Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

Ok why am I checking via my phone for updates? Squinting and everything since I don't have my contacts. I am loving this, your writing is great and the story just makes me say awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Hey goes your day? I hope you are all having a wonderful fun filled day. Ummm...I really want to post Saturday's events but just don't think that I can. Well not entirely anyway. Well at least not without get this thread locked down or me banned...hehehe.

I know some of ya'll read my "techniques" post. So let's just say, I made sure I would be unforgettable even moreso. Oh yes, he was the one accepting his Grammy. He said he was going to start calling me Ali, cause he just keeps waking up.

He asked me yesterday how much money would he have to make or set aside for me to quit my day job. Now ladies, ya'll know me and this day job have been in divorce court for the better of the past three years.

He really stepped up his game when he said "I want to have a serious conversation with you with I get down there. We gotta make something happen..real soon. You're too unhappy on that job and ain't no need for that" This man is just a country as he wanna be.

Well so, here is Saturday, the dedacted version. So we wake up finally eat breakfast about 12:30pm. We both shower. I put on the dress shirt he had on last night. It was an expensive tailor made baby blue button down, that was so so soft (yeah it sort of found it's way in my suitcase when I left too) I love wearing men's dress shirts to sleep in.

Anyway, he reheats the food he had cooked. I remake the coffee. He no longer drinks coffee but fixed a big glass of cocoa. I was teasing him because the cup had a built in straw. So I was like you're drinking cocoa from a sippy cup? Everytime he took a sip he eyes would look up at the ceiling just like a little boy. It was so funny I just could not stop laughing. He says, "I'ma make you stop picking at me". Picking at me? what is that? So I keep laughing and he stands up reaches for his belt loop and says "I'll be right back."

Did this crazy baby not come back with the belt. I was rolling laughing. He is trying to look serious and pulled me up from the barstool. I'm laughing my *** off with a mouthful of bacon and grits. He's like "what did I tell you, bout picking at me?". Which just made me laugh even more. I had tears in my eyes. Now for a brief minute I was thinking okay I know he ain't really getting ready to try to whip me with this belt.

But he was looking so serious. He walks me over to the couch and says bend over. I do a quick scan behind me and realize he's empty handed. I'm still sort of laughing but not nearly as hearty, I notice the belt is now on the floor over by the kitchen, okay cool. I readily complied.

Then I was like, wait and I pulled his shirt up to my waist. I turned back to look at him still grinning cause I realize his intentions. And the look on his face was....priceless. He places his hand on the small of my back and pushes me forward on the back of the couch.

Sorry ladies, fast forward to about 6:30pm. We shower again and dress. We are headed to his parents home which is about 30 minutes from where he lives. We have to take the truck and trailer, because he has left his SUV at his parents. He's showing me different places where he grew up, his old high school. Where they played b-ball. His first job.

We go down this long winding road and eventually come up to another street. It's very dark and deserted looking. I guess SC doesn't believe in all them city street lights. I will admit I was sort of looking out the corner of my eye because he kept saying he didn't know if anyone was home.

So the cop in me was thinking well IF he was going to do something wouldn't this be the way. I have a great arrival, everyone knows he's cool. He'll be standing before the news cameras saying "well no I don't know where she is I took her to the airport and we said goodbye". Meanwhile, I'm in the basement wearing a wedding dress, playing the violin.

So I figure let's see how funny this scenario would be to him. So I laughingly tell him my thoughts. He's like...."nah that would never happen." W'e don't have basements. Besides out here I can just put you in the cabin with the others". He looks at me and didn't even blink, didn't crack a smile at all. I do my nervous laugh. And say "yeah right, whatever. What movie are we going to see later." He answers "the only movie you'll get see is the one I'm about to make". Whatever...

I'm thinking, okay crazy, I need you to stop playing and start back being funny. So I look over at him and he's just staring at me. I realize we've come to a stop. He's like not smiling at all. So I figure let me play along with him. I glance down at my purse, like I am believing him and this new persona.

Homeboy's eyes get big as a plate, he starts yelling" hey hey stop playing I was just picking back at you" "I wouldn't even been playing with you like that, but you was being funny so I thought I would too" and then "Don't be even thinking bout nothing in that purse. I would never ever do anything to hurt you. We here at my parents house, see right there that's their house and that's my uncle's house and over there is where my auntie used to live."

Now it's my turn to laugh. I didn't even bring it. But he never knew that. I guess he must think all cops are trigger happy. I felt bad for him so I leaned over and kissed him. He was like did you really think I would do something like that. I'm like boy no, if I thought that I never would have come. And if you had tried something crazy you would have been a ghost about 24 hours ago.
We sit in the truck and talk for about 15 more minutes. Then we go in to meet the parents. They live on about 5 acres in a beautiful big house with a wrap around porch. He opens the back door with his key and just walks in. I can hear his mom and dad talking in the bedroom.

At some point his mom says why are you all dressed up, I cannot hear his response. Then she says you have someone with you? Now it's just the sound of four barefeet against hardwood floors headed in my direction.

My heart is in my chest because I just don't know what to expect. She's talking to him as she's walking saying why didn't you bring her in. Meaning into their bedroom where he initially went. She turns the corner and throws her hands over her mouth. She is short about 4'2 and wears glasses. She has the same silky curly hair as he does only hers is dyed red. I smile and say hello. It's so nice to meet you, while I extend my hand. She pushes my hand away and grabs me like a sumo wrestler. I'm hugging her back looking at him and he's just grinning from ear to ear.

Dad then comes up looking like his older brother, but he does take my hand and shakes it. We sit down in their great room. The couches are so far apart I feel like we are almost in different rooms. Before his mom can get started he tells her there will be no 101 questions and that we are about to go to the movies. Tell me why his dad answers, "yeah we saw that movie too with all them dogs.." What? I just smile to myself.

His mom and I have a lot in common in that we both really enjoy rehabbing houses. Both his mom and dad are retired. His mom cannot stop complimenting me on my twists and that she just thinks I'm so pretty and then that fatal question. "So how did you two meet?' He wouldn't even look up, just grinning. So I say "at the airport". She was like oh that was nice. I suppose she thought he was installing some surveillance equipment or something.

We talk some more and finally he looks at his watch and tells them we have to go. We say our goodbyes. Me promising that I will be back. Her trying to get in a few more questions. His dad telling her to stop badgering me. But all the while listening for the answers.

So now, we're in his SUV. I don't know for some reason it just made him seem different. More I don't know what. Available I guess. It's like we go to get gas and other women seem to be noticing him more than when we stopped for gas in the truck. I'm watching him from the gas pumps after holding the door open for these two ladies, one looks back over her shoulder and says something I cannot hear. But I can tell she was flirting.

He smiles and continues into the store. I guess country folk don't like using debit cards at the pump. So hes' in line paying for the gas, when the girl from earlier saunters back in the store. She nonchantanly picks up a soda or something and gets in line at the counter. She's about four people behind him. But she keeps her attention focused on the parking lot. I can tell she's checking out which car might be his and if anyone is in the car. That's cool. I'm just smiling to myself. He pays for the gas and begins to walk out. This heifer puts down what she had and walks out behind him. Oh no she didn't.

Now I'm paying attention. She says something to him and he turns around. He keeps glancing back toward the truck, moving away from her while she is talking. Finally he just turns and walks to the truck.

He's sort of chuckling and slowing shaking his head. He looks over at me and smiles. He leans in for a kiss....I narrow my eyes and say "what was she selling....girl scout cookies?" Went right over homeboys head.

"Nah" he says, she was asking me if I could look at her sister's car, she said it won't start." I ask him what did he tell her. He's like I told her "I'm not a mechanic" and then, "are you gone kiss me or what woman....I'm wearing my belt, so don't start" We both blush and laugh at that very vivid recall. He starts the truck still smiling, just so dang full of himself, he looks over at me again and leans towards me, we kiss. He licks his bottom lip and just says "yeah that's what I thought". I smile to myself because he is just too too sexy.

He looks at me as he pulls from the parking lot and smiles and says, 'what you think I'm stupid?. I know she was trying to run game. I saw that when she first went out the door. I see women like that a dozen a day. That don't phase me. I got the one I want." I smirk at him like yeah..I gotta keep my eyes on you.

We get to the movies, get our popcorn and drinks and get seated. It was nice. He kept holding my hand, and trying to lay his head on my shoulder. Finally he scooted down far enough in the seat that he could. It was nice. Did more kissing than watching the screen.

On the way back home, I realize we are headed back to his parents. He says "yep they are still awake" I'm like how do you know. He says because my mother loves popcorn as much as I do, and if I wasn't taking you to the movies I would have been taking her. So I have to get her her popcorn" Sure enough we go back in and mom is trying to look surprised that we came back, but she is killing that popcorn.

This time we sit around the kitchen table and I tell her all about me. My kids, my parents, my real estate, everything but me being in law enforcement. So then dad ask "Is that what you do for a living sell real estate?" Ladies you could hear the crickets chirping outside it got so quiet. I look at my date, and he looks out the window. Oh so I get it I'm on my own now.

"Actually" I say "I'm a police officer and have been for the past 15 years." His mother with a mouth full of popcorn starts right into, "but you don't have to carry a gun do you, you mean more like a secretary right?" Now I don't know any secretary cops, but okay. I say "no I carry a gun." Then the dad says "so do you hafta carry a gun and have a badge" like I had not just answered the mom's question. I smile and notice my date checking out the frame on the window like he just noticed if you look through the glass you could see outside.

I smile and look at the dad, and again say "yes I do carry a firearm, but I left it at home for this trip". Mom is now looking out the same dang window, I can tell there is popcorn in her mouth but she is no longer chewing. I get ready to say, but real estate is my real passion. But now dad is looking out the window as well.

Okay. What? Do they all have warrants out or something? Dang wasn't Heat of the Night filmed here? They had a black female cop on that show. Surely this cannot be the first time they've seen a female cop. I say to no one in particular, "I absolutely love this kitchen" They keep looking out the window. Now the dad is eating popcorn as well.

So now lover boy snaps out of it and says in a very loud tone, like he was at a football game, "She owns several homes in Houston and rents them out like Uncle Joe." And like magic the parents return. The mom resumes chewing, dad moves away from the window. We pick back up as if nothing happened and talk about the housing market and all the foreclosures.

I want to ask him later if his ex-wife pulled a gun on him or something. I mean what gives? It's just a job. We eventually leave and retire to his home again. As soon as we get in the truck he starts telling me that neither he nor his parents like guns. Well I don't either I just have to carry one. So I think this is what has gotten him on the kick about me being able to leave my day job. I don't think he wants to be with someone who carries a gun. Oh well, if he can remedy it, so be I. I will mail this gun and badge back with the resignation letter.

More to come later ladies.
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omg!!! awwwwwww, this story is so beautiful... I wasn't gonna comment when i read the first two parts or anything, but i had to. I really wish you all the best. :yep:

he got a younger brother or something? (j/k)
GIRL!!!! So happy for you and your wonderful weekend and love story. you had me over here smiling from ear to ear. If there is a even more *cough* detailed version of this weekend please add me to the PM list. :grin:
yayyyyyyyyyyy!!! next chapter!!

i love how u went from lifitng up your shirt and him bending you over then you fastforward to 630 pm hilarious
omg!!! awwwwwww, this story is so beautiful... I wasn't gonna comment when i read the first two parts or anything, but i had to. I really wish you all the best. :yep:

he got a younger brother or something? (j/k)

I'm not (just kidding, that is). Does he have a younger brother?
Actually I say I'm a police officer and have been for the past 15 years. His mother with a mouth full of popcorn starts right into, "but you don't have to carry a gun do you, you mean more like a secretary right?" Now I don't know any secretary cops, but okay. I say no I carry a gun. Then the dad says "so do you hafta carry a gun and have a badge" like I had not just answered the mom's question. I smile and notice my date checking out the frame on the window like he just noticed if you look through the glass you could see outside.

I smile and look at the dad, and again say "yes I do carry a firearm, but I left it at home for this trip". Mom is now looking out the same dang window, I can tell there is popcorn in her mouth but she in no longer chewing. I get ready to say, but real estate is my real passion. But now dad is looking out the window as well.

Okay. What do they all have warrants out or something? Dang wasn't Heat of the Night filmed here, they had a black female cop on that show. Surely this cannot be the first time they seen a female cop. I say to no one in particular, "I absolutely love this kitchen" They keep looking out the window. Now the dad is eating popcorn as well.

So now lover boy snaps out of it and says. She owns several homes in Houston and rents them out like Uncle Joe. And like magic the parents return. We pick back up as if nothing happened and talk about the housing market and all the foreclosures

He does have a younger brother but he's married. And I'm going to make that wife look so so bad. Some of the stories he tells me about her and her lack of wifey characteristics...oh boy don't let me get in this family. That younger brother will be looking for a replacement.

Girlfriend doesn't cook, clean, work, pay bills, make groceries, joke, laugh, make it clap...oops nevermind. Let's just say she cannot keep little brother's attention. And I would be entirely the wrong comparison as a sister in law.

And ladies, I would love to give more details because I just think being a sexual being is the bomb. But I will add this...thank God I began taking Pilates and Yoga classes a year ago. Otherwise sister would be in a world of hurt. Grinning like a monkey by himself on a banana farm, but in a world of hurt.
He does have a younger brother but he's married. And I'm going to make that wife look so so bad. Some of the stories he tells me about her and her lack of wifey characteristics...oh boy don't let me get in this family. That younger brother will be looking for a replacement.

Girlfriend doesn't cook, clean, work, pay bills, make groceries, joke, laugh, make it clap...oops nevermind. Let's just say she cannot keep little brother's attention. And I would be entirely the wrong comparison as a sister in law.

And ladies, I would love to give more details because I just think being a sexual being is the bomb. But I will add this...thank God I began taking Pilates and Yoga classes a year ago. Otherwise sister would be in a world of hurt. Grinning like a monkey by himself on a banana farm, but in a world of hurt.

Dang wasn't Heat of the Night filmed here?


He does have a younger brother but he's married. And I'm going to make that wife look so so bad. Some of the stories he tells me about her and her lack of wifey characteristics...oh boy don't let me get in this family. That younger brother will be looking for a replacement.

Girlfriend doesn't cook, clean, work, pay bills, make groceries, joke, laugh, make it clap...oops nevermind. Let's just say she cannot keep little brother's attention. And I would be entirely the wrong comparison as a sister in law.

And ladies, I would love to give more details because I just think being a sexual being is the bomb. But I will add this...thank God I began taking Pilates and Yoga classes a year ago. Otherwise sister would be in a world of hurt. Grinning like a monkey by himself on a banana farm, but in a world of hurt.

I want to hear details, but I understand :look:

:lachen:@ the red
He does have a younger brother but he's married. And I'm going to make that wife look so so bad. Some of the stories he tells me about her and her lack of wifey characteristics...oh boy don't let me get in this family. That younger brother will be looking for a replacement.

Girlfriend doesn't cook, clean, work, pay bills, make groceries, joke, laugh, make it clap...oops nevermind. Let's just say she cannot keep little brother's attention. And I would be entirely the wrong comparison as a sister in law.

And ladies, I would love to give more details because I just think being a sexual being is the bomb. But I will add this...thank God I began taking Pilates and Yoga classes a year ago. Otherwise sister would be in a world of hurt. Grinning like a monkey by himself on a banana farm, but in a world of hurt.

Girl you are cracking me up in this thread. So how did the trip end. You are kill us with all the suspense.:nono: You aint right.:lachen:
Actually I say I'm a police officer and have been for the past 15 years. His mother with a mouth full of popcorn starts right into, "but you don't have to carry a gun do you, you mean more like a secretary right?" Now I don't know any secretary cops, but okay. I say no I carry a gun. Then the dad says "so do you hafta carry a gun and have a badge" like I had not just answered the mom's question. I smile and notice my date checking out the frame on the window like he just noticed if you look through the glass you could see outside.

So now lover boy snaps out of it and says in a very loud tone, like he was at a football game, "She owns several homes in Houston and rents them out like Uncle Joe." And like magic the parents return. The mom resumes chewing, dad moves away from the window. We pick back up as if nothing happened and talk about the housing market and all the foreclosures.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I am so loving this story. I was born and raised in Chicago but I moved to Mississippi 10 years ago. I met DH a month later and we have been married for 8 years. So I know what you mean about county boys:grin:.
Girlfriend doesn't cook, clean, work, pay bills, make groceries, joke, laugh, make it clap...oops nevermind. Let's just say she cannot keep little brother's attention. And I would be entirely the wrong comparison as a sister in law.

He does have a younger brother but he's married. And I'm going to make that wife look so so bad. Some of the stories he tells me about her and her lack of wifey characteristics...oh boy don't let me get in this family. That younger brother will be looking for a replacement.

Girlfriend doesn't cook, clean, work, pay bills, make groceries, joke, laugh, make it clap...oops nevermind. Let's just say she cannot keep little brother's attention. And I would be entirely the wrong comparison as a sister in law.

And ladies, I would love to give more details because I just think being a sexual being is the bomb. But I will add this...thank God I began taking Pilates and Yoga classes a year ago. Otherwise sister would be in a world of hurt. Grinning like a monkey by himself on a banana farm, but in a world of hurt.
You're a great storyteller. Sounds like an amazing weekend. Waiting for the rest.
i wish you both the very best.

true love is hard to find but you feel like you are on cloud 9 when you find it ;)

this is the best LHCF thread i have ever read. i certainly can relate to some parts! :sekret:

may you both have a happy,long, successful relationship....

He does have a younger brother but he's married. And I'm going to make that wife look so so bad. Some of the stories he tells me about her and her lack of wifey characteristics...oh boy don't let me get in this family. That younger brother will be looking for a replacement.

Girlfriend doesn't cook, clean, work, pay bills, make groceries, joke, laugh, make it clap...oops nevermind. Let's just say she cannot keep little brother's attention. And I would be entirely the wrong comparison as a sister in law.

And ladies, I would love to give more details because I just think being a sexual being is the bomb. But I will add this...thank God I began taking Pilates and Yoga classes a year ago. Otherwise sister would be in a world of hurt. Grinning like a monkey by himself on a banana farm, but in a world of hurt.

Love the quote, printing the update for train ride home and looking for yoga classes.
He does have a younger brother but he's married. And I'm going to make that wife look so so bad. Some of the stories he tells me about her and her lack of wifey characteristics...oh boy don't let me get in this family. That younger brother will be looking for a replacement.

Girlfriend doesn't cook, clean, work, pay bills, make groceries, joke, laugh, make it clap...oops nevermind. Let's just say she cannot keep little brother's attention. And I would be entirely the wrong comparison as a sister in law.

And ladies, I would love to give more details because I just think being a sexual being is the bomb. But I will add this...thank God I began taking Pilates and Yoga classes a year ago. Otherwise sister would be in a world of hurt. Grinning like a monkey by himself on a banana farm, but in a world of hurt.

I'ma need you to elaborate 0n the pilates and yoga classes.
Hands down, best thread on LHCF!
I am very happy for you and the way your telling it has got me glued!
You were very smart checking everything out and making sure to stay safe before going out to visit him. I am so glad that it worked out for you! He sounds like a keeper.
Oh and that was soo cute how he brought his mom some popcorn back!
Love it!