My boyfriend adores me when I treat him horribly...

I really don't know what to do.. I am utterly...CONFUSED. My boyfriend devoted three years of his life solely focusing on me, and trying to get me to be his friend and fall in love with him. I always found him attractive. But I never really liked him in that way. So I would always play him to the side. And yet he'd keep on lavishing me with gifts, compliments, going out of his way to try and get me to be his girlfriend. He even wanted to transfer universities so we wouldn't be 45 minutes apart...

Well slowly but surely he turned into my best friend. He was always there for me when I was crying over other guys. Never complained when I canceled on him to go spend time with other guys... And then out of nowhere. It happened. I fell in love with him. We've been in a committed relationship for about 7 months now, and for the first 5 months he was the same as always. Lavishing me with gifts, compliments, always wanted to be around me, always wanted to be on the phone with me. But now that I am returning the love... It seems that he responds differently. Yes he still loves me. Still comes to see me. Still buys me gifts. Buys my groceries. Still brags about me to his friends. He still tells me how he can't wait to marry me and for me to have his daughters. All fine and dandy. But he doesn't blow up my phone like he used. Or text me like he used to. We only talk on the phone once a day now if we don't see each other that day. And he only sends me like 5 texts a day.

But for the past week I have been ignoring him. And acting uninterested when I am on the phone with him. Even said I needed a break from him for two days and ignored him for a day and a half, until he started blowing up my phone on the second day. Now he is texting me just to tell me everything that is on his mind. Just little pointless things....

Do I have to keep being mean and ignoring him for him to keep showering me with so much attention? Because I am just truly not a mean spirited person. I love doing things for him. Cooking for him. Complimenting him daily. Texting him all the time. But... It's almost as if he gets complacent when I do those things.

Honestly, IMO...if he's still doing THESE things mentioned in bold above, then I really don't think anything is wrong. :look:

Look, the truth is...MOST men become more complacent (or...shall I say...a little more "relaxed"--a better word) when they actually "win" the girl and get into a relationship. I mean, that's just how it is sometimes. :look: Men do all this "EXTRA" stuff to really prove to you that they're interested and that they want you...especially if you're not thoroughly convinced yet. :giggle:

But to expect a man to put forth as much energy as he spent trying to "seduce" now that you two are officially in a relationship is basically setting yourself up for disapointment imo. :ohwell: It seems like he's still calling you everyday, still texting you, still treating you nicely, and is spending time with everything sounds cool chica! :grin: Unless...there's something you're not telling us. :look:

I really don't think you have anything to worry about UNLESS he starts exhibiting THESE kinds of signs...

-He's lost interest in talking to you on the phone completely
-He's only calling you or contacting you 2x a week now, when before it was almost every day
-He always mentions that he's "busy" at work, or has waaaay too much going on in his life... You used to be able to reach him it almost seems next to IMPOSSIBLE to get a hold of him/pin him down for an exact date and time for your dates
-Your dates together have become fewer and fewer and significantly LESS romantic
-He starts treating you with disrespect, or becomes downright mean towards you (BIG sign!)
-He stops bragging about you to his friends....heck, you can't even remember the last time you even SAW his friends
-He stops talking about the future with you
-You find that YOU'RE the one initiating more contact with HIM these days.
-You feel like something is really "off" with him lately...

Unless he's giving you those above signs, then I think you're okay... :yep: