Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...

The next time I awake, it’s me who is alone. I turn my head and listen to the water hitting against the shower tiles. I picture him in the shower, baffled because he cannot find shampoo. I turn and look over at my clock on the bedside table. I cannot believe it’s after 8:00am. Where did the last 3 hours go, I wonder? I hear the water stop. After a moment, he comes back into the bedroom still wet. Why do men not dry off completely when getting out of the shower? His hair is still wet, as well as his back.

“What do you want me to fix for breakfast” he asks as he leans over onto the bed and kisses me. “Ummmm” I moan. “I’ll get breakfast, tell me what you want to eat” I say and close my eyes again and snuggle under the covers.

“(Contents of his response cannot be posted)” He smiles and says. “Yeah okay right." I say "That’s what’s wrong with you now. So really tell me what you want for breakfast.” I say. Honestly I just want to go back to sleep.

I sleepily watch him get dressed, just as if he was going to work back in SC. Company shirt, khaki shorts, belt and tan baseball cap. I reluctantly crawl from under the covers and make my way to the shower. As I pass him he reaches out for me and pulls me to him. My naked body against the texture of his clothing gives me an electric charge. I back away from him. We stare at each other without speaking.

I know this routine, if I don’t stay away from him, none of the work he wants to do will get done today. After showering, I dress and follow the smell of fresh coffee to the kitchen. He’s on the phone talking to a customer. I start breakfast. As he watches me I cook bacon, breakfast pork chops, grits, pancakes, eggs and toast.

He complains that I cook entirely too much food. At the same time sampling some of everything. I tell him for like the 99-50th time. When a woman cooks for a man it’s never too much. Eat it and ask for seconds. It’s as simple as that. I fix his plate and then fix mine.

“Where are the kids” he asks. “Who? Oh those people?” I say. “Well Baby Girl is at work, she had to be there by 8:00am and The Spawn is either still asleep at wherever with whomever or”….I sigh deeply “it’s upstairs still asleep. Either way his eyes are closed and he ain’t worried about eating.” I finish and take a bite of my bacon.

Just then, I hear rumbling and something scrape against the floor upstairs. I hear the thud of still sleepy footsteps stumble to the upstairs landing. “Ma?” it’s The Spawn. Unbelievable. It's not even 9am and he's awake? “Ma?” he calls again. I really hate when he or Baby Girl call me from upstairs when they know they should exert the energy and come downstairs to speak to me face to face. So as a result I don’t answer him.

I hear him on the stairs. “Ma? You cooked breakfast?” he asks. Finally in lieu of SC looking at me like I’m a bad mother, I respond “Yes Sleeping Beauty I cooked breakfast. It wasn’t 3 in the afternoon so I didn’t think you’d be awake yet” I say.

“Well can you just fix me a plate and like bring it to me” he says. I just look at SC, shake my head and don’t respond. “Is he serious?” SC asks. “Of course he is” I say. “If I don’t’ bring it to him which I won’t, he’ll wonder if you would be kind enough to save him the steps.” I say. SC now shakes his head and begins to stir his grits.

“What else do you have to do today?” I ask. “Finish running the wire, drop the phone lines and program the DVR boxes” he says. “Do you think you’ll get it all done today?” I ask. “Yeah, if it doesn’t start raining” he responds.

The Spawn realizing I wasn’t falling for his long lashed, dimpled cheeks, cleft chin pretty boy looks, eventually wanders downstairs to get breakfast. He kisses me good morning and nods at SC and offers a thugged-out good morning of “Wassup?” SC caught in the middle of taking a swallow of orange juice almost spits it out. He returns a mumbled “Hey man, what’s going on?” No doubt hoping for a real answer to his question. He goes back to eating while curiously watching the Spawn as he moves around the kitchen.

The Spawn, dressed in only boxers and pajama bottoms, his tattooed arms and torso look like the comic strip section of the Sunday paper. Baby Girl often teases him that he has every font in Microsoft Office Suite on his body. He fixes a plate loaded down with pancakes, bacon and two pork chops, pours himself an extra large glass of orange juice and takes it back upstairs to his cave.

SC and I finish our breakfast. He takes his empty plate to the kitchen and rinses it in the sink. He carefully places it in the dish rack. He drains the remainder of his orange juice, then rinses the glass and places it next to the plate. I decide to tackle the breakfast dishes.

He turns to me and says “So, did he get permission from you to get all those dag gone tattoos?” I want to say something smart like “of course he did and I’m the one who took him to get them,” but decide not to. “No” I say. “They just sort of accumulated whenever I had to travel to DC, when I got back he’d have a new one” finished with all the explanation I intend to give I turn to begin loading the dishwasher.

I mean I’m not happy he has marked his body up in such a fashion, but it just sometimes irks me when people think parents can force kids to always do what they tell them to. I mean really how would you even go about “giving permission” for someone to get that many tattoos. He is 18 and as far as the tattoo shops are concerned, Momma and her “permission slips needed” stop at the door.

He wraps his arms around me from behind and tells me to stop looking so mean. I guess he could read my face. And I guess my face was not playing poker. I lean back into to him and try to let go. I exhale deeply and realize he didn’t mean anything by his question. He tells me to relax. He squeezes me again and walks out of the kitchen through the dining room.

As I watch him, I pause and realize I am still angry. Not at SC but at The Spawn for getting all the tattoos. For joining a gang. For hanging with the wrong crowd. For graduating early, and being 18th in his class without even trying. For being so intelligent, but yet so dumb. For getting arrested, not once, not twice.... For having other officer's call my home at 4am to say to me "Is The Spawn your kid. For real?" For being a police officer’s kid, raised by two cops and still deciding to wind up in criminal court. Forcing me to for the first time in my career be in the bull-pen with the defense attorney…not the prosecutor.

My anger is misplaced, and I know this. And so does SC. He calls out to me “Relax baby, go read one of your books.” I smile as I hear him take the stairs two at a time. Like a little kid, happy, excited leaping tall buildings two steps at a time. I reflect back on how many times I’ve had to yell at The Spawn for doing the same thing. And... like the black mother-grandmother who somehow lives inside us all regardless of our true age…I admonished him time and time again….

Stop running on the stairs. I am not taking you to the hospital when you break your damn neck. The Spawn being special as only he could be would reach the top of the stairs or maybe the bottom, loudly fall to the floor or throw himself against the wall and wail “Oh now look Ma, I done broke my dang neck. What? You ain’t taking me to the hospital? But Ma...I can’t go to school with a broke neck. Do you know how damaging a broke neck can be for a kid’s self esteem?” I refused to look at him and try not to laugh.

The Spawn sensing I find him somewhat funny, his intuition like a shark smelling blood, would be determined to make me laugh out right. He would limp toward me, his neck being held at an almost impossible angle.

He drools as he continues to limp over to me “Come on, Ma. Let’s go to the hospital and get me another neck…I promise I won’t break it again.” And with that my composure begins to crumble. My smile betrays me and turns into a small laugh. “Please Ma” He blinks rapidly and makes mock failed attempts at holding his head upright. Finally I laugh and push him away, “Boy move outta my face somewhere”.

I hear the patio door open. Startled I watch SC stride into the kitchen from the total opposite direction. Dumbfounded I stare towards the stairs which is where I last saw him. He pecks me on the forehead. “Dang it’s hot up in that attic” he puffs.

“I thought you were still in the attic?” I say. “Don’t tell me there’s two of you?” I say. “Yeah, I bet you’d like that wouldn’t you?” he grins. I playfully raise an eyebrow and smile a mischievous smirk. “What woman?” he looks at me from the doorway. “Nah” I say, “A girl couldn’t handle two of those” I look at him with his fione bow-legs and smile shaking my head. “Whatever” he tells me.

For the next couple of hours he is in and out of a door here, a window there. I hear him walking on the roof, I hear him in the garage. I watch him pace back and forth trying to work out this installation in his head. His phone rings constantly. He answers informing customers, friends and family that he is in Houston, TX.

“Yeah, that’s right I’m with TX, visiting her” and then “Oh I’m wiring” or “…rewiring her house”. I guess it depends on who the caller is. He assures clients he will be back by Monday, so have no fear. Whatever is broken, not working, or in need of installation will be taken care of in short order, as soon as he returns.

I know precisely who the client is when I hear him say, “No Mam, not yet. Yes ma'm, no ma'm. I’m running cable to the upstairs. Yes ma'm. Yes ma’m. I will.” He looks over at me and smiles. Before he can say anything, I say to him “Tell your momma I said Hi” He grins at me and then into the phone he says, “TX said hi momma”. He hangs up and tells me we need to go to Lowes or Home Depot. “Home Depot” I say, “we can go to the one Baby Girl works at”.
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I do not tell Baby Girl that we are coming. I like surprising her. We drive the short distance from my house to the Home Depot. Once inside the store I steer us to the window blind section, this is where my Baby Girl works. We casually stroll the isles. The blinds now come in many new colors. I briefly finger the faux wood 2inch slats in black. I guess for theater rooms and such, these are desirable.

I move on to a bright red color, and then stop at a honey blond colored set. I think to myself these are the exact color of the wood on my floors at home. Just then I hear a young woman tell a customer to let her know if they need anything else. She is the color of sunshine, or new butter, with hair the same shade of honey blonde as the window blinds. She has it parted in the center and pulled back into a neat bun. She’s about 5’9 with a tiny waist commanding shapely half–Black, half-Latino hips. The bright orange apron does little to conceal her perfect Coke bottle shape.

She approaches us and smiles and then professionally greets us with “How are you folks doing today?” Just then a really tall white guy wearing a shirt, tie, and slacks, no orange and white apron, but a tell tale orange and white name tag, comes up to her. He smiles at the young woman and gives her the thumbs up sign. She stands perfectly still and gives him a gigantic Minnie Mouse smile. She waves at him with one hand like a Disney World character. She continues smiling and waving at him, as she watches him turn the corner and walk down another isle.

She quickly turns back to me and SC and says with the hush of a runaway slave “Is ya’ll done come to takes me ta supper?” SC cracks up laughing. She continues, “I am starving. I already missed my lunch break cause I had to help someone in another department, then I get back over here and the person who is suppose to relieve me has clocked out.” She says this in rapid pace with her slim fingers animating her every word. Finished she inhales deeply, blinks one time and looks from me to SC and back to me. She then adds just as fast, “That was my manager, he’s cool. So about this lunch?”

Before either of us can answer, a young Hispanic couple walks toward us. Baby Girl smiles at them and says her customary and utmost professional voice “Hello and how may I help you folks?” The young wife eyes Baby Girl suspiciously and rubs her hand across her belly swollen with a new baby. The husband carries a little girl who looks to be less than two in his arms.

The husband does all of the talking, using broken English. My daughter who is fluent in Spanish easily switches to the couples native language. I watch the young wife’s face immediately relax. She perhaps does not speak English and has some worry about her handsome husband conversing with a striking young woman in a language she has yet to master.

Using English he asks my daughter about the window blinds, then tile, then bathroom fixtures and finally paint. Baby Girl tells him she can get someone to assist them from the paint and other departments. “No” he says, and then in broken English “I would like it please very so for you to so help me if you please” he jumbles out with a thick accent.

I can see my daughter reading the husbands not so subtle overtures, as his dark eyes roam disrespectfully over her body. The wife is looking anxious again, her hand back on her belly. Ignoring the husband, my daughter turns back to the wife, she smiles at the little girl and then her and in perfect Spanish asks her when the baby is due and then if it is a boy or a girl. The woman smiles back at her and answers that she is due any day and that it is another girl.

The husband answers again in English, repeating that this one will also be a girl. He glances slyly at my daughter and says a good wife must be able to bear a man many sons. He smiles broadly at my daughter. As the wife looks angrily at her husband it is clear she carries a deep anger bred from her insecurities and apprehension, much like the child she carries, both ready to be delivered. Suddenly, he follows my daughter’s eyes to those of his wife. The young wife stares at him, her eyes are filled with tears and she has begun to bite her bottom lip. She refuses to break her glare at him. He tells her in rapid Spanish to take the child and go to the car.

She does not move but instead looks at my daughter. Just at that moment the manager turns the corner headed our way. Baby Girl with her biggest smile, looks over at the young couple and then to the manager says “Can you please help these customers?”

"He needs someone to help him in paint and I have these customers in blinds who have been patiently waiting for me." She says. The young manager points the man toward paint and they begin to walk off. The husband can be heard in Spanish muttering to himself as he walks away from the manager and his wife. The wife looks back one time over her shoulder at my daughter and smiles before quickly waddling away to catch up to her husband.

Baby Girl comes over and tells us that men are always coming onto her here, especially the Hispanic men. She tells us they often pretend to be looking at the blinds while they try to strike up a conversation with her. The same young manager returns shortly and tells Baby Girl to go ahead and take her break at 7:00pm; it’s about 6:45pm now.

SC takes the items we’ve selected and goes to the check out. We leave and go to the Subway Deli, down the street. I order Baby Girl a 6 inch sandwich with chicken breast on honey oat, no mayo with only lettuce and tomatoes. I mix her customary brew of Minutemaid Lemonade cut with Strawberry soda. To this I add a bag of chips and because she is such a joy to mother, I get her one oatmeal and one chocolate chip cookie.

We drive back to the Home Depot to drop off her lunch. We find her sitting in her black Mustang; I bought her for her 18th birthday. She is tapping her fingers on her steering wheel, car dancing to some rap music. I can make out some undesirable words. I ask her what about some guy screaming “Bust it wide open” does she find appealing. She tells me it’s not about the lyrics only the beat. I guess I say. I give her the food we’ve brought. I get me some sugar from her (that’s a kiss down south) and we head home.
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Oww.. U are trying to be sneaky.. GodsGrace is going to get you.. Trying to creep and post.....

Send me a PM sometime...
It’s been blistering hot all day. We decide to take a swim instead of SC going back to work. I change into my 2 piece bathing suit. A sexy halter top with a brown, black and white asymmetrical design and black bikini bottoms. I always choose halter tops. I just think they are so pretty and flattering on a woman regardless of whatever size she is. He opts for the tan and white trunks.

I go into my closet and hand him one of two white Roman bath robes. I take the other and we go out to the pool. We check to see if the water is warm enough, by both sticking our feet in. Neither of us appreciates the cold. Looking at him bare chested in the broad daylight, it occurs to me that he’s a lot more melanin challenged than I realized. Looking down at his feet only adds weight to my observation.

I chuckle to myself which causes him to ask me what is so funny. “You” I say and then in my best slave voice I say, “Yous really be’s the Massa’s chile”. “You think you funny don’t you?” he asks drily. But I’m on a roll now. “Uh Massa Charlie knows yous down hea wit us colored folk?”

He makes a move at me and I back away and turn sideways. He misses me then catches me by the waist and pretends to swing me toward the water. “No” I scream. “You gone stop?” he says. “You gone stop picking at me?” he asks again.

“Please…Im’a stop.” I laugh. “I promise…baby I swear” I plead. But I cannot stop laughing. Then because I just cannot help it I say to him “Please good all knowing and all mighty white man, don’ts throw my’s black *** in dat cold river” I am laughing to the point of almost tears now. “See…you ain’t go stop…you just ain’t” he says calmly.

And with that he swings me again….and then…let’s go of me. I pause. Or so it seems. Momentarily, before I hit the water. I hear the splash as I hit the water more so in my body than with my ears. Down...down…down… I go. I know that I have to hit the bottom before I can push off with my feet to come back to the surface in enough time to not run out of air. I finally hit the bottom, and with just the tips of my toes I kick off on the rough concrete of the pool. I will myself to continue holding my breath, despite now empty lungs and propel myself back to the top. Breaking the surface I gasp for air.

Before I can fill my lungs another big splash breaks the surface and suddenly I feel him in the water next to me. We float together for a moment, face to face. Water laces his lashes like so many clear Christmas lights. He pulls me to him. I finally stop panting. “I cannot believe you threw me in the pool” I say. He leans into me and kisses me. I forgive him.

In the distance there is a rumble of thunder. A flash of lighting alternates with the loud claps of thunder. It’s going to rain. “See” I tell him “God didn’t like you throwing me in the water, you shouldn’t have done that” I say. He presses himself against me. We just stare at each other as the first heavy drops of rain begin to fall.

We quickly get out of the water and run into the house. We both stop dead in our tracks and in perfect union say “Shoot its cold in here”. Wrapped in both robes we huddle together and shuffle into the bedroom, oblivious of the wet footprints we’ve left behind.

Removing the wet bathing suits we jump into the shower. Just then the sky is again filled with light and then the sound of thunder booms again. Now clearly it’s raining. The heavy drops can be heard against the bay window of my bedroom.

It’s funny to me as we get out of the shower, both duly scrubbed and bright red from the hot shower, but we are still shivering. He looks around the bathroom and asks “where are the bath towels.” “Right there” I say and point to a stack of ten or so bath sheets. Each carefully folded and placed neatly on an old antique table. Each towel is bow-tied with a crème colored satin ribbon.

“You use those to dry off on?” He asks. “Of course silly” I take one untie the ribbon and hand it to him. He watches me as I place the loose ribbon in a small silver bowl filled with a dozen or so other ribbons. “Did you buy these towels just cause I was coming” he ask, wrapping the towel around his waist. It almost looks like a Toga. I frown at him “Uh…no, I didn’t. Why?” I ask and step to him handing him my towel to wrap me in.

“Just asking” he says. He kisses me and moves to the vanity area. He sets up his shaving gear and I get settled in to watch him do his routine. This is only the second time in my life I have watched a black man or any man for that matter “dry shave”. Not with trimmers but with just a regular old razor but without shaving cream or even soap and water.

He finishes. Checks in the mirror from side to side. I walk over to him and taking two cotton balls from the container, I wet them with alcohol and begin to apply them to his face and neck. “Be careful, woman” He says looking at me. “And why is that?” I ask. “Cause I might start liking this and want you to do it all the time” he answers. I begin smiling but then memories step in and the smile fades.

What I wonder would be different this time? Would 10 years from now I reflect back on this day, but find myself with yet again with someone else. I have prayed to God that if this is the right man for me to let me be a good wife to him, but if it is not His will to remove SC from my life and to please be swift about it. These are my thoughts as I watch him put on aftershave lotion. My mind goes back to another time…another place.

“Brooklyn…are you ready yet?” I say. I’m standing at the doorway of our bedroom waiting…hoping my ex is dressed. I glance over at the navy blue HPD uniform hung meticulously on the wooden valet. The gun belt still weighted down with the heavy equipment hangs next to it. “No!” he says, “I still gotta shave and get in the shower” he answers in the clipped New York accent.

“We are going to be late the Christening starts at 7:30pm and it’s already 6:15pm.” I remind him. “I’m hurrying as fast as I can” he says. I come into the room fully dressed. He is rummaging under the bathroom cabinets. “What are you looking for” I ask. “The alcohol” he says and continues looking under the cabinet.

“Here” I say, taking the cotton balls, applying the alcohol and patting his smooth chocolate skin. “Ouch” his says, “I nicked myself shaving” he admits. I look down at the counter now holding the blue and green can of men’s shaving cream and the still wet razor.

He looks at me “Will you always do this for me?” he asks. “But of course” I answer with a sigh. “I’ve been doing it for 10 years why should I stop now?” “Thank you baby” He says and kisses me on the forehead.

I look at him for a minute and wonder when did I stop loving him. I look away and say to him as I walk from the room. “Now will you please get dressed, we are going to be late and I don’t want to have to listen to my sister because of it.”

“Hey” I hear SC say. He sounds like he is far away from me. “What’s going on in that head of yours woman?” I blink at him and then turn to watch our reflections in the mirror. Behind me, Brooklyn stands there now fully dressed in his suit, so tall, so handsome, ready for the Christening, but too late for us. In my mind…I wave goodbye to him…again. He nods at our reflections. Understanding we didn’t make it and this is me trying again, giving love another try.
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Ah, I see Eliza has made her triumphant return - all is right with the world now!

And sense I've finished this latest appetizer, errum, where is the main course?!

ETA: GG, keep up the good work girl. Way to hold it down for us!

You know I've been busy. So now that wil l have to hold ya'll. I'm turning around as I type this and firing up the "dirty typing" computer.

This BGO version will can I say just mouth No really I mean it.
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*sings* Updates are in the air, every time I look around:lachen:

Eliza you were not lying when you said you were going to give the motherload of all updates, I mean 3 at one time, I'm glad I got in early.
Girl you birthed some beautiful babies! Babygirl obviously got it from her mama, coke bottle and all. That must be the most popular Home Depot in Texas. I forgot the Spawn had a grill, the broke neck conversation had me in tears, I think he and my brothers are related somehow:look:

And what you mean the ex been busy? Or is that another story? Enquiring minds want to know. Well, I've had my fill, off to send some more shout outs! And Eliza, THANK YOU!:grin:
*sings* Updates are in the air, every time I look around:lachen:

Eliza you were not lying when you said you were going to give the motherload of all updates, I mean 3 at one time, I'm glad I got in early.
Girl you birthed some beautiful babies! Babygirl obviously got it from her mama, coke bottle and all. That must be the most popular Home Depot in Texas. I forgot the Spawn had a grill, the broke neck conversation had me in tears, I think he and my brothers are related somehow:look:

And what you mean the ex been busy? Or is that another story? Enquiring minds want to know. Well, I've had my fill, off to send some more shout outs! And Eliza, THANK YOU!:grin: are very welcome. I was being truthful when I said I have been busy writing. And thank you for the compliments on the kiddos. Baby Girl is a Doll Baby...she almost makes up for The Spawn.

And yeah....hold on to your seats. The ex is how can I say a client. He thinks he can regain his crown from SC, but it ain't happening.
ok so i know im trifling and all, but i've come to terms with that. i haven't read the updates yet cause i just settled in at work and just got GG's messages (girl you be on it). but er um, can i get a picture posted of the oldest elizablue offspring? lol thanks.
ok so i know im trifling and all, but i've come to terms with that. i haven't read the updates yet cause i just settled in at work and just got GG's messages (girl you be on it). but er um, can i get a picture posted of the oldest elizablue offspring? lol thanks.

Ok, get settled in and go read the posts Rissa, don't make me come over there!:look:

I'm not sure who's the oldest of the kiddies, Eliza will have to chime in with that, but pics of them are on pgs 80 and 124. Pics of her mommy and daddy are on pg 86 (they look so sweet). Now gets to readin:spank:
You know I've been busy. So now that wil l have to hold ya'll. I'm turning around as I type this and firing up the "dirty typing" computer.

This BGO version will can I say just mouth No really I mean it.

I know, I know but this update was definitely worth the wait. As usual well written and a pleasure to read (en lieu of doing work).

I wait with baited breath and watering mouth for the BGO to this one.

Hurry up woman, I needs my fix NOW!! are very welcome. I was being truthful when I said I have been busy writing. And thank you for the compliments on the kiddos. Baby Girl is a Doll Baby...she almost makes up for The Spawn.

And yeah....hold on to your seats. The ex is how can I say a client. He thinks he can regain his crown from SC, but it ain't happening.

why...oh why...have i been sleeping on this thread? this is the greatest.

*off to read more tips*
Yeah GG,

Rissa definitely know who is missing. She's right I didn't repost The Karate Kid. Well in honor of Rissa I'm just going to give him his own post right here. With a little bit of extra.

Here Rissa you can see him in action. This is the 27 year old. Who just returned from Vegas where is was shooting something with the Chans. Can't wait to see what that is.
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Eliza- Your kids are beautiful. Babygurl is going to hurt somebody with those poses. No wonder Papi was all in her face.:lachen:

I thought the Ex was a crack head? No jokes, I thought he was into drugs. I didn't know he was an officer. I need to hear the details about the Ex being busy. Can you quickly tell me why you broke up with him?

GG is so on it. She even provides pages for us lazy folks. :grin:
Yeah GG,

Rissa definitely know who is missing. She's right I didn't repost The Karate Kid. Well in honor of Rissa I'm just going to give him his own post right here. With a little bit of extra.

Here Rissa you can see him in action. This is the 27 year old. Who just returned from Vegas where is was shooting something with the Chans. Can't wait to see what that is.

Well........uhm..........D*MN! Claude Hammercy Eddie Murphy why you been hidin him Eliza? And he workin with the Chans? Jackie Chan? Dang, I can't check youtube at work:wallbash:
And yeah....hold on to your seats. The ex is how can I say a client. He thinks he can regain his crown from SC, but it ain't happening.

Awh, sookie, sookie now. You say the ex didn't miss his water 'til the well ran dry? 'Liza B. gotta fight 'em off with her billy club! :stop::brucelee::bat: Get it, gurl!

Ok, get settled in and go read the posts Rissa, don't make me come over there!:look:

I'm not sure who's the oldest of the kiddies, Eliza will have to chime in with that, but pics of them are on pgs 80 and 124. Pics of her mommy and daddy are on pg 86 (they look so sweet). Now gets to readin:spank:

Oh snap, how did I miss the patras familias? GG, you be all over it, thanks a heap!

***scurries off to pgs 80 and 124 before they disappear.***
Eliza- Your kids are beautiful. Babygurl is going to hurt somebody with those poses. No wonder Papi was all in her face.:lachen:

I thought the Ex was a crack head? No jokes, I thought he was into drugs. I didn't know he was an officer. I need to hear the details about the Ex being busy. Can you quickly tell me why you broke up with him?

GG is so on it. She even provides pages for us lazy folks. :grin:

Girl you got me rolling over here. You just mentioned three different men and rolled them all up into one. OMG! I am cracking up. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

The EX is the one who looks like SC and somewhat Allen Payne, Brooklyn is the cop I was with for 10 years, Clefty Chin is The Spawn and Baby Girls father.

I really would have to be writing a book if they were all the same person accept I'd be writing it from the female unit in Huntsville, with a rubber pencil and a third grade Big Chief Indian writing tablet. Cause for sure I would be locked the hell up. Girl I would have made that person a ghost back in 2005, and wouldn't have had a chance to meet him in 2007.:lachen::lachen::lachen: Too funny. Too funny.