Girlfriend Refused To Be Exclusive Until Her Boyfriend Proposed

So I have a few more questions and I'm definitely interested in reading more from Rori and Katarina. So:
  • are we intimately involved with the many men we are dating? (I can't do that)
  • are we inviting them into our personal space (homes etc.)?
I have spent my whole life focusing on one guy at a time and expecting the same. This will be a difficult transition for me.
Umm no. I have dated multiple guys at the same time (even in double digits) and it would be insane to sleep with them all. It's a numbers game and you eliminate them for different reasons.
I haven't read Kat's book, but I've gaff and liked a few of her articles. She was recommended by some people on this forum.

This is the article she wrote about how her method differs from Rori.

I'd love to know what you think. I may end up getting her book.

At the end of the day, I think some of these methods appeal to different personalities. I like to take what resonates with me.

I follow Katarina and it is pretty much the same concept as rori

Healing oneself
Build a rotation
Lean back n don't chase and observe
Feminism n mystique
Be of High Value (in other words be easy to lose and know your worth)

She is very against following rules..just let these flow organically

I used to buy her products but she has become so popular and expensive that I just read her book from time to time and her free articles. She also provides coaching but that it pricey too.

She has many engagements, weddings and babies under her belt

I have a really good friend (gorgeous black woman) who is dating an Indian man and I promise you he looks like Rick Fox with the salt & pepper hair and all. Dude is super fine and well dressed. With that said...I do realize that that he is a rarity.

I had to google who Rick Fox is. That's a rarity indeed. Most I've seen have a kind-of-sort-of pudgy look about them. Not bloated either but like there is a gap between their skin and the bone if you look closely enough.

The reason I said the lady in question may have hit jackpot is because Indian men are the ultimate mama's boys. When you marry one, you also marry his mother. You have to proof your love for him through servitude to mother or female members of his family. Even the ones that claim they are westernised.
I had to google who Rick Fox is. That's a rarity indeed. Most I've seen have a kind-of-sort-of pudgy look about them. Not bloated either but like there is a gap between their skin and the bone if you look closely enough.

The reason I said the lady in question may have hit jackpot is because Indian men are the ultimate mama's boys. When you marry one, you also marry his mother. You have to proof your love for him through servitude to mother or female members of his family. Even the ones that claim they are westernised.

You are spot on. My friend is dealing with this right now and it's even worse with her being black. When they first started dating, his mom refused to even acknowledge my friend in her presence. It was like she was invisible. When they moved past that, she now treats her son like my friend is just a phase that he will grow out of. Dude is pushing 40. He is not going to outgrow my friend especially with her being just as super successful as he is. They make an awesome couple but his mom is a mess.
You are spot on. My friend is dealing with this right now and it's even worse with her being black. When they first started dating, his mom refused to even acknowledge my friend in her presence. It was like she was invisible. When they moved past that, she now treats her son like my friend is just a phase that he will grow out of. Dude is pushing 40. He is not going to outgrow my friend especially with her being just as super successful as he is. They make an awesome couple but his mom is a mess.
This is sad and see she's going to overlook it until it's time to get married and realize, this is my life if I marry him. He comes with this baggage. Can he handle her right? How often will she be in their lives? Etc. This is something that needs dealing with now. Now if he's smart he can whip mom into shape but with his cultural background, he may just leave the women to "fight" it out so to speak. And that's a no no for me as I will have peace. Hate to hear that.
Initially I thought her newsletter was crazy. But then it worked! She and Christian Carter.
I thought the same thing at first with Rori then i clicked an ad that she had on Instagram that was very interesting. I bought one of her books as well. I like her style.

I also did a course with Renee Wade & D . Shen about being a high quality, vulnerable & high status woman. It was very good.

I'm taking a step back on reading any thing else right now. (info overload)...i need to digest what I've read, roll with what works for me & keep it moving. I am aware I need to change my strategy thought.
I have gone through her Commitment Blueprint program, and I was shocked that every single thing happened in the exact order and the exact way that she said it was like magic. She had The Queen's Code lady (Allison?) participating in that workshop as well. Her Lovescripts also work on men exactly like she says they will.

I tried to share her methods with a perpetually single ex-gf of mine, but - much like the beginning of this thread, LOL - she was hung up on Rori's hair and wardrobe. I was like, but Rori is happily married and has found the key to happiness both inside and outside. I'm following her programs and reaching deeper levels of commitment from men I'm married to and not married to (yes, the methods work on all men), and having my dreams fulfilled. While you sit here alone, broke, and sexually frustrated...but worried about ol girl's frizzy hair. Again, BW too often stay focused on the wrong things when it comes to relationships.
Thanks for sharing about the scripts! I've been thinking about purchasing that one. Again, I don't want information overload but I do like her style. Glad to hear your testimony.
You are spot on. My friend is dealing with this right now and it's even worse with her being black. When they first started dating, his mom refused to even acknowledge my friend in her presence. It was like she was invisible. When they moved past that, she now treats her son like my friend is just a phase that he will grow out of. Dude is pushing 40. He is not going to outgrow my friend especially with her being just as super successful as he is. They make an awesome couple but his mom is a mess.

The grandchildren always make those types come around.
Thanks for sharing about the scripts! I've been thinking about purchasing that one. Again, I don't want information overload but I do like her style. Glad to hear your testimony.
You're welcome! I find the Lovescripts to be magical. They work for women too LOL, and for random people, but especially for men you're involved with or interested in.

It felt so weird at first reading from a script, and you think that it's going to look super obvious/awkward to keep saying "I feel..." in every sentence, but men literally melt, and eat it up. :lol: The results that I've had have been nothing short of astonishing.

I read the Lovescripts workbook online for free (just Google it), tried it out, and the results convinced me to go ahead and order the entire collection. The videos that go along with the workbooks are eye opening.
Back to the OP. I like her approach. What worked for her may not work for so many women. Also when a man knows then he will propose and I don't believe it takes 3 years either. Within that first year you both should know. Her husband took that same amount of time 9 months.

I advocate for women to date around. But there is nothing wrong if you find a man that you like and you want to be exclusive. Especially if this man is the only one worth dating at that time. These girlfriends need to know when to end a relationship or give an ultimative if your expecting to get married. Let him know.

Sometimes you don't know someone until you have lived with them. So do you wait until he proposes and you move in together to find out this may not work out? Or do you move in after the wedding?
You actually don't have to give a man an ultimatum for him to commit. And definitely don't have to move in with him. You move in when you're engaged with a date looming if you just have to but I still say don't do this if you can help it.
I'm reading one of Rori's articles now and I like what she has to say so far. :yep: It is solid advice. I guess what's missing is a worthy prospect which won't be happening until I escape this hell hole city when this contract is up. :lol: I'm perfectly fine with waiting. I'm all for any advice that encourages women to just be and let the man take the reins.
You're supposed to use those men to hone your dating skills :lol: that's where you perfect your softness.
I'm using a program similar to Tori Raye's. Its called Enlightened Feminine Academy. The concepts are the same as Rori's so far. She even coaches us to speak with "I feel..." statements also. I wish I could see Rori's scripts for free. I really don't feel like paying for another program.