Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

3 hours of reading.


Amazing. Tis all.

BGO version please

:pyro: NOW :pyro: *twitches from hours of being glued to the couch and this thread*


Thank you Ivyness, you should have received my email and perhaps my FB invite by now. BGO versions are on the way....don't blame me for nothing that comes from
WOW!! Amazing!! :notworthy Same here...spent 3 hours on the clock being captivated by your writing (even though the thread is 2 years old) do great work!! Is it too late to ask for the BGO versions?? :sekret:

I will definitely be checking out your work on FB and your website!!

Hey Deediamante,

Thank you mama. I have added you to the list and it is coming your way. Just don't try to read before work...I mean unless it's okay if you can call in without See you on FB!!!

Oh my goodness.... is.... is this the end of the thread?

*rubs eyes*

I made it.... woah, I'm like 2 years late but that was A M A Z I N G.

I started reading this around 1:30, and now its.... *checks watch* 6:45?!?

....*sends eliza email for all the BGO versions.* :dork:

Girl you must be a speed reader. But I so thank you for sitting through it. It is quite a read. It's funny to me when folk read the first few pages, give up then pm me to tell me to be careful and to consider staying at a hotel... It still happens. My sisters here didn't want me to wind up in his basement in a wedding dress playing the

You are on the list...I think I remember getting your email. But let me now if you don't get it. Stay tuned.!!!!
No we are not married. But you will all be happy to know...and excited to find shocked to hear....and left in total disbelief...once you read the rest of the All I can say is stay tuned.....there is so so much more to this story.


Now, I wanna know the rest of the sto-ry...:look:
LOVED IT!! I sent you an email. I'm 2 years late but I would love to read the Big Girls Version!!

Marking the writers thread so I can read it tomorrow. You are truly gifted and I can't wait for the book. I can't seem to find you on Facebook though :perplexed

Thank you Lisa. Did you try my email address. Send me yours to [email protected] and I will try to invite you. Thank you so much for reading and please let me know what you think about some of my other excerpts.
You've been missed Ms. Blue !!!:grin:


Thank you old friend. And I've missed you ladies as well. I certainly have missed writing. And so I will give you a update. Since you were there from the beginning I feel this is a befitting post. (Don't I just sound like a damn

Anyway, you will remember I lost my dad in January of 2009. I posted my last segment around that time. I'll have to look back and may have been after the storm. Hurricane Ike changed a lot of things for me and this relationship...a lot.

That storm really put so many things into perspective. Then I lost my dad and had to seriously change my focus and priorities with a quickness. In July of 2009 I was returned to a travel status and every Monday morning I had to hop a flight to DC and didn't return until Friday.

The good thing about that was while it was not by choice, I treated that all expense paid hotel stay as a writing retreat and actually got a lot penned.

I wrote new stuff and added to old stuff and just honed my skills more (I think). Anyway too much to go into here but I think everyone will be happy with the new stories as well as the update to the SC story.

In March of this year, my mom who had moved in with me fell ill. She has been in a semi-coma in ICU (one hospital or another) since that time. So I'm so blessed as she is my best and highest service right now. I will come back and post more as well as finish the SC story, but right now I am just really focusing on my mom.

But I will be back...I promise.


Now, I wanna know the rest of the sto-ry...:look:

Working on it....
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Thanks for the update. Best wishes for the challenge of dealing with a family member who is hospitalized long term. That is a challenging road, and I wish you the strength you will need to face it.
Eliza, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I certainly understand being of service to her at this time..:Rose:

I hope you are taking good care of yourself as much as you can under the circumstances.

Hi Eliza! :wave:

:hug2: I'm praying for you and your Mom. :yep:

I got my FB add. Thank you sooo much AND now I'm reading the story about the Apple tree.

Thank you Lisa. Did you try my email address. Send me yours to [email protected] and I will try to invite you. Thank you so much for reading and please let me know what you think about some of my other excerpts.

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. :bighug:

I did send the message through the above email address and thanks for the Facebook invite. I read the Mama Tree. Now that was a tear jerker :cry4:. That's when you know you've got the goods (when you have grown people crying while reading your excerpts). Can I put in a request for a mystery where I get to guess who dun it? The way you keep teasing us about your relationship with SC I can only image you teasing us with a who dun it :wallbash:. Speaking of SC I can't wait to read the Big Girls Version <<<HINT...HINT>>>. Hopefully, it will be in my mailbox soon :grin:
damn im late!!!!

I'm only on page 15, and I'm at the part where everyone in the thread is fanning themselves off. So does anyone want to PM me the...


:look: don't make me say it.
I want to see the pics! I feel like im on here reading a novel.. lol... but no really... i wanna see the pics
So sorry about your mom Eliza. We will be here patiently waiting for your return. Handle your business.

Sending prayers and strength your way.

Im 2 years late but goin crazy over this thread....i need to know how this plays out, i've been reading for the last 6 hours and just reached the end...its 5:51am im going to bed now
Wow, EB who went and resurrected this thread??? I guess the legend lives on. ROTFL!!! Guess I'll have to get back on regular patrols of this thread.


wondering where GG is cause I can't hold these sistas down all by myself...
dang... I thought I could skip to the end and catch up... I'm gonna have to start all over when I get home to find out what the heck happened!!!!!!!!! :D
i checked out her website thats listed in the threads but you can't click on any of the links...needless to say i sent her an email so hopefully i can find out how this thing goes, i hope she answers
OK, so I have a ton of things to do today but this thread happend to pop up. DANG!

I met my guy on line so I had to take a peek. Now I cant get up. :wallbash:

I'm on page 26 but please tell me this:

Can someone send me the Zane version?
Is there a book in the works?
any photos up?
Hey ladies how goes it?

Thank you for all the well wishes for my mom. This is a crazy weekend for me. But not to say I am ignoring any of you, just taking care of family is all.

For those of you who were added to the FB page thank you so much so so much for the props. Feel free to leave comments there as well. My hope is to get enough "press" from you readers here (who are really like my Beta readers as well as my family too...:grin: ) that when I finish the book and begin to shop it, the publisher or agent will take me seriously. So definitely get those comments on FB.

Also, I am going to make time (not today) but it'll be before Monday to send out the BGO to those who have requested it. So please make sure I have your email information and that you have sent me an email requesting it to my email address.

Oh what else....can't be doing no pictures right now...but will catch up on that later too. So in the meantime please keep reading and inviting your friends to come in and read..I know Bev will certainly appreciate that one!