Girlfriend Refused To Be Exclusive Until Her Boyfriend Proposed

Say it again Sis! The most beautiful man I ever met wanted to marry me and have babies. Problem was, I had to speak to him like a child. That poor man was beautiful but dumb as a rock. I had to explain every word over two syllables to him. SMH, we would have had the most beautiful dumb babies in the world. Children just walking around bumping into walls and sh*t cause they following their dumb arse daddy. I couldn't do ya'll. I just couldn't. :cry3:

This couple right here is equally yoked. And good for her for doing it right and getting what she wants.

Nothing wrong this man's looks. He's just average looking like 85% of the men in this world. So long as he is meeting all her core needs and she's ok with his face in the morning with his morning breathe and eye boogers, she has done ok for herself. There are not that many extremely attractive men to go around for all the women that want them. Many of them are as dumb as a box of rocks anyway.
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I like this tactic and will try to put it to use. The only problem is I believe in living through the four seasons to experience different things and how we will deal with them, before saying 'I do'. Just went through that and in less than 11 months the thrill was gone. :cry3: It will be a stretch for me to not commit to one guy at a time but I like the idea (especially at my age). Wait - what if he says he is going to do the same?:eek: I'mma be swole:mad:
He ugly and poor. Pick a struggle. I'm not dating or marrying someone who looks like that unless my grandchildren are going to pick which philanthropical endeavor they want to pursue as a career.

Pippa's dude looks like Smeagol but has 3 billion dollars, he has the right to be ugly. This dude is ugly, a time suck and has short pockets. You can find a cute/average dude whose nose doesn't look like it belongs to my vibrator.

Lol I missed the snapshot of dude's balance sheet, but in the article the woman said "it was very clear that we liked each other, that there was attraction and compatibility, and for him, exclusivity was the natural next step". If she like it, I love it.

I just dont think the goal of the article was for us to pick a part her husband's looks. She is trying to help those that get stuck in long term dead end relationships without making it down the aisle. My comment was to redirect folks attention to what the article was actually about. Lol
I like this tactic and will try to put it to use. The only problem is I believe in living through the four seasons to experience different things and how we will deal with them, before saying 'I do'. Just went through that and in less than 11 months the thrill was gone. :cry3: It will be a stretch for me to not commit to one guy at a time but I like the idea (especially at my age). Wait - what if he says he is going to do the same?:eek: I'mma be swole:mad:
Who cares? then he isn't the one. Le shrug. Don't play games. You have to mean it for it to work.
Say it again Sis! The most beautiful man I ever met wanted to marry me and have babies. Problem was, I had to speak to him like a child. That poor man was beautiful but dumb as a rock. I had to explain every word over two syllables to him. SMH, we would have had the most beautiful dumb babies in the world. Children just walking around bumping into walls and sh*t cause they following their daddy. I couldn't do ya'll. I just couldn't. :cry3:

This couple right here is equally yoked. And good for her for doing it right and getting what she wants.
Girl, you ain't neva lied. The most gorgeous bf I had was dumb as a doorknob. It didn't last long. I couldn't either LOL
If it wasn't looks it would be :blah: about a small penis
You wrote that as if it were a small matter. :sekret:

See, I can take a small penis but not an ugly face because when the love, attraction, or money is there then my body will respond. We have toys we can fix this.

But that guys face and the way he is touching her arm creeped me out. I LEGIT SHIVERED. he wouldnt be able to touch me. I cant do it.
See, I can take a small penis but not an ugly face because when the love, attraction, or money is there then my body will respond. We have toys we can fix this.

But that guys face and the way he is touching her arm creeped me out. I LEGIT SHIVERED. he wouldnt be able to touch me. I cant do it.
I am noticing a lot of the Peter Griffin looking white men are coming to the women of color now. At least 3 women, all of color on my FB timeline popped up with the fat whites. I wonder if its becoming a thing like big white women and black men?

They're running low on the tall, slim, hawkish looking ones with beak noses. There's plenty of stubby, mushy, potato-ed ones for them to choose from, so now you'll see more of those.
If I'ma keep it a hun'ned percent. Of all of my women friends and acquaintences regardless of race there's only one of them whose husband I've raised an eyebrow over. I know a woman who becomes extra clingy with her husband whenever she feels like a 'threatening' chick is near. They are very much a "King of Queens/Everybody Loves Raymond" looking couple. Me and another friend agreed she must be doing it for his ego cuz REALLY don't nobody want him but her.

Imagine all the women fighting over men videos whether it's from a tv show or world star, more times than not everybody's looking at the dude like "ya'll fighting over him?"
He ugly and poor. Pick a struggle. I'm not dating or marrying someone who looks like that unless my grandchildren are going to pick which philanthropical endeavor they want to pursue as a career.

Pippa's dude looks like Smeagol but has 3 billion dollars, he has the right to be ugly. This dude is ugly, a time suck and has short pockets. You can find a cute/average dude whose nose doesn't look like it belongs to my vibrator.
In comparison with Indian men, she may have hit jackpot.
Really my Indian ex was fione and many of the Indians in Sugarland are cute in the 40 & under crowd. Mine was self made rich, ivy league educated and iver 6ft. He thought he was the one until I brought him to my gym with other 6ft indian men he was big mad :lachen:

I think she could have done better but i don't have to look at his foot face.
How do y'all know this dude is poor? I don't see an Indian girl getting with a poor white guy when she has options back in India, in NY, plus in the UK probably for an Indian dude who is doing well for himself. Indian girls have options that a lot of Black girls do not in the form of arranged marriages. They have mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins and whatnot looking out for good men to marry their single women...and when they come across one, they are quick to put their girl on to dude. Black girls...most are rolling solo in the dating world and at some point, they are competing with sisters, aunts, and whoever to get an eligible bachelor. Not even a rich one...just a decent bachelor lol. I think Dude has more money than his looks portray.

Plus, too many Black women focus on looks. They are quick to reproduce for a dude because he is cute without thinking about what else he has to offer. So their kids are cute but not smart. Kids that they are raising on their own or with the help of their elderly mama/papa, etc. because their cutie is more into creating spawns than creating families. Not to say that a man can't look good and be smart but most are not questioning a guy's intellect when focusing on his looks. Most white/Indian girls don't care....or at least they don't prioritize looks. Their kids are raised in homes with generational wealth to help them financially, with school legacy for their kid's educational future, and with social networks for their kid to get ahead in a career. Meanwhile some of us are just proud that Missy and Junior inherited good looks. SMH

Dude is okay looking. Ole girl made a good decision for herself and got what she wanted.