids @Crystalicequeen123. Major side eye action from me...
Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh that is a little strange.... :look: Especially since it seems like she doesn't have a problem pulling in men. I could see if she was dowdy or didn't have anything going for her. But if she's such a "catch" (as she claims to be), and looks GOOD for her age, then yea I agree...I think there might be something ELSE going on. :look: Maybe something about her personality perhaps?

Either that or she herself is OVERLY picky or only gives the WRONG men attention lol.
I agree that it's strange she isn't married, but I kinda think men aren't flocking to her because they can either sense that something's off or they prefer meaningless relationships with hot young thangs over hot not-so young thangs. Why get it on with a woman pushing 60 when you can get a 20-something with daddy issues and low self esteem. :look:
I don't find it strange. She wants what a lot of men claim they want. Someone to have fun with, but without the obligation. I think the problem is men get old and decide they want young women.
Hah! That's my dad exactly, boat rides and Stacy Adams lol
He's married though.

This kinda sounds similar to someone I know. She's 49 and looks and ACTS much younger than her age. She complains b/c she says she wants the male equivalent of herself, someone in her age group but doesn't look and behave like an 'old person'. In her words -- she doesn't want someone going on Tom Joyner boat rides and wears Stacy Adams shoes. The problem is, the type of men she likes, if they themselves look younger than their age chances are they are going to try and get someone under 35. It makes meeting men difficult for her.

We went out the the other day and a dude in my age group (early 30s) was trying to talk to her and they exchanged #s... I'm quite certain he has no idea she'll be 50 this year.

The woman in the article sounds younger at heart and prob doesn't want someone that much older than her too.
Maybe it's just me but she looks to be in her 50's. I wouldn't think she was 35-45 from this photo. She reminds me of a coworker who I think is 50-55. She is single, no kids and never mentioned an ex husband. A guy friend ended up knowing her and said they were set up years ago but he wasn't feeling it. I didn't ask why.
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I think I would hate to be dating when I'm hitting my 60's.

I would like to be settled, but there are so many women at that age that are dating right now. I know several. 85% of them are divorced. All of their ex husbands have remarried to women who are a little younger.
i think its weird that yall saying she could gte a man if she wants to, its all her etc when we have a huge singles thread here..what should we see about the women here if we're saying alladat about her? instead of these ageist losers

It gets worse the older you get. You gotta compete with women your age as well as women younger than you! It reminds me of the golden girls. They were seniors and had to be out there again. That woman in the OP is youthful and it will be quite hard for her to find a man her age, youthful and wanna be with someone in his age bracket. WW got it really bad.
I don't know too many men that want a " good time girl" at her age. If they do it's usually for just one thing. She sold herself short many years ago with that "long term relationship and when I'm tired I'm gone" nonsense. That's a young girls game and hopefully they wise up and see how that can potentially be an empty life. Her mentality strikes me as immature and now she's reaping the benefits of her nonsense.
Because she is an accomplished woman she may be intimidating to a lot of men. Men have very fragile egos. I have learned with people (men) that age doesn't necessarily mean maturity.
Because she is an accomplished woman she may be intimidating to a lot of men. Men have very fragile egos. I have learned with people (men) that age doesn't necessarily mean maturity.
I really don't agree with that argument although I do agree age has nothing to do with maturity. I know many accomplished women who have found love. When a man wants a woman, there's no "accomplishment" that will stand in his way. I truly believe that she has a character flaw that has perpetuated her singleness.
I really don't agree with that argument although I do agree age has nothing to do with maturity. I know many accomplished women who have found love. When a man wants a woman, there's no "accomplishment" that will stand in his way. I truly believe that she has a character flaw that has perpetuated her singleness.

YES. So true.

A lot of women think that it's their accomplished status that keeps them single. It's not their accomplishments keeping them single...its usually their personalities and attitudes that come with those accomplishments sometimes that turns men off. :ohwell:

Because trust me.....if a man wants you, he WILL pursue you. I know plenty of married successful women, but it was the personality they had before marriage (or while dating :look: ) that drew the men in somehow. :yep:
I hear you but I didn't say what I said was law. I was just throwing out a theory like everyone else.

I totally agree that when a man really wants you he will do whatever, look over whatever to make you his. However, some people are very shallow & even though they care for you he will not compromise in what he thinks is his ideal.
I hear you but I didn't say what I said was law. I was just throwing out a theory like everyone else.

I totally agree that when a man really wants you he will do whatever, look over whatever to make you his. However, some people are very shallow & even though they care for you he will not compromise in what he thinks is his ideal.

That's true. :yep: In fact there was a thread on here somewhere that had statistics that said that men would prefer a wife who is a teacher, Secretary, or die other profession that is usually dominated by women, as opposed to being a manager, CEO, or high-profile attorney because it would mean that would be able to be home with the kids more and give him and them more attention.

But not everything is set in stone. Men DO marry and date successful women. Usually the man has to be (or at least feel) just as successful or more so than the woman however I've noticed.