Guys Want To Date Me Until They Find Out I’m Almost 60


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Guys Want To Date Me Until They Find Out I’m Almost 60


Dating at almost 60 is nothing like I thought it would be.

I actually didn’t think I’d really be actively dating at almost-60. I assumed I’d have settled into to a nice long-term relationship with a delightful man who was not my husband but offered many of the perks and none of the headaches of a husband.

So that didn’t happen and I was OK with that. I’ve always liked dating and never quite grasped the idea of finding a man at a tender young age and staying there for a lifetime. Serial relationships were more my style. We’d stay together for however long we could and, then, when it stopped working, we’d move on. There always seemed to be another interesting guy not too far away. And I (apparently foolishly) assumed it would always be that way.

But that was before I reached 55. Fifty-five must be a really scary number to men because I — seemingly overnight — went from a dating feast to a dating famine.

Part of the problem is the way I look. I look a lot younger than my chronological age and this throws men off. Dating is the only space I can think of that looking younger than your actual age can work against you.

Once I entered my 50s, it would work like this: A guy would flirt with me, we’d connect, go out a few times and then, at some point age would come up, either directly or as a reference point. And then, trouble.

Like the time we were discussing politics and presidential security, and I mentioned that I still remembered my mom’s reactions to the Kennedy assassination. Uh-oh. At first he thought I was joking. When he realized I wasn’t, he became quiet for a bit. The conversation eventually picked back up but it had lost some of its steam.

We went out once more and, over dinner, he “playfully” (at first) accused me of pulling a bait-and-switch on him — meaning pretending to be a lot younger than I actually was. Except there was no pretense. He assumed I was something that I wasn’t (a younger woman). I was about 10 years older than he was and he just couldn’t see himself with a 55-year-old.

And the guy I’d been dating for about six months. We were having a great time and age, somehow, never came up, although I now know he’s 2-3 years older than I am. One night, when we were out with my best friend and her husband, she asked what my plans were for my upcoming birthday and laughingly commented that she never thought we’d still be so happily celebrating our birthdays at this advanced age.

My date’s face froze. The other couple thought he was kidding but I knew he wasn’t. I could see it in his eyes. Two days later, he broke up with me, claiming he still wanted the option of having more children. (Update: It’s years later and he has not had another child. Whatever.)

So after a few more fiascos like that, I no longer wait for guys to “discover” my age. I tell them pretty quickly. Saves us both a lot of time, and saves me some hurt feelings since. Here’s what often happens:

✓ He likes me (or thinks he does).
✓ I, casually, work my age into the conversation.
✓ He retreats.
✓ On to the next one, for both of us.

And this is true if the guy is my age, younger than I am, or even older than I am.

I get it, kind off. Aging is scary to lots of people and we live in a culture that prizes youth above almost anything else. To most, a 58-year-old woman is just old.

Except I’m not. I’m awesome. In so many ways, I’m the best I’ve ever been. I’m more secure (financially and emotionally), can’t surprise anyone with an accidental pregnancy, have built a pretty nice life for myself, and won’t be issuing any “marry me or else” ultimatums. We can talk about it, but marriage isn’t a must-do for me.

While these men are still chasing youth, they may be missing out on a pretty spectacular woman. Not just me, but so many other women-of-a-certain-age whom I know to be pretty dynamic.

I want a relationship that is good and solid and fun and supportive and monogamous with a guy around my own age. Is that really asking for too much?
Interesting story. She doesn't look that young to me though but she does look good. I think her issue may be more that she's too surfacy is that a word? And not deep enough. How can you date someone six months and he not know your age? And the whole date, move on, time and again with what appears to be no learning or growth is suspect.
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^^ She's looking for a guy around her own age. I'm sure she'll eventually find her mojo again. She may need to push her age requirement up a bit. Go for men in their early- mid 60's. The frozen face story is pretty funny. I've experienced that in a few interactions. The guy thinks I'm younger than they are. Usually we are close to the same age or they are 5 years younger than me. It's like surprise surprise. It can be quite awkward.

^^ ETA: But with me it's been early on….. not months after dating.
She looks in her forties .... are these men really expecting to date, marry, and impregnate a woman seemingly in her forties with no problem? They sure want a lot in a short amount of time :lol: Why did they wait so long for a serious relationship if children were a must?
I have a WW acquaintance in her early 50s with the same problem. Just like this one, she thought she could float along on her looks (and privilege in this case) indefinitely. She can find sex easily enough but when they tire of her they move on.

It's a pretty shallow lifestyle which grossly lacks in forethought.
She needs to meet men at least 10 years older.

A man 20 years older will still be put off by age. SMH.

Online dating would weed this out. Only men who already know her age would contact her.

Also, she doesn't need to tell men her age on the first (or seond) date. As long as they are age appropriate.
I don't know what it's like to be 60 and dating, but when I was dating a few guys before my current relationship, younger men didn't have any problems dating me.

I personally prefer a man my own age, so that's who I settled with. I swear men don't have a problem with an older woman. She's meeting the wrong men.
I agree, maybe late 60's or 70's they would be mature enough to accept her age. But my experience of watching nice looking older women date is that the men that age are hitting on late 30's, early 40's. Assuming she's only dating black men, she may want to consider interracial dating. Just for the pure numbers, you will still find the older men who want a 40 year old but she will increase the liklihood of finding an eligible bachelor that accepts her age.
A man 20 years older will still be put off by age. SMH. Online dating would weed this out. Only men who already know her age would contact her. Also, she doesn't need to tell men her age on the first (or seond) date. As long as they are age appropriate.
I doubt it as I know several women in their late 50's who have re -married ( mostly widows) 10+ their senior. Her best bet is to be around older widows and stop dating men in their early 50's and 40s
she said men even 3-5 years older are acting up

and who are these dudes lying to with their i wanna still have kids, aint no one want your expired sperm ***.
Something about this article makes me think it's not just about age.

Just read the other day one of the fastest growing dating sites is for the over 50 crowd. She needs to go there.
This kinda sounds similar to someone I know. She's 49 and looks and ACTS much younger than her age. She complains b/c she says she wants the male equivalent of herself, someone in her age group but doesn't look and behave like an 'old person'. In her words -- she doesn't want someone going on Tom Joyner boat rides and wears Stacy Adams shoes. The problem is, the type of men she likes, if they themselves look younger than their age chances are they are going to try and get someone under 35. It makes meeting men difficult for her.

We went out the the other day and a dude in my age group (early 30s) was trying to talk to her and they exchanged #s... I'm quite certain he has no idea she'll be 50 this year.

The woman in the article sounds younger at heart and prob doesn't want someone that much older than her too.
I think you nailed it. I know women older than her who don't look as good as her have plenty of men waiting in line to date them. It's not her age.

Interesting story. She doesn't look that young too me though but she does look good. I think her issue may be more that she's too surfacy is that a word? And not deep enough. How can you date someone six months and he not know your age? And the whole date, move on, time and again with what appears to be no learning or growth is suspect.
I feel sorry for her because I think this actually happens to a LOT more women than they care to admit. :perplexed

Age unfortunately seems to be a HUGE factor for men, and I've even seen guys turn down a 30-something year-old woman in order to go get boo'd up with a young 24/25 year old woman... :rolleyes: :nono:

Then you see celebrity men like George Clooney and Johnny Depp pushing their 50's HARD, and STILL dating/marrying/having flings with 20-something year-old women. :nono: It's discouraging I'm sure. :nono:

It probably makes some women think: "Gee...I'm in my 40's and I can't even get a guy in his mid-40's/early 50's??" :perplexed :nono:

I'm not even anywhere near my 40's, but even I have seen a trend of guys around my age in their 30's still wanting to date girls MUCH younger than them. :nono: It's crazy.

This woman in the article looks good for her age, and I"m sure she has a LOT going for her. I wish it weren't this way, but men are REALLY superficial when it comes to age. It's like, they have a mental BLOCK or something. They'd rather get with some young thing freshly out of college rather than get with a woman who is in her 30's, more mature, established, has seen life, etc. Smh...!

I wouldn't want to date a guy more than 10 years my senior (I'll admit), BUT....if I click with someone, then we just click! Plus, these guys are getting "Frozen Face" simply because the woman is 5 years older than them. It's weird imo. :perplexed One of my guy friends told me once that he doesn't want to date a woman TOO "old" (and at that time, "old" to him is 27....:rolleyes:) because he said that a lot of guys still want the POSSIBILITY of having children of their own. :rolleyes:

I feel for her.... It happens to women a lot younger than her as well though, so it's not a surprise to me unfortunately. Not ALL men are like this however, so I"m sure she would do better to find a guy maybe 10 years her senior, but perhaps she probably doesn't want to find a guy who is pushing 70....:look: :perplexed
This kinda sounds similar to someone I know. She's 49 and looks and ACTS much younger than her age. She complains b/c she says she wants the male equivalent of herself, someone in her age group but doesn't look and behave like an 'old person'. In her words -- she doesn't want someone going on Tom Joyner boat rides and wears Stacy Adams shoes. The problem is, the type of men she likes, if they themselves look younger than their age chances are they are going to try and get someone under 35. It makes meeting men difficult for her.

We went out the the other day and a dude in my age group (early 30s) was trying to talk to her and they exchanged #s... I'm quite certain he has no idea she'll be 50 this year.

The woman in the article sounds younger at heart and prob doesn't want someone that much older than her too.

Yes, trying to find a 50+ young at heart man can be tough. You really have to find the right scene to find someone that has a youthful personality and also takes good care of themselves. I think the health issues and unhealthy lifestyles are too prevalent for many men who are 50+.

I don't envy her.
I think you nailed it. I know women older than her who don't look as good as her have plenty of men waiting in line to date them. It's not her age.


What do you think it might be?? :look: :look:

Or, do you think that it might be the LOA or self-fulfilling prophecy?? IE... Because SHE'S self-conscious about her age, she is subconsciously projecting that when she tells men her "real age", and therefore the men pick up on it and run?? :look:
Yes, trying to find a 50+ young at heart man can be tough. You really have to find the right scene to find someone that has a youthful personality and also takes good care of themselves. I think the health issues and unhealthy lifestyles are too prevalent for many men who are 50+.

I don't envy her.

Yeahhh, she complains about it allll the time. What she's looking for ideally, is for sure going to be chasing a younger woman or a woman that's in her early 40s at best and looks AMAZING. She wants a dude that's older with swag and $ ...the type that might be like 45/46 and still look 39/40. According to her, "I don't want no steve harvey or cedrick the entertainer' type.
I think you nailed it. I know women older than her who don't look as good as her have plenty of men waiting in line to date them. It's not her age.

Yes. Starting to think it's the type of men she's attracted to. The other factor in the lifetime bachelorettes I know is they continuously pick the same man over and over even down to appearance and dress and speech cadence. After 20 or 30 yrs they still don't see it.

Perhaps if she went for a different personality type she might get some traction.

What do you think it might be?? :look: :look:

Or, do you think that it might be the LOA or self-fulfilling prophecy?? IE... Because SHE'S self-conscious about her age, she is subconsciously projecting that when she tells men her "real age", and therefore the men pick up on it and run?? :look:

You know it! LOA is very powerful and I definitely think that this is a self-fulfilling prophesy. The lady looks damn good, but she's obviously beyond her baby making years. That much is obvious at first glance. Also, the type of men she's seeking within that age bracket are going to be few and far between. Thinking about it in reverse, if I were around 60 and a guy my age approached me and had never been married, no kids, no seemly serious relationship history… that would raise some flags with me.
Hmmm...yeah I think it's something maybe with her. I always dated men mostly younger than me the ones my age for some reason thought they needed to raise me.

And yes online dating may be the answer for her provided she's forthcoming about her age. Why hide it? I met DH (7 yrs younger than me) online and at the time I was talking to several 30 and 40 somethings ...stayed turning down the late 20 somethings who tried their hardest to convince me to just give them a try....please.

Interestingly enough all had the same complaint...women their age didn't have the mind set they wanted. A lot of the younger ones seemed to be engineers and most already had children. That was the biggest turn off for me more than their age was the age of their kids.

I got the impression they didn't want to get with someone who would want more kids, didn't have her own money and thus needed theirs. They wanted someone they could move forward with.

But I have a 33 year old and a couple of 20 year olds, so I couldn't even see myself with someone younger than 45...but in the end I did just that.
You know it! LOA is very powerful and I definitely think that this is a self-fulfilling prophesy. The lady looks damn good, but she's obviously beyond her baby making years. That much is obvious at first glance. Also, the type of men she's seeking within that age bracket are going to be few and far between. Thinking about it in reverse, if I were around 60 and a guy my age approached me and had never been married, no kids, no seemly serious relationship history… that would raise some flags with me. THAT is definitely true!!! :yep: I'm always cutting women some slack if they are single more often than men, since I figure men can always do the choosing, but at the same time, if a woman (OR a Man) is pushing 60 and has NEVER been married,doesn't have any kids, and has NEVER really had a long-term serious relationship, then THAT would be a definite red flag to me as well... :perplexed :look:

PS----Why does she remind me of Dionne Warwick in that picture in the OP??? :lachen:
Should it really be that easy to meet men 40+ who are interested in the kind of serial relationships she is interested in having? Might sound mean, but I dont think that her not being able to find this means that there is fault with men out there, if i am being clear...
Something about this article makes me think it's not just about age.

Just read the other day one of the fastest growing dating sites is for the over 50 crowd. She needs to go there.

you sure its not growing just cos of the women?

reminds me of this nyc speeddating site..whenever the evvents are age ange of 35-42, ranges like that..a day before and the day of the event they usually have to make it free for men or cut down the price just to get more men..whereas when the range is for 21-34, they end up with too many men, too many to cover the # of women and its beyond obvious when you see most of the dudes, they are lying about their age
that woman looks excellent, i would never believe she is near 60. give her her props.
you sure its not growing just cos of the women? reminds me of this nyc speeddating site..whenever the evvents are age ange of 35-42, ranges like that..a day before and the day of the event they usually have to make it free for men or cut down the price just to get more men..whereas when the range is for 21-34, they end up with too many men, too many to cover the # of women and its beyond obvious when you see most of the dudes, they are lying about their age

I know a woman in her 60's who has used the site and swears by it. Makes sense because regardless of the ratio, the men on there are interested in women over 50 so it eliminates the age issue.

I also read about this site in an article on divorce rates among the over 50. Apparently they are very high. And while there are some men who want a young woman regardless, unless they are up for a new set of kids and financial responsibilities they often end up with women closer to their own age.

And as stated up thread, are these older men chasing young women a prize? Dimes to donuts they're the same men that got passed up when they were younger.
Should it really be that easy to meet men 40+ who are interested in the kind of serial relationships she is interested in having? Might sound mean, but I dont think that her not being able to find this means that there is fault with men out there, if i am being clear...

Hmmm....that's a good point. :yep: Most men at that age (I would HOPE) want something a little more long-term and marriage-material. It seems she's more interested in "serial dating" :look: , but what I couldn't figure out from the article is whether or not she is HONESTLY interested in just dating different guys for the rest of her life, OR, if she has basically been FORCED to be a "serial dater" because no guy wants to really be "serious" with her long-term...:look:

I think you nailed it. I know women older than her who don't look as good as her have plenty of men waiting in line to date them. It's not her age.

My Mom is seventy, she receives dates , gifts of jewelry and construction work on her home. She is not a big player because she is a widow that was with my father most of her life.

If a man wants you , he is not worrying about your age.